
Chapter 352: The Worst Possible Nightmare Ever!

As he rounded a corner, Yomite caught sight of a familiar figure standing in the dimly lit hallway.

Someone...who was not supposed to be there...




It was Hu Tao, but she was nothing like he remembered her.

Her once smooth, porcelain skin was now marred with deep gouges and festering wounds, oozing a sickly green pus.

Her eyes, usually so full of life and mischief, were now hollow, lifeless orbs that seemed to stare right through him. Her vibrant brown hair hung limply around her face, matted with blood and filth.

Her clothing was in tatters, barely hanging on to her emaciated frame.

The once cool black fabric was now faded and shredded, and her signature hat was nowhere to be found.

She appeared to be a twisted, grotesque mockery of the person he once knew.

Yomite\'s gaze drifted lower, and he couldn\'t help but notice that there was...something there...something...that shouldn\'t have been there in the first place...

"...No shot..."


There stood...

There was...an obscene, unnatural growth that protruded from her groin...

It was a giant, throbbing erection that seemed entirely out of place and incompatible with her horrifying appearance, ready to burst at any moment.

"What the hell is that!? Why did this trial think it was okay to give my wife a giant penis!?? Oh hell naw!"

His heart raced, and panic set in as he struggled to comprehend the disturbing sight before him.


Hu Tao\'s monstrous form let out a guttural growl, and Yomite immediately dipped.

Yomite tore his gaze away from the monstrous Hu Tao and sprinted down the corridor, his small legs carrying him as fast as they could.

He tried to block out the grotesque images of his lover, but the scene was seared into his mind.

"I won\'t be able to get this out of my mind for a long time! Jesus christ that thing is huge! It\'s almost bigger than her entire body! Sweet lord grant me mercy and end my suffering!"

As he rounded another corner, however, he nearly collided with yet another familiar figure.


Yomite\'s eyes widened in shock as he realized it was Fischl, but like Hu Tao, she too was a horrifying, twisted version of herself.

Fischl\'s once beautiful blonde hair was now a tangled, greasy mess, with strands of it hanging over her face, obscuring her eyes.

Her skin was ashen and covered in painful-looking sores that wept a foul-smelling ichor.

The eyepatch she once wore was now gone, revealing a grotesque, empty socket where her eye should have been.

Her remaining eye was bloodshot, with the iris clouded and milky.

Her signature outfit had been reduced to tatters, barely covering her mangled body. The raven feathers that once adorned her outfit were now a sickly, molted gray, and they seemed to twitch and squirm as if they were alive.

Just like the monstrous Hu Tao, Fischl\'s impostor also possessed a massive, throbbing erection that seemed to defy the laws of nature and was long enough to almost reach her mouth.

It was an unsettling sight, a perverse contradiction to the decaying horror that her body had become.

Fear clenched Yomite\'s chest, and he knew that he couldn\'t afford to stay rooted in place.

These grotesque, monstrous versions of his lovers were clearly part of the trial, and he had to find a way to overcome the terror they evoked.

"Meine...tongue...thy gardener..."

"Oh hell naw!!! Get me out!"

With a shaking breath, Yomite summoned every ounce of courage he had and darted away from the horrifying apparition of Fischl.

He could hear the guttural growls and unnatural sounds of both twisted Hu Tao and Fischl as they gave chase, their throbbing erections bobbing and weaving menacingly as they ran.


"Booty...licious...fermenting in meine cum."

"Fuck off, and go fuck each other! You have instruments for it! Leave me be!"

The nightmare versions of his lovers seemed to exude an insatiable, predatory desire, their intentions clearly malicious.

They wanted his booty and they wanted it now.

Yomite\'s small heart pounded in his chest, fear and adrenaline fueling his every step.

He knew he couldn\'t let these monstrous beings catch him, or he would be subjected to a fate worse than death.

"Forget dying by being rimmed, I will be fucked to death! In other circumstances that would be the best way to go out, but not by two futanaris! Hell naw!"

As he sprinted through the abandoned school\'s darkened corridors, Yomite\'s thoughts raced.

He needed to find the keys and escape this terrifying place before these perverse creatures could get their hands on him and violate him.

Despite his fear, Yomite realized that he had a small advantage – his small stature and nimbleness.

As a child, he was more agile and able to squeeze through tight spaces that the two weird beings with giant penises couldn\'t.

With this knowledge, Yomite began to strategize, looking for narrow gaps and small openings where he could elude his monstrous pursuers.

As he dashed down a dimly lit hallway, he spotted a small ventilation shaft opening in the wall. In his current form, he should be able to fit through.

Taking a sharp turn, Yomite scrambled to the vent and pried the grate open. He squeezed himself inside just as the grotesque Hu Tao and Fischl reached the spot where he\'d been moments before.


Yomite\'s heart raced as he crawled through the narrow passage, praying that he would make it out safely.


He could hear the labored breathing and guttural moans of the monstrous duo, and he knew that they were aware of his escape route.

Suddenly, he felt the vent shake violently.


Looking back, he saw Hu Tao\'s enormous, throbbing erection smashing through the opening, probing the vent like a nightmarish tentacle.

"Move! Move! MOVE!"

The horrifying sight spurred Yomite to move faster, frantically crawling deeper into the shaft.

The monstrous phallus pursued him relentlessly, smashing through the vent\'s walls, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Yomite\'s heart pounded in his chest, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he pushed himself to move even faster.

"Go, go, go, go, go, go, gooooo!!!!!"

Finally, Yomite reached an opening at the other end of the vent.

Kicking the grate off, he tumbled out into another hallway.

As he quickly got to his feet, he could hear the monstrous phallus retreating back through the vent, its prey now out of reach.

"Creepy as hell! What the hell is this trial!?"


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