
Chapter 70 Middle Class Demon

Living within the vast wilderness, among the cluster of rocks and caves, was a terrifying creature.

Her very existence took the entire area by storm, causing the Lower Class entities around to bow in subservience.

The world operated with the principle of survival of the fittest.

The weak were suppressed by the strong and the strong devoured the weak.

It didn\'t take very long for the newcomer Demon to take full control over the territory of the Lower Class Demons.

However, desire is insatiable.

Living beings always sought more, in order to stimulate their existence.

Desiring to expand her influence, the Middle-Class Demon devised a plan... one that would destroy the humans who dared to live in such outskirts—away from most civilizations.

Killing them and taking over their territory would be the first step she was going to take.

Dwelling in the darkness of the cave, looking at her loyal minions, the Middle-Class Demon gave a snickering expression as her heart raced with excitement.

\'Hehe... hehehe...\'

Her sharp teeth and crimson eyes brought out the evil persona she embodied.

Naked, seated on the throne, she awaited the promised day when she would conquer her first set of humans.

\'Tomorrow... I will prove my superiority! I will show them all that I am not worthless!\'

Among the rest of her kind, the Middle-Class Demon knew she wasn\'t all too special. However, in this fresh territory, she could take however she desired.

Trampling on the weak, being the strongest... she would finally be a \'Ruler\'... maybe one day, a \'Lord\'.

"I can\'t wait! I can\'t wait!!!"


The promised day arrived, and the Middle-Class Demon, Mid-Demon for short, rose very early in the morning—even before the sun rose.

Her voluptuous chest swayed as she wildly pranced out of her abode.

The Lower Class subordinates that were under her control—hundreds of them—were already waiting for her.

They were all on their knees, trembling in their primitive forms.

With condescending scorn and a gladdened feeling of superiority, she gave a deafening roar, sending more shivers down their spines.

"Today. We strike!"

Her speech was broken, and her language wasn\'t entirely fluent.

As an uneducated Demon, she was closer to the Lower Class dregs in terms of literacy.

If Lower Class Demons were seen as primitives—wild people—in the Demon Society, then the Middle-Class ones mostly belonged to the average/working class.

Middle-Class Demons were educated to an extent, and they could converse properly, though their intelligence and civility were greatly lacking—compared to the Upper Class.

The Demon who grinned at her underlings was an inferior Middle-Class Demon.

Though she was very strong for her age, she belonged to the lower strata among her people—a status quo she could never escape.

As a result, the Mid-Demon never quite fit in.

No education. Forced to slave away to the superior she. Never enough to eat.

Those were more than enough for her to find life among her fellows to be repulsive.

\'I strong. I rule!\'

She didn\'t want to serve others.

She would rather be in control.

That was why this scene greatly pleased her. Watching others tremble in fear and reverence for her was an ecstasy she never enjoyed in the past.

\'I destroy other territory. I rule territory. I be Ruler. I be Lord!\'

That\'s right!

By ruling weaklings, even she too could attain some form of control.

That was all she wanted.

"Let\'s gooooo!!!"


Despite her lack of proper speech, the Mid-Demon was quite intelligent. She was a Mage, after all.

As someone who lived both in civilized Demon society, as well as the wild, she had enough knowledge and wits to guide her actions.

As a Demon Mage, she wasn\'t suited for frontal assaults—though her brute appearance would suggest otherwise.

Due to these factors, the Mid-Demon formulated the perfect strategy to ensure her victory.

As her army approached the settlement, she could see the soldiers trembling down to their bones.

\'They weak. Why they scared?\'

According to what she could decipher from their actions, there seemed to be a being in the settlement that was strong—enough to make them hesitate in carrying out their actions.

\'Stupid weaklings.\'

Lower Class Demons only followed instincts, so their fear for whatever person who was in the settlement had been overridden by her presence.

Not only was she a present threat to the Lower Class dregs if they disobeyed her, but she had also made examples of a few of them.

All to prove her supremacy!

As a result, even though the Demons were scared, they had no choice but to follow her directive.

The Demons covered themselves in the dirt, camouflaging themselves with the cover of the early morning darkness.

Advancing slowly, they ensured no one could spot them from the four garrisons located at the settlement\'s cardinal locations... especially the North.

Once they reached the threshold—a point where they would be sensed if they advanced any further, the horde of Demons halted.

They numbered over three hundred, certainly more than enough to overpower a small settlement.

Plus, with her strategy, the Mid-Demon did not doubt that there would be fewer casualties on her end.

"Let\'s go!"


The Demons began encircling the town as soon as it got bright enough, and they were able to get close enough because of the enchantment the Mid-Demon placed on them.

Spreading all over the walls to cage the humans in, the Demons subtly performed their roles.

As for the mastermind, she acted as a sniper and used her Flame Magic to burn down the garrisons in sight, killing the soldiers stationed there—even taking down the annoying fence that stood in her way.

Everything was in flames and shambles, and she reveled in it.

Her Demons had not returned as well, meaning they were most likely executing the foolish humans in the settlement.

Since she had divided her forces into two—about 150 leading the frontal charge while the remaining were with her.

If a strong enemy appeared, the Demons were supposed to them to her location—that way, she would handle the major threats.

\'Strong person here... I want kill strong person.\' Her eyes were bulging with excitement and murderous intent.

The Lower Demons were savages, but they knew the meaning of fear. For them to remain trembling while they stood before the settlement, there was no way someone powerful didn\'t dwell in the settlement.

\'I wait. I wait to kill strong one!\'

And so, the Mid-Demon patiently watched the settlement go up in flames.

She waited for her subordinates to return... all to no avail.

"What happening?!"

Veins appeared on her face as she considered the possibilities.

There were only two that her mind could process.

One—All the one hundred and fifty Demons she sent had been eradicated.

Two—there was no strong person within the settlement.

\'But... how this possible?\'

If there was indeed someone strong enough to make a multitude of Demons—albeit weaklings—shiver in fear, they had to be as strong as she was.

Yet... not only did the Mid-Demon not sense any powerful creature, but the town was literally in blazes and no one was fighting back.

That meant there was only one possibility.

\'I see... I see...\'

The Mid-Demon nodded to herself, her breasts jiggling as she affirmed her conclusion.

"No strong one here. Me is the strongest."

A sadistic grin spread across her face as she decided to advance into the town and get a closer view of what she conquered.

Signaling her warriors to move, the Mid-Demon began approaching carefreely. There was no longer a need to be cautious.

"Hehe... Haha... Hahahahahaha!!!" Her cackles sent shivers down the spines of her followers, but they didn\'t dare move beyond what they had been instructed to.

\'Mine. My territory!\'

As the Mid-Demon stepped beyond the blazing walls of the settlement, she suddenly felt something strange.


It wasn\'t hers, though.

Suddenly, she felt drawn into the hole in the wall, and as soon as she went past the blazing trail behind her, her eyes closed, and new ones opened.


It was almost like a veil was lifted from her eyes, as the Mid-Demon stared at the wide expanse before her.


Right in front of her were her slaughtered Demon soldiers.

Their blood and gore were focused in a single location, and a single person stood atop everything.

The protective fence that was assumed to have been destroyed was standing erect—almost as if nothing had happened.

\'B-but... me just passed it...\' The Mid-Demon looked behind her, only to see nothing but the Demon army.

Hadn\'t she just traversed the burning fence? Why was she staring at it now?

"You look confused." A voice brought her out of her shock, and the Mid-Demon felt her skin jump.

The lone human who stood atop the pile of Demon corpses looked at her from his height, his blade dyed in the blood of her fallen subordinates.

His body glowed blue, and his eyes were staring straight at her without flinching.

An oppressive aura could be felt from the individual... almost as if he wasn\'t even human.

\'Who... is... that....?!\'

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