
Chapter 229 - 228- Silent Death Pt.2

Vener, Year of Severus, 18, I.R., the 76th day of Spring, Ardantean Township, Nhils\' Il Bucay Outskirts


The town streets were far different from the ones she once went in the Arterian empire. The square houses made of mud and sand was a contrast from the cement and wooden houses in her hometown. The streets were wider allowing a huge traffic of carts and men into the town. The huge carriages and the long line of caravans easily fit their streets, moving along freely like water on a stream.

Orphella took another letter from one of her hidden pockets. It was a map directing her on where to find Lamentosza. She stopped in the corner of the street and glanced at first landmark drawn into the paper, the Ilquara bar.

The bar was unidentifiable because of the uniformity of the house\'s designs; however, she easily spotted the bar just to her right, across the street. The bar had a wooden sign of a cat sitting over a mug with a crescent moon directly behind it.

She immediately looked at the map once again, this time using the bar as the reference of her direction. The map had an arrow instructing her to turn left at the corner of the bar, before heading to the more congested street going to the city square.

Orphella followed the roughly drawn map and after a few confusing street corners and indistinguishably similar houses, she finally tracked down Lamentosza\'s hide out. She knocked on the red, brightly colored door with the knocking sign taught to her by the Arterian spy master in the camp.

The door opened and a waft of scents attacked her nose. The scent of musk, sweat, and various flowers filled the air. A young bronze-skinned lady dressed in scantily thin, yet colorful silk smiled at her. Orphella tried her best to focus on the woman\'s face as much as she could, since her scantily outfit were also showing her delicate parts. She had a difficult time approaching the situation, but she had to pull it through.

"Namasar iq baye, idb lak? (You looking for a girl or a boy?)" The woman\'s sultry voice was enticing her.

  Orphella shook her head and gave a note she hid inside one of her pockets. She gave it to the lady, who squinted at the note before giving her a wink.

"Come with me, he\'s expecting you." She said in her sultry, yet thick Arterian accent.

She went inside and saw the colorful candles lighting her way. Inside the lounge the floor had a huge colorful, floral carpet. The lounge was separated by thin silk curtains, as thinner than that of the lady\'s wear.

The candle illuminated lounge was dimly lit, but the thin curtains and the patron\'s silhouettes were distracting her. People were doing intimate things, not minding the passers-by. Moans and cries of pleasure could be heard echoing from the lounge. The lady turned back at her and smiled at her slyly as if inviting her for a quick rest before she goes on a mission.

"He wouldn\'t mind if you\'ll be a little late." The lady smiled.

Orphella shook her head and politely declined her offer. The lady squinted her eyes at the elf. It seemed like her charms wasn\'t working on the elf. She approached Orphella and gazed directly into her eyes.

"You have a good look in your eyes." The lady said. "So, determined. So…" Her hands slowly crept on Orphella\'s breast, but the elf was able catch her hand before she could advance.

Orphella shook her head while squeezing the lady\'s wrist. She could see the Ardant lady\'s face slightly contort from the pain, but she immediately smiled.

"I know that elves could be very uptight," The lady eyed on her crotch. "But, I didn\'t know that they could resist the charms of an Ardant lady." She smacked her lips. "Not even a woman elf can." She smiled before guiding her to the second floor.

The stairs were lit dimmer than the lounge. The smell of lavender-scented candles filled the air to an intoxicating degree. Orphella had to place her scarf over her nose just to prevent herself from fainting from the overwhelming floral scent.

The second floor looked a little exclusive. There was still a wide lounge in the middle, welcoming the guests to their carnal haven. But unlike the one below, the lounge was empty. They walked past the lounge and into the narrow corridor where rooms with wooden doors faced opposite from one another.

The creaking wooden floorboards, beds and muffled moans could be heard from the corridor. Orphella wasn\'t comfortable with the entire assault to her senses, but she had to stomach it for her mission. They finally arrived at the room at the end of the corridor. It was uncharacteristically silent.

The woman knocked on the door in a code reminiscent of an elven tune. Not soon after, the door opened. Orphella was surprised to hear no footsteps approaching them. The door just simply opened, and a pale, skinny man popped out his head. The woman smiled at him and whispered to his ear. Their conversation was inaudible, but from their stares alone it was clear what they meant.

After a few exchanges, the Ardant lady kissed the man\'s cheek before bowing to him and leaving them alone in the corridor. The lady walked out of the corridor gracefully, like silk being blown by a gentle breeze, her hips swayed rhythmically to the beat of her footsteps.

Orphella didn\'t noticed how long she stared at her. The man had to snap his fingers just to catch her attention.

"Are you the one that the Principalia sent?" He said at a hushed voice.

Orphella nodded.

The man squinted his eyes and asked her for a verification. "What is the password?"

Orphella looked at him while trying to remember the instructions from the spy master. "There are none." She signed.

The man smirked. "Not much of a talker, are you?"

Orphella looked at him with disdain, but still answered the ridiculous question with a nod.

The man clicked his tongue. "I forgot. The letter said you\'re mute." He gestured her to come in.

Orphella entered another dimly lit room. The windows were covered by thick slabs of wood crossing each other to form a barrier of some sort. There were papers everywhere along with worn out clothing scattered all over the floor.

The man sat on his bed, when Orphella noticed he wasn\'t wearing anything from waist below. The elf immediately averted her eyes and noticed a tall man standing at the dark corner of the room.

"Well done!" The mysterious man said. "You noticed me." He snapped his fingers and suddenly the room illuminated.

The messy, dark room suddenly was bright with not a shed of dirt or garbage on the floor. She looked at the man once again, but she was already too late. The man was already behind her, and she felt something sharp poking at her head.

"I wouldn\'t move if I were you." The man said as his hand went into her thick clothing. "Don\'t worry, I am a modest person. I just need to know if I could trust you or not." He continued digging his hands on some of the pockets he felt.

Orphella was ready to fight back, but surprisingly Papillon seemed to not be responding. No matter how many times she tried calling her out, Papillon remained silent and unresponsive. She tried her hardest to calm herself down. As she thought of a way for her to get out of her predicament.

The man was already at the deeper parts of her clothing. When he paused and took out the paper she hid at her deepest pocket. She tried to look back, but the man pressed the sharp object at the back of her head.

"Ah, ah. I said no movement." The man jovially warned her. "Don\'t move please, the last thing I want is a soiled room. Scheramiiza would be displeased.

Orphella opted to follow the man\'s advice. After a few moments of silence, she felt the pressure from the pointed weapon was already gone.

"I am sorry." The voice said. "I had to be sure that it was you. You may turn around." He said calmly.

Orphella looked around and saw the man pointing a hand-held bow at her. The tall man had a fair skin and an athletic body, a contrast to the previous man sitting on the bed. She looked at the bed and saw it was empty, no one was sitting on the bed anymore.

She looked back at the person confused with what was going on.

"Oh, that?" The man said. "It was an illusion. By the way welcome to the other side of the world. My name is Lamentosza.. I believe your Orphella?" He asked her without putting his weapon down.

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