
Chapter 21 - 21. Maturity

[A/N: THIS FIC DOES NOT MEAN TO HURT THE SENTIMENTS OF ANY BRITISH NATIONAL. THE QUEEN IS NOT A VILLAIN. I REPEAT... THE QUEEN IS NOT A VILLAIN. She will have a bigger role later in the story. She is acting just like any normal person would when their power is forcefully being taken from them and their family is being threatened.

Now, the reason I said this is because I had a heated argument with a reviewer yesterday. He gave a bad review because the queen was shown in a bad light and he felt his sentiments hurt. He got angry because someone commented on the chapter "Death to Queen." and considers the Queen powerful enough that she can destroy Magical Britain. According to him, mentioning her in this fic is a SIN. ​​

Now, I don\'t agree with his views because they are incorrect and he lacks knowledge about the Wizarding world. Any public figure, whether big or small, can be criticised, just look at the news and see what\'s happening to the royal family.

Still, if you really like the Queen and feel she is being shown in the bad light, then you can drop or wait for a little because her role gets much better. Many of you might already be familiar with my writing style, I don\'t make too many evil characters.

Let\'s continue with the chapter now.]


15 January 1970.

It was the birthday of Magnus. He was very happy for the day. Not because of the presents but because the environment was so positive. Everyone gathered for the feast.

He had already cut the cake and had blown the candles. Now, it was gift unwrapping time. Everyone gifted him good books as that was what he liked.

Now, it was Bobby\'s turn. Bobby had a thin box with him as a gift. Magnus opened it and what he found baffled him.

It was a painting, but it looked more like some kind of a poster. In this painting, he was shown in a shining knight armour with fire all around him as if he was controlling the fire with the sword.

"Did you draw it?" Magnus asked, bewildered.

Bobby nodded, "Yes, It took me some time but in the end, it came out good."

"Man, are you mad? I am going to get this mounted on the wall." Magnus decided.

Magnus had no idea that Bobby was so good at painting. "You\'re pretty good at keeping secrets it seems."

Bobby awkwardly smiled and whispered, "I always wanted to do this but due to money problems, I never asked for a painting kit. I just used to make pencil sketches."

"Why didn\'t you ask me? I had a kit lying in the house even when I\'m not even 1 per cent as talented as you. But what\'s done is done, let\'s eat now." Magnus said.


The life of a 5th grader can\'t be exciting as there wasn\'t much happening. Although Magnus had faced some really weird things and had found magical powers, that still did not change the fact that he was a kid.

So, his days were simple with a decided schedule. He had started to suspect that Arthur had nothing left to teach him and was now just speaking gibberish, but he was not going to throw the portrait. It was the last proof of Arthur that he lived once. He was also kind of funny sometimes.

Magnus had also been physically practising a lot. But he never did any weight lifting. All he did was the wooden sword practice and a lot of running. Even his dad and Bobby had become fit, with Bobby becoming less chubby and Adam losing his beer belly and again showing off his abs. Grace loved it as she was still as pretty as before they got married.

Along with this, he spent time studying and before he knew it, it was the end term exams in June. Magnus and Bobby easily topped them with full marks in all subjects.

Then there was the examination for 7th grade, which would allow them to jump to eighth grade. Magnus had his suspicions when he and Bobby were not made to sit with other 7th graders instead sent to a different room with two teachers.

When Magnus saw the papers, he realised that it was much tougher than a normal 7th-grade exam. But it was easy for him. He glanced at Bobby and saw him relaxed.

~Let\'s hope he will pass to... Well, if he fails I can still refuse to jump grades.~ Magnus thought.

After 2 hours, Magnus was done with his exam. He looked at Bobby who was also done and was smiling at him. The teachers took their papers and left the room.

"How was it?" Magnus inquired.

"Easy peasy... I think I have become too smart... thanks, Mag." Bobby said proudly.


Magnus lightly knocked Bobby\'s head, "Don\'t get too proud of yourself. You still can\'t solve the 8th grader problem. I am already at the 10th grader level. I will be leaving in the next September, but before that, I want you to at least learn 10th grader subjects."

"WHAAAT? Man, my brain is going to explode with so much studying, but I guess it is also fun. I like feeling challenged while studying. Let\'s go, I got extra lunch money from mum, let\'s eat something good to celebrate." Bobby offered and dragged Magnus.

At the cafeteria, they bought some flavoured milk and sandwiches, junk food wasn\'t allowed there so they were limited to these.

They sat away from all the other kids. Most kids of their class respected them as the two were intelligent and also Magnus had saved them.

But that was not the case with other kids as many saw them with envy. Some envied Magnus for being famous and some Bobby because he was Magnus\' friend.

"Mag, will you send me some cool magical stuff when you get there?" Bobby questioned with a low voice.

"Sure, I will send you fun things, but I will have to find a way to make it so only you could use or see it. I read the laws, wizards under 17 can\'t perform magic outside the school or they will be traced and expelled." Magnus revealed.

"Woah, for the first time I am feeling lucky to not be going with you. That school feels like a prison to me." Bobby muttered.

"Who knows, I will get the letter next year. Only then can I officially start looking around." Magnus said.


Magnus never got to meet Sirius again. He even went to the front of his house and camped for a few hours but nobody came out. So, he gave up, knowing that he would eventually meet him.

In a few weeks, the result of the exams also came. Magnus and Bobby had scored even more than the topper of 7th grade. So, they both were promoted to 8th grade.

The principal was happy with this, not only Magnus, he even got to boast about Bobby. However, Bobby had to remind the principal to put the name Brandon in the newspaper and not Bobby.

But, his warning was not very effective and the principal forgot. He still got the name Bobby in the newspaper. It was a headache for the principal now as there was no kid officially by the name Bobby in the school. So, another newspaper article was published this time with the right names.

Magnus had days of laughter whenever he saw Bobby\'s frustrated face.

In the coming days, they spent most of their time studying. Magnus had to do extra as he was also studying Hogwarts subjects. But, slowly, it became easier.

Slowly, Magnus\' 11th birthday arrived and he couldn\'t be happier about it as he knew he\'d probably be able to perform magic.


14th January 1971.

Magnus went to sleep with a big smile on his face. Tomorrow was going to be his 11th birthday.

But, for some reason, Magnus couldn\'t sleep at night. All he did was roll left and right. Arthur\'s portrait saw all this happening.

~Hehe, must be dreaming of some pretty girls.~

In reality, Magnus was asleep but he was rolling in the bed because of something happening to his body. It was a natural human reaction.

"WHAT THE...?" Magnus\' eyes shot open. He quickly checked under his pyjamas.

He checked under his underwear too. There, he felt wet and sticky. He switched the lights on and saw what it was. White sticky slimy liquid.

He put his hand in and touched it with his finger. He was certain that it did come out of his pee-pee as he had felt it coming out.

"So this is what semen looks like..." Magnus exclaimed. He was thankful that he knew about this, or else, he might have thought he had some kind of disease or something.

"BWAHAHAHA..." Arthur started laughing.

"What? This is a normal human body reaction." Magnus defended his dignity.

"No, no, I am not making fun. Little Magnus, now you have turned from a boy to a man. Tell me, were you dreaming of some pretty lady?" Arthur asked.

Magnus sighed and joked, "I\'m not a pervert like you, I wasn\'t dreaming anything. But, I guess this marks my birthday then."

Then he got out of bed in frustration. "I\'ll need to wash them, can\'t have mum or dad notice this. I still want to be respected in this house."

"What respect? You\'re a kid," Arthur argued, but was ignored.

Magnus went to the bathroom secretly and washed his underwear. But, then he needed to dry it. He returned to his room and closed the door with the lock.

"Okay, let\'s try it." He sat near the window and held the underwear in one hand. With the other, he tried to create a fire as he was 11 years old now.

He concentrated a lot, just as the mysterious voice had told him a year and a half ago. Smoke came, then sparks, and then finally, a small amount of fire appeared on his hand. It was tiny, the same as fire from a cigarette lighter. He focused more and finally, it increased to a decent amount.

He dried his underwear with the fire. But, after 30-minutes of usage, he felt tired.

Arthur, though, was left speechless. "Seriously? The first thing you do with that amazing magic is dry your wet underwear?"

Magnus put on the dried underwear, "Anything to protect my honour. Now, I feel like fainting so I\'m going to sleep. Stay quiet."

Arthur just shook his head. ~He\'s even crazier than me or Merlin.~

Arthur\'s words gained more credibility when Magnus suddenly exclaimed while half asleep, "OH NO, I think I burned a hole in my underwear. I can feel the air touching my butt."

[Okay, we are very close to Hogwarts now. Tomorrow, I will officially be starting the Hogwarts arc that will run for many chapters. Until now, we were at the arc called "Magical MATURITY ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"]


[OMAKE 1.]

[Magnus finds a cat that turns out to be a certain God of Chaos. If you have not read my old fic called, "GRANDPA UNIVERSE IN MULTIVERSE" then skip this part.]

Magnus headed to his home for the Christmas dinner. Bobby followed him behind.


They suddenly heard a cat in the bushes. So they followed the nice and soon came to find a thick cat, with grey fur and blue stips on it. The cat had a big creepy smile.

"Aw, looks like someone abandoned it." Magnus felt bad for it and tried to pick it up.


The cat slammed the arm away, "MEOWTHAFUKA... don\'t touch this god."

"Woah, I can talk to cats," Magnus exclaimed.

But Bobby shook Magnus\' shoulder. "I can hear him too..."

"WHAT?" Magnus looked back at Bobby and then at the cat.

"Can you talk?" he asked.

The cat majestically stood up on its back legs. "Of course I can, I am Hats, the god of chaos. That bastard gorilla sent me here while I was asleep. You smell similar to that old lizard. Now, pick this god up."

Magnus did as asked and picked him up by his nape, just like a mother cat does. It was very embarrassing to Hats.


"Huh, with such an attitude, you can\'t be anything but a kitten. Come, I\'ll give you some milk." Magnus replied with a smirk.

"How rude, I am a god, you know. But I guess milk will do."

So, Hats lived with the family. But he never spoke in front of Magnus\' parents, and only got pampered by Grace. He started to get fatter more and more. Then one day, he got bored and told Magnus to take him for a walk. So, with Bobby along, they went out.

But, in their way, they came across a few people, walking in a group. They all had leather hooded coats.

"Ahaaa... that\'s interesting. Take me there, Mortal. Ah, this reminds me of my adventures with Ajax, the boy has grown up and got some kids now. You know, I have the most beautiful wife in Omniverse, well, she\'s as pretty as my Grandma." Hats babbled continuously.

Soon, they arrived in an old underground bunker. They slowly sneaked close to the door.

"Why are you being so scared? I am a God. Follow me." Hats suddenly jumped from Magnus\' arms and barged into the bunker.


"FBI FBI... OPEN UP..." Hats shouted.

Magnus immediately pointed out the flaw, "This is the UK, no FBI here."

Hats smirked, "Hehe, that\'s where you\'re wrong kiddo."

"GUYS... THEY DON\'T LOOK FRIENDLY..." Bobby shouted.


All of a sudden, a green flash of light came and hit Hats. But, the fat cat was unfazed. He turned back to the group of people. They were sitting around a large dining table. With a snake-like man sitting on one end.

"Alright, who tickled me?" Hats asked with a large creepy smile.


Another light came, but this time, Hats stopped it with his palm and sent it back with a hundred times intensity. "AH, I remember now. Grandpa told me about this. You are Voldemort, right?"

"Who might you be? I\'ve never seen an intelligent cat beast? Perhaps, I\'ll make you my pet." Voldemort stood up.

Hats smirked evilly, "You must be feeling so invincible because of your Whorecrux, right?"

"It\'s HORECRU..."

Hats interrupted him, "I know what it is. But, for you, it is WHORECRUX. I mean, you have put your soul inside different things. That\'s nasty. You know, sweet little Amy taught me a trick. ACCIO HORCRUX."

In an instant, 3 different items appeared in front of Hats. "Now, who was going to be a pet?"

Hats stepped on them one by one, destroying them. Voldemort cowered in fear and started taking steps back.


"Haha, look at your own face first. Okay, enough playing, you can\'t run away anyway. I will cast my best magic on you. I made this spell. BEEP BOOP BITCH, IMMA KILL THIS MAN-WITCH..." Hats said his weird spell. In fact, it was just his normal power behind fancy words.


A lightning bolt came out of Hats\' palm and started frying Voldemort. Hats laughed, "MWAHAHA... UNLIMITED POWAAAAH..."

Magnus was horrified, "STOP, why are you killing him?"

"Kid, he\'s a dark lord. He likes killing people and was aiming to kill all non-magical humans. I am a God, you stay back. This is under my jurisdiction." Hats clarified.

"OKAY, the rest of you will be permanently turned into Mouses. Oh, did I tell you, I have told the neighbourhood cats to gather here in an hour?" Hats punished the rest. Then he jumped back into Magnus\' arms.

"Take me back to my home, Human." He ordered.

"That\'s my home, you\'re just a freeloader." Magnus huffed.

Hats just knew the trick to make Magnus happy. "Here, take this gold coin. Be my human and I will give you a thousand more."

Magnus\' eyes shined bright. "Nice..."

Hats sighed, "I KNEW IT... You are just like that old lizard."

"HEY, what about me?" Bobby voiced.

Hats looked at him, "Here, a cheeseburger for you."

"WICKED... thanks... *NOM NOM*..." Bobby was happy.

Hats sighed, "Heh, one is an old lizard 2.0 and the other is a simpleton like Thea. What a weird combination."

"Can I have another burger?" Bobby asked the next minute.

"Sure, here you go my fat human." Hats obliged.


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

Thank you for your support!

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