
Chapter 337: Geo Hypostasis

The core itself appeared to be a perfectly symmetrical cube, its surface adorned with the same glowing patterns as the rest of its body. This core was the source of the Geo Hypostasis\' power and the key to its defeat.

The Geo Hypostasis had no discernible limbs or facial features, adding to its otherworldly and enigmatic appearance. Instead, it relied on its elemental abilities to manipulate the surrounding earth and stone to move and attack. It could hover gracefully above the ground, defying gravity, and launch devastating geo-based assaults on its enemies.

Lumine, agile and precise, struck at the Geo Hypostasis with her dull blade, attempting to find a weak point in the construct\'s defenses. However, her attacks seemed to do little more than chip away at its stone-like exterior, leaving her feeling frustrated and exhausted.

It\'s been roughly twenty minutes since they\'ve began fighting the boss monster, yet there seemed to be no end to it.

Fischl unleashed a barrage of electro-charged arrows towards the Geo Hypostasis, hoping that the elemental reactions would weaken it. But the construct seemed unfazed, its defenses holding firm against the onslaught. There was no way really to damage the monster.

"Tch! Peasant!"

Fischl, her blonde hair cascading around her shoulders, huffed with frustration as she watched her electro-charged arrows bounce harmlessly off the Geo Hypostasis.

"Verily, the sovereign of immateria doth bear witness to my plight," she lamented, her words steeped in her usual theatrical flair. "As Oz and I unleash our indomitable tempest of arrows, they are but mere zephyrs against this geometric titan\'s impervious bastion."

Paimon provided support and encouragement to her friends. "Come on, guys! You can do it! Just keep hitting the baddie!"

"Paimon, I\'m always grateful to you...but please stop talking for a minute." Lumine groaned, feeling the weight of her fatigue weighing down upon her.

"Aw...fine..." Paimon pouted, her usual cheery expression replaced by one of disappointment as she observed her friends\' struggle.

The group\'s frustration mounted as the battle dragged on, the Geo Hypostasis showing no signs of weakening.

\'It\'s taking us too long...What would Party Leader do in this situation...?\'

Lumine had always admired Yomite\'s knack for quick thinking and intelligence during battles, regardless of the enemy they faced.

He possessed an uncanny ability to dissect situations, thinking of creative solutions from the recesses of his mind that led the team to victory time and time again.

She aspired to be like him, to develop the dexterity to adapt and strategize in the heat of battle, and to lead others.

She knew that if she wanted to vanquish the Geo Hypostasis, she had to think like him.

Like the person she fell in love with.

As Lumine persisted in her dodges and parries, evading the relentless assaults from the Geo Hypostasis, she compelled herself to zero in on the details of the battle.

She examined the construct\'s movements and attack patterns, probing for any signs of vulnerability.

As the Geo Hypostasis continued its relentless assault, it began to spawn large Geo pillars around the battlefield.

The pillars rose from the ground with a thunderous crash, hemming the party in and restricting their movement. Lumine\'s heart raced as she saw the predicament they were in, but she refused to let panic set in.

Lumine noticed Iris, their resident lazy dragon, near one of the pillars.

She wanted to shout for her to get away from the pillars, else she would get hurt but to her surprise, Iris reached out to the nearest pillar.

With a heave, she lifted it from the ground, the pillar now losing its glow.

She effortlessly swung the pillar around, smashing it into the others.

The pillars shattered upon impact, sending debris flying and creating an opening for the team.

"Good job, Iris!"

The minutes bled away, and Lumine\'s worry that she wouldn\'t crack the code intensified.

But then, as if fate intervened, she noticed something—a chink in the armor, a crack in the facade.

Like a lighthouse piercing the darkness, this revelation illuminated a path to victory.

The Geo Hypostasis revealed a brief moment of weakness between its attacks, the construct flickering like a faulty light bulb. In that instant, Lumine knew she had found her opening, a gateway to exploit and deliver a crushing blow.

Her heart pounded in her chest, the adrenaline surging like wildfire through her veins.

Lumine felt the weight of her team\'s expectations, the collective desire for victory resting upon her shoulders. Now that Yomite wasn\'t with them, she was expected to lead.

With Yomite\'s tactical genius as her guiding star, she readied herself to strike. In that fleeting window of opportunity, she would become the embodiment of her comrade\'s cunning, and together, they would bring the Geo Hypostasis to its knees.

"Everyone, I think I\'ve found its weakness!" Lumine shouted, her voice filled with determination. "When it\'s about to launch a geo-based attack, its core briefly becomes vulnerable! If we can time our attacks just right, we can hit it where it hurts!"

Fischl and Iris exchanged glances before nodding, acknowledging Lumine\'s insight.

"In the presence of such unyielding fortitude, we find ourselves humbled and awestruck, for the illustrious Lumine, the Star Forger hath divined the chink in this behemoth\'s armor," Fischl proclaimed, a note of awe in her voice.

"With this newfound revelation, we shall vanquish the foe that hath vexed us so!"

As the group altered their strategy based on Lumine\'s keen observation, they found renewed vigor in their efforts to bring down the Geo Hypostasis.

Lumine, her sword poised and ready, concentrated on dodging the construct\'s formidable geo-based onslaught, anticipating the opportune moment to deliver a devastating blow.

As the Geo Hypostasis reeled from the combined barrage of Fischl and Iris, Lumine discerned her opening.

She sprung forward, her sword cleaving the air, and struck the exposed core with every ounce of her might.

The impact resonated through the Geo Hypostasis, inciting it to convulse violently.

Jagged fissures spiderwebbed across its once-impenetrable carapace, and the luminous patterns that adorned its body began to stutter and wane.

Sensing their adversary was on the brink of annihilation, the group seized their advantage, bombarding the behemoth with an unyielding torrent of attacks.

With a final, anguished bellow, the Geo Hypostasis fractured, its once-dreaded form reduced to a heap of debris and dust.

The group stood triumphant, their visages flushed with a potent cocktail of exhilaration and exhaustion, as they surveyed the remnants of their defeated enemy.

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