
Chapter 272: The One Whose Name Shall Be Spoken...

Fischl\'s eyes widened as the words left her mouth.

The soup she had been served by none other than her Prince was divine in all of its glory; The broth was golden and fragrant with fresh vegetables and herbs, perfectly matched to their taste.

It was delicious, almost too much of a delicacy to eat, and Fischl could feel her dry throat slowly begin to ease itself after yesterday\'s night of drinking too much wine and drinking herself into oblivion.

"Mhm, it\'s truly good, I want more!"

Hu Tao, who sat next to Fischl began stealing Fischl\'s soup with a spoon after she ate her own portion.

"This Prinzessin orders thou to take thy leave! How dare thou thieve from another! And to think, that one day someone I called my best friend would do this to me...the world shall pay dearly for this," she exclaimed with a slight pout.

Of course, Fischl didn\'t mind sharing her own portion with her, but she also wished to enjoy the yummy food.

She was back in her old Fischl persona, saying that Amy needed to rest for a bit.

"Ah, Fishy-Fishy you\'re talking weird again...I can\'t understand you that much if you talk so weirdly...please bring Ozzy-Ozzy out to translate for me! I also want to pet him a bit." Hu Tao replied while slurping up her soup, flashing an innocent grin at her best friend.

"Hmph...if anyone deserves the title \'gluttonous jerk\', it should be thee," Fischl remarked, pointing at Hu Tao with her spoon, menacingly.

"Fishy-Fishy...Why are you pointing at my chest...?"

"This Prinzessin ist casting a magic spell through this highest artifact grade spoon to ever grace the Teyvat, to enlarge thy breasts, as thou definitely need it as they\'re severely lacking in definition. I shall forfeit meine soup so thou grow up well."

Hu Tao gave a puzzled look before breaking out laughing at what her best friend said.

"Fishy...if we\'re talking about the chest size, then you\'re the same as me! Maybe even smaller! Your boobies are so small that if I put them under the right light they\'ll look like mosquito bites!" She then proceeded to smack Fischl on the chest with both hands, causing Fischl to fall back onto the cushioned couch under her.

"W-What did thou say!? Blasphemy! I\'m fairly certain meine chest ist bigger than thyne!"

"Girls, stop fighting. I like both of your boobs, you\'re both charming. End of discussion. I\'ll make you something else to eat. I only made the soup to make you feel better, not for you to start fighting for no reason."

Yomite stepped in, and sat between the two of them.

His future wives were acting like children, fighting over a soup he made on a whim...

Small breasts were cute; He loved the way they stuck out after stimulation, and how his fingers tugged and pulled on them with a playful intent.

There was no need to fight over something so trivial... especially when both parties were flat chested whether they liked it or not...

"I shall grant thee the favor for thou hast spoken rationally, thou art right. Let\'s cease this pointless scuffle at once!"

Fischl huffed before returning her attention towards Yomite, who she was now leaning onto.

Hu Tao turned to his other side, and placed her chin upon his shoulder, looking expectantly towards him.

"Make me more food. Pwease."


Yomite took a moment to respond, before giving a soft sigh.

He glanced over at the other couch and saw Lumine, spoon-feeding the soup he made to Paimon and Barbara, who both felt unwell.

"Alright, Fischl, would you mind helping me with cleaning the whole mansion? Because yesterday, I noticed that my room is quite dusty...and the same probably goes for other rooms, and we need to especially clean up this room..."

"As thou command! This Prinzessin shall assist in any manner thou mayest desire!"

Fischl rose from the couch and gave a curtsy, before rushing off to do her Prince\'s bidding.

The living room was only the start and after that was taken care off, they progressed to each room on the first floor.

They planned to clean the entire mansion, so they had to move some stuff.

It would be the most arduous task today…

"I\'m gonna move these things and you will clean the floor in the meantime, alright, Fischl?"

"As thou wish, meine body ist thyne to command!"

She had a dust cloth in one hand, a floor mop in the other.

After he moved the couch and other furniture, she cleaned the space underneath.

That combination carried on for a while and it went pretty well…


"Okay...Let\'s do this last room and we are halfway done with the first floor."

He moved the bed and at that time, Fischl suddenly stiffened.

"Fischl? What\'s wrong?"

With jerky motion, she pointed to a space…

There was something black there…

Sitting in the corner...

"Ahh...uff...a cockroach…Haven\'t seen one in a while..."


Fischl dropped the dust cloth and mop and hid behind him, while screaming.

"Yomite! A cockroach! A cockroach!"

He knew she hated insects but it was even worse that it turned out to be a cockroach though.

He had to agree for sure, out of all insects, big cockroaches were the most intimidating to him…

But it was time to be a man, and man up...Some insect wouldn\'t scare him, right?

He rolled the dust cloth in his hand and made it into a stick.

\'Let\'s fight!\'

The cockroach was moving so fast that their battle had to end within one split second, or else it would escape into some other holes or crevices and she wouldn\'t be able to sleep soundly today.

Even if it weren\'t her room, the mere thought of a cockroach in the mansion prevented her from sleeping at night.

He slowly reached out, and just before it escaped.


One blow from above and it was over, he killed the black monster…

"It\'s over? A-are we okay now?"

Fischl covered her face with her hands.

She cautiously opened her eyes and confirmed that he managed to defeat it before sighing deeply.

"Aaaaah....Meine dear Prince...This Prinzessin almost had a heart attack…I wouldn\'t know what to do if thou weren\'t around to save me from this monster..."

She leaned onto his back and gave him a hug.

Well, he understood that she didn\'t want to see the crushed, dead cockroach, so he reached out to dispose of it…

It was then...that he regretted being in the enclosed, small room with barely any space to dodge...


It was then...that he heard a loud buzzing noise, of flapping wings…

The cockroach that was thought to be dead, took a flight right in front of the pair that sighed in relief of its demise…

It was now time for the second round of the battle.

It was now time for Yomite...to...battle…again?

"I forfeit! I ain\'t about this life! I ain\'t getting close to that flying thing!"

"Huh...!? Yomite!"

Running on ground? Sure, alright, he would dispose of it.

But a flying cockroach? That was equally as bad as a flying spider!

Killing monsters? Fighting a dragon? Saving a nation? None of that could compare to this!

The two of them bolted out of the room immediately.

It was now time to summon the true alpha male of this mansion…





"Tao~ Would you help me for a bit? There is a cockroach in one of the rooms. Can you take care of it?"

"A cockroach? Ew! I dont wanna!" Hu Tao replied with a shudder.

"I thought you were alright with insects?

"I am alright with insects, but cockroach is a no no!"

"Eh? Why not? They are cute and adorable..."

"Huh!? How are they adorable...? You call me cute and adorable all the time, and now you say the same thing about a cockroach! How can you compare us like this! I\'m getting mad, Assistant! How could you say that!?"

Hu Tao looked at him as if he was stupid.

"Cockroaches are creepy...they have tiny little eyes, weird antennae, and long legs...all that stuff. No one wants to see a cockroach! Ew!"

Yomite couldn\'t disagree with what she was saying. He really couldn\'t.

But if Hu Tao couldn\'t take care of it, then who would?

Most of the girls present were out of the question...

\'Iris would be able to get rid of it on my command...but when I imagine Iris eating a cockroach...my stomach churns. She wouldn\'t throw it away, she would for sure eat it!\'

There was only one last option...

Something he heard ages ago...

A very interesting legend...

Yomite quickly left his house and Fischl followed right behind him.

"What is the matter?"

She looked at him curiously; She wondered what this could be about.

Once outside, Yomite took a deep breath...

He had heard the urban legend that in Mondstadt, if there was something he couldn\'t fix or clean, no matter what he did...

If he ever encountered something he couldn\'t handle on his own, he only needed to yell one name into the sky, and all of his problems would vanish in an instant.

"NOELLE!" Yomite shouted loudly.




All around was silent...the birds stopped chirping, and the animals stopped chasing each other around...

Not even a single bug dared to leave their burrows.

Even the clouds became still and quiet; The wind came to a halt too.

Yomite began to sweat nervously...Was this going to work?

Doubts began settling in, but the next thing he knew, a short maid in battle armor approached faster than anything he\'d ever seen and stopped right in front of him.

"D-Did you call for me? My name is Noelle...maid of the Knights of Favonius. You seem tired...Would you like some tea? I\'ll brew you some. Do you take sugar? One cube, or two, perhaps three? Do you need to clean anything? Or take care of your laundry? I\'m a maid, a chef, a gardener, a warrior, a guide...I can be anything you need me to be!" She spoke so fast despite being out of breath, she almost choked on words while making the introductions.

Yomite was unable to keep up...it was evident Noelle ran all the way here after hearing her name...

"What in tarnation ist this!?" Fischl questioned, "Who ist she?"

"A maid of the knights of Favonius, that\'s what she said…hey again. It\'s been a long time."

"Ah, it\'s...it\'s you! The esteemed hero Yomite Hissha! To think I am required by someone so incredible and brave! There isn\'t anyone in Mondstadt who doesn\'t know of your feats!" she said smiling broadly, as she bowed toward him.

So much for bravery when he couldn\'t even get rid of a single cockroach...

Both of them knew each other, as they were the one\'s who found out about Jean\'s dirty secret all those months ago.

Yomite completely forgot about that, but Noelle on the other hand, couldn\'t forget, and tirelessly studied the books each and every night in order to grow into the perfect knight...

"Ah! Could it be! Are you Prinzessin Der Verurteilung? Ah! What an honor to meet someone like you!" Noelle bowed again, completely unfazed by the tongue twister that was Fischl\'s name...

"E-Err...uhm. It is indeed I! Your visual perception ist indeed flawless to recognize a higher being such as I, hiding behind an illusion, with a simple glance!" Fischl said, waving her arms in a grand fashion, as she was used to do when introducing herself.

"Do you know Fischl?"

"Yes! I...she doesn\'t know who I am, but I know very well who she is! One of the best adventurers of Mondstadt, and a celebrity! One time, I was reading books in the library of Favonius, and I saw a book named: Flowers for Princess Fischl! At the time I assumed it was just a fantasy novel...I was so surprised to find out the main character is a real person! She is so incredible to have a whole book dedicated to her! I am in awe! One day I wish to be like you!"

Noelle\'s eyes were shining all the way through her speech, while the person in question, felt her cheeks turn red.

Fischl wasn\'t good with compliments, so she simply waved her hands shyly.

"V-Very well! Allow us to offer resplendent blessings to illuminate thyne path! And please come in!" Fischl hurriedly invited Noelle inside the mansion.

"Flowers for Princess Fischl?" Yomite repeated quietly, a light smile forming across his lips, "I\'ll have to read it sometime."

That must have been the book Fischl/Amy used for roleplaying. It could be entertaining to read in order for him to understand her even better. After all, they were lovers now.

"N-No you can\'t do that...! *Cough* *Cough* What this Prinzessin meant to say, ist that the book contains secret knowledge of our primordial cursed deeds. So...if thou read that book, thou will surely lose thyne mind and turn into a lifeless beast from the curse!"

"Hahahaha, alright, if that\'s the case then I better not read it." Yomite agreed.

Fischl visibly sighed in relief.

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