
Chapter 1018 - Testing People

Chapter 1018 – Testing People

Arthur\'s words landed and everyone had their minds stirred up. From just the look on their faces, Arthur could say for certain they were all excited, not less excited than himself.

"So we are going to establish a sect and teach people there how to cultivate and also train in the mage power?" Amera summed up what he said before nodding, "I now realized why you said the vision of our clans can\'t be done."

"The sect can\'t be limited to one view, even if it was the mightiest mage clan, it won\'t do," Arthur calmly said, confirming over her words, "our sect\'s main goal is to push as many as possible to train and form their golden pearl energy. As for mage\'s powers, they can train as freely as they want."

Others nodded and they couldn\'t say anything more. Arthur\'s words were like a god decree to them. According to his vision, according to everything miraculous he had done so far, they got the chance to become existence in heaven defying him.

And that wasn\'t the only advantage they got in the sect. Having chances for everyone in the sect was the priceless opportunity everyone would get in the sect.

"So when are we going to establish the sect?" Ron suddenly asked, and that was the main question everyone had in their minds right now.

"First we\'ll have to establish sect places in the entire world," Arthur thought about it for a few moments before adding, "we need to test the affinity of each person in the empire to know their talents. No matter what, even if people were only talented in cultivation or mages alones, we need them."

"That means…" Sara waved her booklet in her hand and didn\'t add more. Arthur got what she wanted to say from a mere look.

"Don\'t worry about that, I\'ve got Deem and Gor working hard in copying the cultivation ways I know about."

"How did you get all of these amazing things?" Jude\'s question wasn\'t just curiosity, but also admiration.

"You can consider me lucky," Arthur vaguely said, "now aside from establishing the sect, you all have a great work to do. First you need to train diligently and try to hit a stage of merging the two forces together. This way our sect can be called really established."

"But it seems that will take a long time, right?" Sara asked while others waited impatiently for his words.

"It will take time," Atrhur didn\'t lie to them, "but why are you rushing things? We still have a long way ahead. First we\'ll control this world, then we will go back and control mine. After that we can all enter a long time of seclusion before expanding again. Let\'s see, even if it took twenty years to achieve that goal, I wouldn\'t mind that."

He wasn\'t bluffing, but stating facts. Just subduing two big words seemed easier said than done. Just this world here took them more than a year and half to subdue, and that came over constant fighting and clashing mercilessly with higher powers.

As for Arthur\'s world, they all knew it wasn\'t advanced like this one here. So the forces there wouldn\'t pose a great threat to them. Even if the higher clans sent people to cause them trouble, they would easily crush them no matter what.

So the only important task here was for them to grow accustomed to this new way of cultivation. Also embarking on the path of the golden pearl strength was essential as well.

How come a sect which emphasized over the golden pearl energy would operate when its peak leaders didn\'t actually have that higher form of energy?

So despite their chests brimming with the fire of excitement, and they wanted to go out right now and start operating the sect, they couldn\'t do that yet.

They had first to strengthen themselves, then a time would come for the sect to shine.

"Now you need to go back," Arthur calmly said, "you will merge all the academies under the banner of the sect. After that I\'ll give the task for Deem and Gor to build the sect\'s main buildings just outside the cities. This way everything will be ready and only lacking your strength to grow."

"We will do our best," everyone nodded to Arthur and said in pure and utmost veneration. To them this meeting was eye opening, making them all so much excited and feeling grateful to this youngster ahead of them.

As Arthur gave them the order, they first exited the palace and got in contact with their forces all over the world. The academies they all established and worked their best to imply their old teachings in were all canceled.

A new behemoth appeared in the empire, known as the blue imperial dragonair sect. Arthur\'s words were deeply engraved into every single one of them.

Alongside the long task of building the sect, a task Arthur gave to Deem and Gor to build sect places identical to each other, identical to his home sect, the two also worked hard in copying and distributing the cultivation booklets all over the empire.

Just like a primordial behemoth sleeping in seclusion, the entire grand empire was now resting and cultivating its strength.

Every single one of the citizens were tested, either in mage powers or in cultivation. If there was an occasion where someone had an affinity for both, and it was common actually, then he or she would get its name marked with golden letters.

In a short time, tens of thousands of people began to have their names delivered to Arthur and the leaders of the sect. According to Arthur\'s directions, these names were distributed over twelve peaks inside the sect.

This wasn\'t mainly according to their mage powers, but mainly over their cultivation ways. Having an affinity in cultivation meant that the person would have an affinity towards one way of cultivation.

Of course Arthur lacked many consumables like energy crystals and other things used to test people, but that didn\'t stop him.

He made anyone experience the big number of cultivation methods first for one month. During it if anyone entered into epiphany, then this person meant to have a great deal of affinity in that cultivation way.

That way looked simple, yet it gave Arthur a means to find decent talents in a short time. Even the number he got, which was in tens of thousands, was nothing compared to the tens of billions he ruled in his empire.

And the good news wasn\'t only the test process still in its early stages, but it was also the result from a single world. Imagine ruling over ten worlds? A hundred worlds? Or even the entire universe? How many great talents would he find among such an endless number of people?

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