
Chapter 73 This Totally Counts As Cheating, Doesn't It?

His body was shrouded in blue scales--like armor--and two horns protruded from his head.

As the flames cleared upon the human\'s emergence, his form became more pronounced.

He still had his human shape, and his face was well-represented, but a majority of his body was now covered in something else.

Something powerful!

If the Middle-Class Demon didn\'t know any better, she would have mistaken him for a member of her Kin.

But, the receding shapes of his horns did not resemble a Demon\'s--no, they were more akin to the second strongest race in the world.

As of this moment, the Mid-Demon was certain...

"It\'s time to finish this."

... That she was staring at a Dragon!


\'I bet she didn\'t see that coming!\' I grinned as my glowing blue eyes stared hard at the obviously stunned Demon.

To be honest, I had a bit of a close call just moments ago. That Trap Magic she used took me by surprise. If not for my Fire Resistant outfit, and then my transformation, I would have been toast--like, literally.

\'After defeating the Earth Dragon for a second time, [Draconic Physique] evolved to [Draconic Transformation]...\'

That was the reason I currently had this dope dragon-like form--like a certain Anime Character I knew who was Lord of the Seven Seas.

"Time to end this. Resistance is futile." My deep voice commanded power, almost scaring me in the process.

I watched as the Mid-Demon slowly sank into despair, and to be honest... I almost felt bad. It wasn\'t because of her predicament, but because of how unfair our matchup was.

\'She has scary Skills, and our Stat difference isn\'t too vast. If things were slightly different, I would be the one on the losing end.\'

The reason behind my rationale was quite simple.




Rewinding to a few moments ago--when the Mid-Demon was using her volatile Skills on me.

I was genuinely scared out of my mind. A Demon of her caliber had to have about five Skills at her disposal, and they were going to be more frightening than those of humans.

I wasn\'t wrong!

[Enemy Skill: Evil Eye is being used on you...]

\'Eeeeeekkkk!!!\' I nearly cried when I saw the System tab.

Evil Eye was a Demon Exclusive Skill that injected Miasma into a target and the poor soul to descend into madness and depravity. The effects were random, but most of the time, the victims would lose their sense of reason.

Poisoning was also another effect.

Miasma was harmful to non-Demons, so that made sense.

Expecting my body to be invaded by Demonic Energy, I desperately tried my hardest to hide my fear. However--

<Title: Fool has successfully nullified the Enemy Skill>

\'E-eh...?\' I was very shocked.

But, once I thought things through one more time, I realized it.

\'The [Fool] Title negates any \'confusion\' or \'insanity\' Status Condition. It must have negated the Evil Eye Skill.\'

It basically served as Plot Armor against the Mid-Demon\'s ability, saving me from humiliation--or worse, death.

\'I don\'t know which is worse, at this point...\'

Still, I knew I wasn\'t in the clear yet. The Demon still had other Skills to utilize, and I prayed my luck would save me once again.

Did my prayer work?

[Enemy Skill: Predator is being used on you...]

<Skill: Predator has nullified the effects>


[Enemy Skill: Marionette is being used on you...]

<Skill: Freedom Of Expression has nullified the effects>

\'... Isn\'t this cheating?\'

She used up all of her Skills, yet my Titles or Skills were always against them. I was frankly shocked by my new identity--a walking Plot Armor machine.

\'Hehehe.... heheheh... hehehehehe!!!\'

I was invincible.

With that mindset, I carelessly fell into the Mid-Demon\'s trap and realized how screwed I was. Welp, we all know what happened after that.




"RARRRRRHHHHHHH!!!" The Mid-Demon finally snapped, forgetting reason as she lunged at me.

\'Whoah!\' I quickly evaded her feral attack, tightening my fist while concentrating an immense amount of Mana there.


In a straight thrust, my arm lunged at her face, connecting seamlessly in a loud crack.



Her body was sent crashing to the ground causing loud noises to echo around me.

\'I can\'t waste any more time. I\'m almost out of Mana!\' With that in mind, I swiftly charged at the fallen Demon.

"Urk!" She jumped to her feet and braced herself for defense.

Something I noticed about her, ever since we started fighting, was that she sucked at close combat. This Demon was most likely a Mage, and while that would normally be disadvantageous for me, my current Stats and Skillset gave me an edge.

"You\'re wide open!"

Like a blur, I slid through the flimsy defense she put up and hit her in her face, causing her body to spin. She tried using the momentum to deal a flashy kick at me, but I easily evaded the strike and gave another blow to her stomach.

"Guarkkk!!!" More saliva poured from her mouth as I sent her flying to the sky.

She back-flipped mid-air, trying to gain a proper footing on the ground, but I was faster.

The moment I could see where she was landing--thanks to my future sight--I instantly dashed in that direction and cornered her once more.

"W-wai--!" Not waiting for another word, I began dealing a flurry of attacks, crushing her with overwhelming power.

She would try resisting at certain points, but her clumsy blows never touched me.

\'I can\'t give her time to use her Spells, and I have to end this quickly... at least before my time runs out!\'

Her body swayed in multiple directions as I kept hitting her without remorse. Her beautiful face became swollen, and several bruises covered her body. Yet, I did not stop.


A hit sent to her stomach, and then another to her face was enough to send her crashing further to the ground. This time, she couldn\'t get up.

\'Haa... haaa... that was intense...\' I breathed raggedly while staring at the Mid-Demon.

I walked toward her, finally ready to deal the killing blow. One final hit, through her back, and it would be enough to forcefully eject the Mid-Demon\'s Core.

\'I could have done so while fighting her earlier, but those boobs were in the way. They were too distracting, so I kept stalling...\' My mind pictured her melons, and I could feel something rising within me again.

\'Why did this idiot decide to get naked when she has a body like that?\'

This was my problem with primitives. They just made life difficult for normal people--people like me.

And so, as her body was planted on the devastated ground, I had a much better view to do the needful. I mean, the Demon\'s butt was still in view, but her bruised tail reminded me of her identity. It was much better than trying to rip out a Demon Core that was stuck between two peaky mountains.

\'Ahem! Ahem! That\'s enough, Sam. Let\'s finish thi--\'

Before I finished my thought, the energy within and around me dried up--causing my transformation to be undone.

\'Oh shit...!\' My mind rang the alarm, and I realized how screwed I was.

There was silence around me, and just as I thought no one noticed my completely vulnerable state, I watched the Mid-Demon move from her position.

\'Crap! Crap! Crrraaaaaappppp!!!\'

She rose on her two feet and looked at me. Her gaze was hateful, and I could see her sharp teeth as she snarled. My body trembled--knowing the terrible truth that she was now the one with the advantage.

\'What should I do? Oh no! I\'m screeewweeeeddd!\'

She began limping toward me, taking slow steps as she advanced.

\'My body can\'t move due to Mana Exhaustion. The only reason I\'m still standing is because of [Freedom Of Expression]... I\'m completely powerless!\'

My eyes darted in the direction of the villagers who kept cheering me on.

\'Don\'t just stand there, you guys! Help me! I\'m gonna die here. Help me. Please help meeee!!!\'

They were either blind or oblivious, because none of them moved a muscle.

\'This is all my fault. Those idiots think I have everything under control... even this.\' I wept internally.

Was this my punishment for trying too hard? Why was I too distracted by the Demon\'s melons that I didn\'t end things quickly.

\'Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!\'

I couldn\'t even save myself using my Trump Card, Arcana Call. The appointed time hadn\'t reached, so there was no escape.

No Mana. No Skills. No backup.

I was royally screwed.

"You..." I could hear the Mid-Demon\'s voice, low yet dangerous.

She was merely within arm\'s length from me now. A single strike and I would be a goner.

\'Spare me, please.\' I begged her with my puppy-dog eyes--obviously internally.

Even though I was in a very terrible position, my confident expression did not change for some reason. I was still bluffing, even though I would be dead a few seconds later.

\'God have mercy. Save my soul.\' With a tearful prayer, I prepared myself for the execution to come.

"You... strong..." Her voice echoed in my ears, and I maintained eye contact.

She raised both hands, and I closed my eyes... ready for death.



"Me... Surrender."



Sorry fellas, it looks like I won\'t be able to keep that promise of 2 Chaps per day, after all. Do forgive me.

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