
Chapter 118.2

4 am.

Yomite lay in his bed staring up at the ceiling, soft shades of sunlight pouring in through the window faintly illuminating the room.

He let a small groan pass through his lips for forcing himself to get up this early, sitting up in the bed he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands before using the palms to slap his cheeks lightly, using the slight jolt, and the sting, to wake himself up.

Right, there was a reason for this, a very important one, for waking up so early!

He forced himself to hop out of bed knowing that if he stayed even a second longer he\'d lay there for a few more hours. Not that that\'d be an issue or anything, or so would\'ve been the case if not for the important event that was going to transpire today.

With those lingering thoughts stuck in his head he quickly changed into his normal attire; freshly cleaned white shirt, brown comfortable pants and his signature black martials arts uniform that he had ever since he reincarnated into this world.

He slipped his boots on last, and with that he went downstairs to get a quick breakfast before heading out for the day.

The only person awake at this time was none other than Fischl, the crazy edgy chuuni girl he adored quite a lot.

She calmly sipped her tea, until she saw his sleepy figure waltz into the kitchen.

Her hand that was elegantly holding her cup trembled ever so slightly.

She was quite nervous, because today was a special day for her.


Today, both of them were going to be alone for a while.

Yomite had called her out on a date.

Something she never would have thought to be possible, only viable in the world of her sweetest dreams.

It elated her to no end that her feelings weren\'t as one sided as she perceived them to be.

But there was a colossal complication...She was completely caught off guard by his invitation, and didn\'t have time for adequate preparation!!!

Even earlier in the morning.

2 am.

Yomite\'s mansion.

Inside a certain room, full of edgy ambience, stood a well-known adventurer, famed for her unique way of communication, amazing otherworldly vocabulary and extravagantly flamboyant acts that left her spectators in awe or simply in a dumbfounded state.

It was none other than Fischl, the self-proclaimed Prinzessin Der Verurteilung hailing from another world.

Who, at the moment seemed to be in a frantic state of anxiety and unease, nearly jumping around all corners of her room like a child on a sugar rush.

She didn\'t seem to be able to focus on anything in particular as she moved about from one place to another. Her blonde hair, messy from the lack of attention, flew back from the force of her movements, and her feet made loud stomping noises, as she moved around the room in such a chaotic manner.

She couldn\'t stop thinking about the fact that she\'d be alone with him for the whole day.

Finally stopping her frenzied movements, she began to calmly pace back and forth in front of a closet door, thinking hard. "No, no,no...." she muttered with despair under her breath. "Not like this...please no..." After a minute passed, she opened the closet only to be met with disappointment, further fueling her despair.

There were no outfits, shoes, or jewelry in the closet...she had absolutely nothing but herself and tens of the identical fashionable clothes she wore on a regular basis while hunting monsters and adventuring on the known and unknown lands of Teyvat.

She loved to wear them as they showed everyone around her just how unique she was, they were her pride.

But now…

That very same source of pride seemed lacking for the occasion to come.

What was she supposed to do? The whole day was planned. It was important that she wore something nice and presentable. And what could be nicer than a dress, fit for the occasion?


Not a single thing!

However, there was no dress viable for the upcoming occasion. With a frustrated sigh, she powerlessly lay on the ground with a resounding thud.

The whole room was a mess.

The usual cleanliness of her moderately sized bedroom now appeared as though it had been swept by a tornado, as if sent by Lord Barbatos himself, and dozens of books littered the polished wooden floor.

As she lay there, her despair immeasurable, she picked up a book from the ground.

It was a recommendation from the ever erotic Librarian Lisa, her arch nemesis.

The name of the book was [Ensnare Your Lover!].

Immediately attracted by the clickbait title, she became absorbed in the book that had a rather provocative cover and as she turned the pages over, even the contents were quite...obscene, to say the least.

Her eyes were glued to a single page, staring at it in utter disbelief.

"What kind of blasphemy is this, scheisse!?"

It was supposed to be easy, said the page, basic even, said the damn page. Then why was it so difficult for her immense intellect to comprehend?

She threw her arms in the air in utter frustration.

"I don\'t understand!!"

She yelled loudly and angrily towards the ceiling, causing a slight echo to reverberate throughout the entire manor.

She sighed. This was hopeless.....there was nothing that could help her!

All this book contained, were explicitly embarassing and extremely suggestive sex scenes, which she found to be rather lewd, and she had a hunch that the rest of the chapter and even the book itself was full of them too.

"How infuriating...Omega whale Lisa...You are teasing me again, aren\'t you!!? There is nothing that can help me on the first date here!! Divine punishment shall befall you!"

She yelled into her hands in exasperation and anger, in hopelessness and utter despair. After her rant, she let herself fall on her back again, distress running amok causing chaos to her mind, and closed her eyes.

Her life was so unfair sometimes…

She prided herself in her excellence.

It wasn\'t even like she was some sort of super genius, just a genius with intelligence that was far above everyone else around; nothing to brag about.

So how was it that she didn\'t understand what to do at this moment?

Some would call her arrogant, but who were they kidding?

She was a top tier investigator of the adventurer\'s guild who happened to have an IQ much higher than most of the average populace, with a vocabulary so vast it could dwarf the entirety of the biggest mountain in Dragonspine if it were to be converted in sheer volume, and that was not including her being able to make work of any foe in ten seconds flat with either the pointed end of her arrows or the electrifying currents of her trusty companion Oz.

She didn\'t want to sound pretentious, those were simply facts that anyone who knew of her could and would confirm.

So, why was it her fault that she had zero experience when it came to modifying her appearance?

And why were her attempts at makeup absolutely in vain?

She didn\'t know, she didn\'t understand.

All she knew was that she was simply not ready for the date to come.

And that made her wallow in absolute distress, as she lay down in her room and stared at the ceiling, praying to all the Gods and Goddesses, praying to Celestia itself to help her out of this harrowing dilemma.

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