
Chapter 208 Days In The Apocalypse

During the blood rain, I stood vigilant and avoided any contact with the rain. In addition, I still needed to stay alert for any other dangers that might arise during the storm and my stay in this Academy, like bullying from other players and sneaking at night to kill you to get your items. 

Those were the occurring themes in this Academy. Good thing that my ATP was in the two hundred already, the only player who had that kind of ATP in this Academy. 

I was an instant celebrity at school the moment they knew my stat. 

I forgot how many kingdoms and cities wanted me because of my class, and because I was one of those BUG players, they used to say. 

However, I didn\'t want a life of comfort. I want my revenge. I couldn\'t have it when I was stuck inside a noble house licking their boots and being there dog in exchange for a comfortable life.

I wanted my freedom to do what I wanted and when I wanted. And right now, until I had my revenge and had the Old Hag\'s Head in my hand to offer to Nanally, I couldn\'t move on and live a normal life.

With the chaos of the Apocalypse, everything stopped.

The Apocalypse was a mysterious and deadly phenomenon that had plagued the town for as long as anyone could remember. 

With the Blood Rain, the sky was a constant shade of dark red, and the rain that fell from it was heavy and viscous, like blood.

As the Blood Rain continued to pour down on the town, the people who lived there huddled inside their homes, seeking shelter from the deadly downpour. The shops and businesses in the town have all closed their doors, unable to operate in such treacherous conditions.

Life under the Blood Rain was harsh and unforgiving. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood, and the ground was slick with the heavy, red rain that fell from the sky. 

The few brave souls who venture outside risk being struck down by the deadly rain, which could cause severe burns and other injuries.

Despite the danger, some players and inhabitants were forced to venture outside, either to gather food and supplies or to try and find a way to stop the Blood Rain, which I found amusing, considering that it was a force of nature and couldn\'t be stopped. I heard that not even Gods could stop its rampage. 

These brave souls move quickly and with purpose, their faces obscured by thick, protective masks and their bodies covered in heavy, waterproof clothing. Some returned with food, and others melted in the rain and never saw the light of the next day. 

As players in the Academy, we were safe and fed under there roof. There were even some players and inhabitants that stormed the Academy to steal their rations, but it was a never wise choice for the Academy was home to a lot of players and Inhabitants whose ATPs were nearing five hundred. 

I didn\'t know how many players and inhabitants alike I had killed in these seven days that I had stayed in the Academy. I had already left my compassion and kindness in the Old Hag\'s home to not spare anyone who crossed me, including players like myself. 

The Blood Rain continued to pour down on the town for seven long days, each one bringing with it new horrors and challenges for the people who lived there. 

But through it all, everyone remained strong and determined, refusing to let the Blood Rain take over their lives. 

ραпdα---nᴏνa| сom There would still be a lot of Apocalyptic events in the future, so I guess they were already used to it. They knew that, no matter what happened, they had to find a way to survive and thrive in this deadly, blood-soaked world.

And so I am.

I had no plans to die without avenging Nanally\'s death. Even in my grave, I would never know peace until I have my revenge. 

Coop up in the Academy for seven days. I had known some notable players like:

Aria, a skilled archer who was quick and nimble. She was often quiet and reserved but fiercely loyal to those she cared about.

Magnus the Paladin is a holy warrior who fought for justice and righteousness. He was honorable and principled and would stop at nothing to protect the innocent.

Drog the Barbarian was a fierce warrior who relied on brute strength and raw power. He was impulsive and hot-headed, often charging headfirst into battle without a second thought.

Rhea the Cleric is a holy healer who uses her magic to heal the sick and wounded. She was kind and compassionate, always putting the needs of others before her own.

Luke was a skilled swordsman who obviously practiced the word in the real world. It showed when he fought. He stood tall and proud, with a handsome face.

Luke was not known for his kind disposition; he could be aloof and cold to those around him. He didn\'t suffer fools lightly and had little patience for those who did not take their training seriously. He had a sharp wit and could be quick to make cutting remarks, even to those he considered his friends.

Like with this woman Jean, a white mage. She was often chasing Luke, but the guy always brushed her off like she was invisible. 

I heard that they were once in a group, together with Soarsie, but they broke up like most of the groups he knew. 

Players spoke behind his back that Luke preferred stronger players to his group, like the ones I mentioned above. 

I couldn\'t blame him. Who didn\'t want a strong player in their ranks?

Luke even went to him one time, asking to join his group, but I declined. I saw on his twisted face the blow of his wounded pride, and he never once asked me again after that.

I even heard rumors that he was spreading nasty things about me like I was only arrogant because I was a BUG player. That without my grand class, I was nothing. I replied with a none-interested yawn. 

He didn\'t have to tell me that. I knew how weak I was even if he didn\'t spread rumors about me. I knew how useless I was even with this rare class and being a BUG player – but I would make sure that I would take advantage of this BUG until I have my revenge. 

In battle, however, Luke was a force to be reckoned with, even if he wasn\'t a BUG player like me. He wielded his sword with deadly accuracy and precision, striking his enemies with lightning-fast slashes and parries. He was not afraid to take risks and would often charge headlong into battle, relying on his skill and agility to carry him through.

Though he may not be the most pleasant person to be around, his skills with a sword were undeniable.

Then there was Soarsie. A Mage. She wasn\'t a BUG player, but something drew my attention to her. 

Soarsie was a dark mage who was known for her quiet and reserved nature. She kept to herself most of the time, preferring the company of books and spell tomes over people. Her magic was powerful and deadly, and she had a reputation for being able to cast spells that could turn the tide of battle in an instant.

Some said that she had stumbled over something dark and sinister – ancient, powerful magic on her way here. That\'s why a non-BUG player like her could hold her own in battle, even alone. 

Her dark magic was new to me. And I knew that she alone had that kind of magic. I saw her once in a routine fight between players in the arena. She just didn\'t cast simple fire, water, air, and earth. No. What she was casting were shadows. 

And often, Soarsie was called a Shadow Mage, than a dark mage because of her spells. 

Despite her formidable abilities, Soarsie seemed to carry a deep sense of guilt and dread with her at all times. This guilt had left her withdrawn and introverted, and she rarely lets anyone get close to her.

I, however, seemed to be able to see past Soarsie\'s reserved exterior and recognize the pain and sorrow that lay beneath. I was drawn to her because I, too, carried a similar burden of guilt, having lost someone I loved at the hands of a cruel Hag. 

I saw in Soarsie a kindred spirit, someone who understood the weight of sorrow and shared in her pain. 

But I didn\'t get close. I stayed as far away from the others as I could. I didn\'t want the pain that came along with getting close to someone. 

I had learned my lesson. And I had already chosen my path – the path of carnage and revenge. 

I didn\'t want to pull others into that path with me.

When the Blood Rain ended, so where our time in the Academy. 

Most of the players grabbed the chance to be a part of the safer options which was serving a town or kingdom in exchange for shelter, food, and gil while the rest opt to join the guild – mostly players who didn\'t get a contract. 

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