
Chapter 220 - Anchor

It was clear to Adam that Angela and Wayde were surprised by him cleaning the room quickly and his reasoning for doing so, but he was hoping that it showed them to care a bit more about how others were feeling and how their actions impacted others.

Adam remembered that his aunt was once a cleaner and had taught him one thing that he tried to live by as much as he could.


When treating others or seeing others in a bad situation, imagine they were a loved one before acting or deciding whether or not to help them.

Adam had also adopted that ideal when dealing with others who were wronging others and imagined that they were wronging somebody he cared about, which was why he found it so easy to kill people who were wronging others without thinking about it twice.

Although he knew that those he killed probably had family that mourned for them, but on most occasions, when he killed, he was sure that the person he killed deserved to die.

Adam\'s way of living would seem absurd to most, but it was very simple to him.

No one was perfect, which included him, but everyone had something that they lived by and believed in. Adam\'s priority was the safety and happiness of himself and those he cared about, and a big part of that required him to be wealthy, capable and powerful.

He might also help others that he saw in a bad situation and he was more likely to help a child or female, as they were more likely to be vulnerable and unable to defend themselves, but he wouldn\'t feel guilty if he didn\'t help.

As long as his conscience was clear, Adam didn\'t care too much about most things and was fighting in the present and for the future, so didn\'t have time to worry about the past.

With that way of living, although it may be seen as reckless and irresponsible, it was how Adam was planning on moving forwards with his life.

Wayde went to the same store that he had bought the things Adam requested and brought back a sports jersey to him, which was the only form of clothing he found in the store.

It was bright red and quite eye-catching, which Adam didn\'t like, but he didn\'t have another option so put it on without complaining.

While Wayde had gone to the store to get Adam a shirt, Angela couldn\'t help but ask Adam, "Are you sure you want to leave Cole here to deal with everything alone? I am sure he would need your help or at least know that you are by his side to support him".

"Cole is strong and can deal with it himself, Once he has sorted everything out I will return and then we can talk about everything. But for now, I think he needs space and time to deal with everything himself" answered Adam, who was confident in his friend.

Adam using Angela\'s phone sent Cole a message, telling him that it was Angela\'s number and reassuring him that he was fine. In the message, he also told Cole that he would come back to see him in a few days and was giving him time to sort out all the different things that he needed to do.

Adam, Wayde and Angela left the motel together and there was a car there prepared for them that had been left by one of the Maxwell Familly subordinates after Angela requested a car to be brought to her.

Getting into the car, Wayde got into the driver\'s seat, while Adam and Angela got into the back.

"I can\'t believe everything worked out and it was all because we came across you in that restaurant," stated Angela who was proud of her accomplishment and was driven and excited for her future.

"We are both lucky I guess," said Adam.

There was something that he was very curious about and hadn\'t had the chance to ask about it, but he was unsure whether or not to ask about it.

While he lost consciousness after the battle, he was still watching what was happening around his unconscious body and saw the great elder\'s attack and heard Evil Energy be mentioned.

He had never heard of it and its power was very powerful, which made Adam very curious about it.

"Angela what is evil energy?" asked Adam.

Wayde and Angela\'s expressions suddenly changed and Adam could clearly see that it was a forbidden subject for cultivators to speak about.

"This is something you shouldn\'t ask about so openly. With us it is fine, but make sure not to do it in front of other cultivators as it is seen as something that is taboo. But how do you even know about it?" asked Angela, who was sure that most didn\'t know about Evil Cultivation.

"Well, I sensed an energy that was very sinister and powerful while I was unconscious and had also heard rumours of evil energy, but never really understood what it was" answered Adam.

"You were able to sense the evil energy that the great elder released despite you being unconscious?" exclaimed Angela who had never heard of somebody being able to sense what was happening around them while they were unconscious.

Adam scratched his head and with a wry smile answered, "I have very sensitive senses and wasn\'t completely unconscious at that time".

It didn\'t really make sense to Angela how that was possible, but compared to everything else she had seen him do, such as teleporting, it wasn\'t anything too shocking.

Angela gave him a surprisingly very detailed and informative explanation about the difference between positive and negative energy and how they were opposite.

She did state that negative energy wasn\'t necessarily evil, but urged Adam to forget about trying to cultivate it as it was very dangerous to cultivate, could damage his body and he could lose control over it.

Adam was enlightened by her explanation and couldn\'t help but wonder whether his Bloodlust Characteristic had something to do with negative energy.

It would grant him explosive power, but he would lose control and only desire to kill, while it would also damage his body afterwards, which matched Angela\'s explanation of evil energy.

However Adam wasn\'t afraid of cultivating negative energy and knew how amazing his body had become after integrating with the Dungeon System, so was willing to do so as long as he retained his mind, emotions, his reasoning and didn\'t harm his body.

Adam\'s main priority was increasing his power and he realised that his friends and those that he cared about were the anchor for his Bloodlust Characteristic and everything else.

As long as he had that anchor, he was sure that he had nothing to worry about and he would always be able to overcome everything that came his way.

"Thanks for the warning and I will heed your warning" reassured her Adam, seeing how serious she had become.

"You better. Negative energy is very hard for humans to store and control, so don\'t think that because you might be talented, you can handle it. Evil Cultivators are a problem that us, ordinary cultivators, have to deal with and they almost always have to harm innocents in order to increase their power through evil methods" warned Angela.

Adam was quite sure that the Hospital Director was involved in some sort of Evil Cultivation Organisation and his aunt would have been a victim of their methods if he hadn\'t intervened when he did.

Angela told him ways that they would kill, torture, harass and abuse innocents to increase their power and produce negative energy and Adam was horrified.

He made a vow to himself that he would kill any evil cultivator that he came across, but was also interested in finding out more about negative energy ad finding out how to cultivate it without using evil methods.

He also decided against telling Angela about what had happened with his aunt and the Evil Cultivation Organisation that he had suspicions about. Before he tried to do anything, he needed to increase his power and he knew that a war with the Lin Family and the other large cultivation families in New York was soon approaching.

[With my anchor in place and my goals set, all I need to do is hunt]

Adam was eager to get back into the dungeon and hunt, to increase his power and also relieve some of his Bloodlust, but before he could, he received a notification from the system.

{Ding, for the host\'s increased mental stability and fortitude, the host has received 5 Intelligence Stat Points and 1 Charisma Stat Point} notified him the system.

{It is also partly a reward for what the host has accomplished, but the system cannot directly reward the host for it without the host completing something that the system already has in place} added the system.

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