
Chapter 102 Taticale

In the MK.1, the new recruits were getting to know each other.

Everyone was excited to have been selected by one of the most promising guilds in "Horus." Of course, for some players, it was a very risky choice. Many other guild offers were much more solid in terms of finances and experience than Eclipse, after all.

However, they\'d all gambled on following Apophis, the rising star of the MMORPG world!

Apophis, as usual, was not very sociable and mostly stayed in the captain\'s office. It was the smallest room of the ship, being non-essential, but Apophis appreciated the calm it provided him, which he needed to strategize different approaches for the coming conflict.

Suddenly, his solitude was broken by a cryptic transmission from Ralfot.

"Hello Colonel. We parted badly last time, and I apologize for being dismissive. As agreed, for your efforts in recruiting over 20,000,000 Eternals on behalf of the Federation, you are confirmed in your role as Commander of the Federation\'s Eternal forces.

"Upon arriving on Cronos I, you will be under the orders of Marshal Androf, who landed yesterday with 300,000,000 soldiers to defend the planet. You will also be under the supervision of Colonel Zareil, whom you met during your prior interview. All your decisions must be approved by him beforehand. I wish you luck, Colonel. Glory to the United Federation of Planets!"

This was good news for Apophis… though the Federation was still unlikely to win the coming battle, despite the reinforcements.

They\'d sent 300,000,000 soldiers, which could potentially be enough for a planetary-scale battle. Unlike space battles, where every loss of astronauts was a catastrophe, soldiers in land battles were only cannon fodder.

Of course, Ascensionists were more or less protected from many common weapons of destruction their enemies might throw at them, but Ascensionists were also often priority targets.

Given the number of players who would participate in this battle, carnage was inevitable.



A small fleet of ships hung in space, orbiting a small moon. It was composed of a cruiser, ten destroyers, and hundreds of corvettes: the fleet of the coalition of Eternals!

But despite the presence of over one hundred first-rate guilds, only three commanders directed the meeting.

Lucifer spoke first. "Very well! We\'ve gathered a large enough fleet, for certain! Our main objective is the occupation of Cronos I. At the moment, of course, we remain outnumbered. So, I propose that we only intervene once the ground battle between the Orc Empire and the Federation has already begun. We\'ll wait until the belligerents are mutually exhausted, and their most dangerous Rank-A and Rank-B Ascensionists are dead, before we attack."

Ceasar asked, "How many troops can we bring?"

Mario answered, "We\'ve rented a thousand transport ships, so we can count on a ground force of ten thousand players!" His voice was full of confidence.

Lucifer added, "We could\'ve rented more, but this would only be a minor detail. Our assault plan is perfect, and doesn\'t rely on mere numbers. Moreover, in view of new information, we\'ll have more than enough firepower to capture the entire planet, whether the Orcs or the Federation seem to be on top!"

Ceasar seemed skeptical. "Capturing the planet won\'t be a problem, but can we hold it for any length of time?"

Lucifer answered, "Once Cronos I is under control, we\'ll launch a series of anonymous kamikaze attacks throughout the Federation and the Orc Empire. It will seem as though player victims are being oppressed, so Cronos I will be the perfect rallying point to strengthen the bases of our new state, starting here on Era!"

Mario said, "The planet is under the military control of Apophis of Eclipse. According to our informant, he is now the commander of all Eternal forces in the Federation. Is it wise to defy him so openly, when we could negotiate his alliance?"

Ceasar answered, "On the contrary, this is the perfect strategy. Apophis is an excellent player and a great strategist! Everyone who has underestimated him has paid for it dearly, from Zelda to Scorpion. The advantage of this assault on Era is that Apophis will be torn between the Federation and his own interests! At that moment, we will force him to make a choice."

Lucifer replied, "So, it\'s decided. We\'ll launch an offensive first against Era to free new players from the tyranny of the Federation. Once the planet is free, we\'ll join the battle of Cronos I, where we\'ll establish the first galactic state of the Eternals!"

Cheers filled the conference as all those present prepared to fight.

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