
Chapter 108 108: The Second Trial!

Tall, majestic trees surrounded them, their branches stretching upwards to the sky like outstretched arms, and right infront of them stood a towering structure, its massive form looming over them like a behemoth. It looked like a building of some sort, with its sharp edges and towering height. Its walls were made of a pristine material, giving it an almost otherworldly appearance.

And above them stretched a breathtaking sky adorned with a vast expanse of shimmering stars. It was as though the universe had carefully scattered sparkling speckles of light across the dark canvas of the night sky.

It was an unbelievably beautifuly sight.

"Wow, what a sight!" exclaimed one of them, captivated by the celestial display.

But the other scoffed and retorted, "Idiot! What are you being mesmerized for. It\'s not even real."

The one who had dismissed the beauty of the starry sky continued, "We\'re inside a tower, you moron. That \'sky\' above us is fake. It\'s just the ceiling of the tower painted to look like the night sky."

Despite his words, the stars still twinkled overhead, making them feel it was real.

It was a strange feeling, being enclosed within the walls of the tower yet feeling as though they were standing beneath the vast expanse of the galaxy.

Evan\'s eyes scanned the group.

The third trial of fire in the inheritance war had attracted hundreds of young participants, but now only 150 of them remained. It was clear that the first floor of the minster tower had taken the lives of many of the contestants.

It\'s heartbreaking to see how cruel this world can be at times.

Evan sighed and looked away from them, his eyes resting on the only thing that seemed out ofplace in this area.

The colossal building that loomed in front of them was truly extraordinary, with a pristine door that towered above them at a height of at least forty feet. Its sheer size was enough to make anyone feel insignificant in its presence.

The colossal, immaculate gate of the towering building groaned as it creacked open, revealing an abyssal void beyond its threshold.

In the darkness, a figure emerged, striding confidently on two legs like a human.

However, upon closer inspection, it was clear that this was no ordinary human.

It was a crocodile - an enormous, formidable beast draped in obsidian armor adorned with gilded bracelets on its bulging biceps and glossy, chocolate-brown boots that seemed to shine even in the dim light. The creature loomed at an intimidating height of 2.5 meters, its presence alone enough to send shivers down the spine of the youth who stared at it.

Its blazing, red eyes flickered like scorching embers in the darkness, and its entire body was encased in rough, brown scales, devoid of any hair. The only thing that seemed out of place on this terrifying creature was a peculiar watch on its left wrist - an incongruous addition to an otherwise fearsome creature.

"Ahoy, ahoy, my dear climbers, welcome to the Monster Tower\'s Second Floor," the croc greeted in a silky-smooth voice, his lips curling into a slight smirk. He paused, letting his sharp eyes scrutinize the group before him. "I do hope your venture through the First Floor was to your liking, for I assure you, the challenge you\'ll face here will be far more daunting."

With each word, the croc gesticulated extravagantly, showcasing his grandiose flair like a seasoned performer. His thick fingers fluttered through the air with the elegance of a skilled magician.

The youngling from the Imperial Frost Clan couldn\'t help but feel their insides churn with disgust as the croc\'s charming demeanor clashed with his malevolent appearance. The feeling intensified as they gazed upon his menacing figure, dressed in obsidian armor and adorned with gilded bracelets that clung tightly to his bulging biceps.

"What\'s the challenge?" Evan inquired.

"The goal is to climb to the third floor within a day, and you can do so by entering this building," Prince Charming gestured towards a large, ominous-looking building behind him. "But you need to earn 5 points to unlock the door and enter it. Simple enough, right? Any questions?"

Matthew spoke up, "It seems straightforward, but how do we earn points?"

"By taking out your fellow contestants," Prince Charming replied with a menacing tone, his eyes scanning the crowd of 150 participants.

A tall woman with short-cropped hair stepped forward, her brow furrowed. "Wait, so we have to kill each other to earn points?"

"That\'s right," Prince Charming confirmed with a wicked grin. "Each contestant you kill will net you one point. But beware, because the same is true for them. Remember, you are all predators here, fighting for points in a wilderness that will not hesitate to kill you."

As the crocodile-man spoke, the sound of his clock clicking against the silence of the second floor added to the sense of foreboding that hung heavy in the air. His sharp eyes surveyed the crowd, relishing in the tension that simmered just below the surface.

A murmur ran through the participants, and Prince Charming\'s grin widened.

Jack\'s face contorted with anger, his nostrils flaring. He pointed a trembling finger towards Prince Charming, and spat in disgust,

"What kind of sick game is this?"

So far in the inheritance trial, not a single trial had forced clansmen to kill each other. Such a choice was indeed presented, but it wasn\'t emphasized. The previous trials aimed to test their skills, not their capacity for bloodshed. However, this trial of the monster tower demanded nothing short of murder, a demand that would stain their hands with the blood of their own kin.

Evan\'s expression darkened. He knew that most of those who had joined the war were driven by selfish motives or a desire to prove themselves to the clan. But they weren\'t killers, and many of them had never taken a life before. In contrast, the hounds of the Frostweavers had been groomed from a young age to become ruthless killing machines, devoid of remorse.

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