
Chapter 183 - Character Profile: Jared

Name: Nathan (Deceased)


The Hero


Failed Project

The Bookkeeper

Age: ?!


Lamar Adventurer\'s Guild

Artificial god (Lumia)

Height: 4 ft

Hair color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown/Gold

Notable features: Appears to be a child, casually dresses with a cheerful and easygoing personality.


- Artificial god (Lumia)

Lumia is an Artificial god made by the Primordials in their attempt to create a god. Since she was a failed Project, she was kept within Jared and placed on Earth. 

The two had no close ties with the other, and it is possible that Jared was entirely unaware of Lumia\'s existence when he was still alive. He displayed nonchalance and claimed to possess the powers he displayed, while Lumia referred to him as a mere vessel, showing no intimate relationship between the two even though they both shared the same body.

- Rai

The Vice Guildmaster of Lamar\'s Adventurers Guild, and the only one who seems to be truly close to Jared among the staff present. 

He is an extremely flashy person, known to be among the ones with the highest amount of Relics in the world.

While he is weaker than Jared, and he knows it, he does not entirely fear him either. They both have a mutual respect for each other, at least before Jared decided to abandon Lamar when it was in danger.

Rai feels betrayed by this and leaves alone, however, more than betrayal, he was disappointed in Jared.

- The Guildmaster

Not much has been revelaed concerning this man, however, it is stated that he is extremely powerful. 

Rai admitted that if the Guildmaster had been present, he might have been able to ward off Wrath when he invaded.

Being the top braas of Lamar\'s Adventurer Guild, he is the boss of Jared. Though it is said that even he claims to be weaker than Jared and cautious of his power.

Not much interaction was shown between the two.



Jared is a Hero, the vessel for artificial gods made by the Primordials. Possessing a special kind of body, he has an unbelievable amount of power, being one of the strongest in the world, \'A Special Kind Of Human\'. As a result of this, Jared is nearly invincible, having Blank Canvas as a cheat ability which renders most unable to even lay a hand on him.

As a Vessel, he housed the Artificial god, Lumia, who was taken out out him after he is killed and absorbed by Hexarion.


Jared is usually seen as easygoing and cheerful. Due to his overpowered nature, and his lack of experience in defeat, he is extremely confident and has a calm outlook on most situations. 

However, this all changes when he gets cornered. Jared becomes visibly upset when he finds himself losing, and his confidence shatters. He throws tantrums and enters a state of denial, desperately trying to win.

In the face of overwhelming power, he loses most form of reason and becomes overcome with fear.

He is very immature and has very little combat experience and skill. He possesses no strategy and solves most of his problem with his raw power.

He considers himself invincible.


- Blank Canvas

Jared\'s most significant ability. He creates an artificial world In which he possesses supreme authority over. As a result, everything he imagines or wills within this world materializes.

He can create endless weapons or manifest laws and concepts, alter the landscape and perform countless phenomena. He is also capable of creating copies of himself. Anything is possible and the only limit is his imagination.

He can also use this ability to hide from any event occuring in the normal world, or transport himself to another location, as seen when he left Lamar as a result of his fear of Rio (Hexarion).

- Special Constitution

As a Hero, Jared\'s body is not normal. He possesses an immense amount of Essence and can control vast amounts of Aspects in his world. Hexarion was also unable to sense him initially, making his body properties highly different from regular humans.

He also has immense strength, speed, stamina, vitality etc. He is beyond the limits of any human, even in his base form.

- High Combat Prowess

While Jared has very little battle strategies or intelligent maneuvers, he is still extremely deadly in combat. Using the sheer force and magnitude of his abilities, he is capable of crushing most opponents easily.

Since everything in Blank Canvas is under his control, Jared is unstoppable against a normal opponent.

- Enhanced Physical Abilities

Jared possesses maximized physical abilities due to the nature of his special body. His strength, agility, durability etc. are beyond the realm of any human and most creatures in existence. Most high level attacks are unable to damage him, and even if they do, he can simply regenerate. He also has high sensory perception and can perform feats such as flight and teleportation.

- Artificial god Protection

Since he is the vessel of his Artificial god, Jared is protected, to an extent, against attacks on his mind and soul. 

His Artificial god intervenes, preventing his mind from being accessed by strangers.


- Overconfidence

This is one of Jared\'s fatal flaws. His ego is something that makes him unable to see himself defeated in any way since he views everyone as beneath him. Being a Hero, he is above others in terms of quality, making him underestimate his opponents. This caused his defeat at the hands Hexarion.

- Divine Power

Divine power is a minor weakness of Jared. Since he is only a Hero housing a failed god, he is not entirely vulnerable to Divine Power and Authority.

- Arts

The Art of Hex and the Art of Grace exist in the current world. While low-level Hexes wouldn\'t be able to work, high level ones are a different story. Even in his world, Hex Authorities are extremely dangerous, and he needs to be on guard to prevent it from affecting him and the Aspects within his world. As seen when Hexarion used a few on him, which worked a great deal, Jared is succeptible to Hex. It is unknown if the same applies to Grace, but it should.

- Aspects

The Aspects that the Primordials control are everywhere. Though Jared\'s special body is different from most, he is still made up of Aspects, making him subject to the Primordial\'s control.

- Inexperience/Immaturity

Jared has little to no combat experience since he has always been capable of mowing down any of his opponents easily. This makes him very dukk in combat and unable to adapt easily in battle. His composure is also terrible, making him get flustered and easily provoked.

He is also extremely petty, accounting for his predictable pattern and easily agitated nature.

- Mortality

Jared is merely a vessel, and one to a faield god, therefore he can be killed. He is done in by Hexarion, after using one of his Treasures, indicating that Jared is indeed capable of death.


- Rio Xarion (Hexarion)

{P.S.. I hope to see Jared return in Hex. Yes, that\'s right! You saw that well!}

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