
Chapter 102 - Blank Canvas

"Why? Because it\'s interesting isn\'t it? We now have something to gain, which will motivate us even further and make us go all out against you. From the sounds of things, you\'re probably one of the most powerful members of the Guild staff. I doubt many people fight with you and come back the second time. You must be bored, right? Just staying and keeping records all day?" I said.

That\'s right, he seeks thrill. I\'m sure he was more than happy when he was informed that he would be reexamining us.

"Hmmn, I don\'t know about that" He said, trying to wave it off nonchalantly.

"What\'s wrong? Are you actually scared you\'d lose?" I smiled.

Suddenly, Jared\'s eyes darkened as he shot me a dirty look.

So what? There\'s nothing he can do as of now anyway. Besides, this is perfect. He is annoyed

"What did you just say?" He asked in a deep tone.

"You heard well. You said earlier that you\'re strong, right? That\'s why you were entrusted with this test. However, what\'s a game without stakes? There\'s a stake for us, but where\'s the stake for you? So, the condition remains. If we win, we obtain the highest Rank within the Guild. Don\'t think you can handle that?" I smiled.

Jared\'s smile disappeared entirely and he gave all of us a dangerous look. His sharp glare shot into my eyes as I stared back at him with a look of confidence. Now then, what will you do, Mr Hero?

Suddenly a wide grin appeared on his face, and he started to laugh uncontrollably. He banged his hands on the table and clutched his chests.

Is my proposal that funny to him?

"Bah, fine, whatever!" Jared said, cleaning the tears in his eyes due to his excessive laughter. He appeared amused and stood from where he sat, rising to his feet, his chair vanishing from behind him.

"Fine, I accept your condition. But let\'s not do it that way" Jared said.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I mean, if you lose you die, if you win I make you the top ranked. Your loss would really bum me out since I personally want you to win. However, for you guys... Winning is impossible, especially if you put the condition of beating me with it." Jared confidently answered.

"Oh?" I said in a slightly insulted manner, though I maintained my calm.

"In that regard, I\'ll have it this way. If you manage to beat me, I\'ll give you what you want. But you can still pass the test without beating me. If you fail the test you still die, of course. How does that sound?" Jared offered.

I have no complaints. It\'s ideal, and I can tell he\'s being generous to us. But, he\'s also greatly underestimating our strength. It must be because of this \'Hero Title\' he has, he must believe he is invincible.

Well, I\'ll be putting that to the test.

"Fine. We\'re ready when you are." I said.

"Excellent! Let us begin then" Jared smiled.

"Hold on, like... Right now? Here?" Talia protested.

"Oh? Why not?! Besides... Who said we\'re going to be having it here?"

Jared snapped his hands and suddenly I felt the dimensions shift. Our location instantly changed. The floor we were stepping on no longer existed, and from the looks of it we appear to be falling from quite the height. Before I could make sense of where we have been transported to, noise filled the air.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!" Talia and Shamac shrieked.

We all fell suddenly since there was no longer any platform beneath us. The shock sent Shamac and Talia to make unpleasantly loud noises of surprise. This annoyed me.

"Be quiet you two. Use your heads a little" I said, using Hex to maintain my balance as I floated in the air.

Talia suddenly realised that she could fly, after all she is a fairy. Unlocking her first seal, she generated her wings and was able to also stay midair.

Shamac partially shapeshifted, bringing out wings from behind him. They flapped, causing him to reach the level I stayed alongside Talia. All that\'s left is... Ana..?!

Ana doesn\'t have any flight capability, so she kept falling, about to crash to the ground when Talia quickly dived from where she was and caught her as quickly as possible before her body made contact with the ground.

"Thanks Talia" Ana said with a slightly relieved look.

Impressive. Even when she nearly dies she still shows no sign of trauma, neither is she fazed. Ana\'s ability to control her emotions is simply outstanding. Her training as an Apostle was certainly extreme.

Talia lifted her to where we floated while I observed the place where we got taken to.

It looks like an empty landscape, with no color or sound. Even our voice seems to echo. The ground beneath us looks plain white and there seems to be no sun, or clouds or sky... Just an empty, vast space. Where are we?

"Welcome... To my Domain" Jared\'s voice appeared.

I looked above us, where his voice came from and there he was. Floating causally, with his hands in his pockets and a wide grin of amusement plastered on his face he looked down on us.

"Quite an impressive place you\'ve got here. An alternate dimension?" I asked him.

"Alternate what? Well, I suppose you can call it that... This is a place I created. It is my territory which exists in my imagination. You don\'t need to worry about holding back in here, since it is isolated from the outside world. So you should go all out! After all, I plan on enjoying myself here... In this \'Blank Canvas\'." He explained.

How is he doing this? If he\'s a human, he shouldn\'t have any special Abilities. He\'s also neither an Apostle or a Relic user. He says he\'s a \'Hero\' but what does that mean? I\'ve gone through the memories in my head, but nothing references what I\'m seeing now. Enough of that, I should also give my focus to the task at hand.

"Blank Canvas... I see, so this is where we\'ll be having our test. Alright then. Why don\'t you explain the rules of the test to us" I said calmly.

"The rules are simple. If you manage to defeat me within this space, I\'ll do as you request and give you the position you desire. If you manage to land a hit on me though, you\'ll be recognized to have passed. If you fail to land a hit on me within the time stipulated for the test, you fail!" Jared stated.

"And how long do we have?" I asked.

"That\'s the thing... Time doesn\'t exactly flow here the way it works in the normal world. That said, after a given period, this world will dissipate. If you manage to fulfil the conditions before that happens, you win. If you can\'t, you lose." He said.

So what he\'s saying is that we don\'t know how much time we have left, it can be at any moment. Landing a hit on him is the condition for passing, which means he believes it won\'t be easy to do so, but not impossible either. And then there\'s defeating him. It\'s meaning is vague, but I suppose him losing consciousness counts. I\'d prefer killing him, but that isn\'t an optimal option at this time.

"I understand now." I replied, ready for the fight.

I glanced at Ana, who is still being carried by Talia and had a sudden thought, a bright idea.

It\'s possible, though it\'s my first time trying it...


"Provide optimal and essential resources to the target \'Ana\' for efficient combat" I commanded.


"<<Initiating Transfer of Treasures>>"

Ana immediately felt a jolt within her as she let out a slight moan. Her body glowed with pure energy and her body throbbed as she received my little gift. Finally it ceased and she had a relieved and refreshed look on her face.

It seems the transfer is a success.

"Ah... T-Thank you for your benevolence my Lord. I swear to use these that you have given me as optimally as my ability allows." Ana said with a bowed head.

I smiled.

What I did was to transfer some of my Treasures within Root to Ana. Since Ana is mine now, she is connected to Root. Also, after our clash, she is without much artillery and would only be a liability in her current state. So I shared some of my weapons to her, as many as she is capable of handling safely.

"They number 3,000. Use them well" I said.

"Yes Lord" She responded stiffly.

Honestly, it\'s not my style to engage in fights as part of a group, but for Jared to recognize each of us as capable Adventurers, we must all show our skills. As bothersome as it is, it can\'t be helped. I looked at my subordinates, they look prepared enough. Ana has gotten one of my treasures which allows her to levitate, so she is currently independently floating without Talia\'s assistance.

Now that the preparations are done, let us begin.

"Alright. You may commence the test!" Jared declared.

Immediately, Ana, Shamac and Talia launched themselves at Jared, each flying above to reach him.

I remained where I floated and observed them. I wonder how this will turn out.

Talia generated a concentration of light between her hands and launched the beam toward Jared.

Shamac, with the aid of the Treasure I gave him, summoned a very potent and dangerous looking shadow on par with the one he uses at night. Creating several pointed edges, he launched them toward Jared.

Ana summoned over a dozen of my \'Sacred Grade\' swords all around him and launched them simultaneously to skewer his body. Their combined attacks occured in sync, and all within a moment.


"Pathetic" Jared smiled.

With a snap of his finger, they all disintegrated, vanishing without a trace.

All my treasures are connected to Root, so wherever they are I can find them, but... I can\'t sense them anymore. This isn\'t teleportation or any form of trick. It\'s the real deal.

He destroyed all their attacks within a moment... Just like that!

There\'s something definitely wrong with this kid. Just who is he?

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