
Chapter 87 - 87. Stingy Magnus

"We\'re not in school, Bobby. Just speak what you have in mind." Magnus said with a chuckle.

Bobby started, "I personally believe that we should keep this Round Table as small as possible. From what I understand, in old times, people came together loyally under king Arthur because they all wanted peace and stability in the region. ​​

"We have it all right now. Food, peace, luxury. We cannot trust as many as 25 people. At most, we should keep this a 6 person secret group. We can be the real round table. Behind the Round Table, we can create another group, which will be like the Round Table and will have a full 25 members, but they will not be a member of our inner circle."

Snape nodded to his plan, "Bobby is right, we can not trust 25 people to keep our secrets as well as follow our goals. Human greed knows no bounds."

"That I agree with. 6 should be a fine number for our real Round Table. We can make a different group of 25 members, though we will still treat it as an extremely secretive group." Ragnar added.

Magnus listened to them all and had to agree. "You\'re all right. The Round Table can be the secret overseer of the working branch. But, what should we call this other group?"

This was something everyone thought about. But they couldn\'t come up with a good name.

Just then, Arthur suggested something. "Magnus, why not keep the tradition going? You named the main group Round Table. The second group is going to have many members, so why not call it Order of Merlin? It shares the name with the wizard medal now so even if someone hears about it they\'d be confused."

"YES! Finally, you said something useful, Arthur." Magnus praised.

"Hehe... Thank y... Ah, what do you mean by finally?" Arthur asked but got ignored.

Magnus enthusiastically named it, "Okay, the Order of Merlin will be our main working group. We need at least 25 people on it. All must be absolutely trustworthy, have motivations to do good, and they should either be extremely talented in something or have money or power.

"Ragnar and Snape are from the same school and year as me, so they can\'t really find anybody. Maybe in the magical world but not in the Muggle world.

"Bobby, you need to do it. I want all kinds of intelligent people, Doctors, Engineers, artists, politicians, inheriting children of rich company owners. But remember, honesty, trust and loyalty is the highest priority."

"Your mum and dad are first-class doctor and engineer, why don\'t you add them?" Bobby asked.

"I will include them, that\'s for sure, but not right now. I want to give them a few more years of peaceful and fun life. When I become the king, our group will start working much heavily." Magnus answered.

"Ragnar, Sev, I want you to work on a health potion for Muggles. A tonic that can increase body health to the peak. I want them for my family." Magnus requested.

"You got it, I will start working on it. Theoretically, it shouldn\'t be hard to make." Ragnar confidentiality assured him.

"Good, and how are you going to deal with the royal family?" Snape asked Magnus.


"This... I have no idea." He muttered.

*Door Opens*

"Refreshments..." Martha returned with lots of food trollied magically getting pulled behind her.

"YES, I WAS STARVING!" Bobby exclaimed.


After they ate food on the round table, they felt like sleeping because of all the travelling they did. They also had to return the next day or else Magnus and Bobby\'s parents would start questioning their whereabouts.

Instead of finding a room to sleep in, they decided to go to the highest balcony of the castle and sleep there. The starry night sky was above them and the full moon was lighting up the whole area. Magnus had a wide view of the whole castle from there, it was lit up with lots of torches.

~Hmm, I think they can benefit from electricity.~ he thought.

"This is... beautiful. Never in my life, I thought something like this could exist. Even though I have no magic, my life has become magical." Bobby said happily.

Magnus chuckled, "An 11-year-old boy, owning his own company and researching computers is magical in itself, Bobby. I am shocked why none of the big universities have scouted you by now. Where would you like to go? MIT, Stanford or somewhere else?"

"For now, I would like to remain in the UK and work on the company as well as the Round Table. I will go to Oxford, for now, I heard they started a computer programme and it\'s good. Maybe I\'ll do my masters from the US, there\'s gotta be some geniuses we can include in the Order of Merlin." Bobby explained his plan.

"Cool, you\'re going to be a world-famous genius scientist..." Magnus praised him.

"Hah, who are you fooling? You are a genius in both magic and muggle studies, you deserve to be called the genius." Bobby argued.

"Hehe, all right then, we\'re going to be genius brothers. So, are you only going to focus on tech?" Magnus asked him.

"No, actually, technology is not even my main target in life. Remember, I told you that I have decided what I want to be in this life? It is not related to technology or science. But, I understand that the future will be all about computers, that\'s why I am involved in this." Bobby explained.

"Woah, I am really interested in your life goals now. Can\'t you tell me?" Magnus asked.

"Sure, I will tell you the day you get crowned," Bobby averted his question.

"Heh, being secretive, ha? Well, I like surprises. Anyway, good night, brother." Magnus went to his makeshift bed and slept.


The next day, Magnus wanted to see how the people and animals on his small personal island were living. So, he went to the market district. There, each of the three species had their own shops, selling specialised stuff.

Grandma Martha was there to guide them.

"This is the best shop to buy enchanted items. The Goblin chief Goldruk runs it himself." She introduced them.

"WOOOOAH... IS THIS A GOBLIN MADE CAULDRON?!" Ragnar excitedly ran inside the shop to see the item at the showcase.

Magnus and the rest also followed into the shop. Goldruk was there.

"What Special ability does this cauldron have?" Snape asked, after all, he was also a potioneer.

The shop salesgoblin came forward to tell them about it. "This is just a simple cauldron, but we have made thin pipes in its walls, it makes the heat spread out evenly all around the cauldron, makes the potions much better in lesser time." the goblin explained.

"NICE... I want 5 of them." Ragnar ordered.

"Sure, but the price is not cheap for a goblin made item. One cauldron costs 10 galleons." the goblin said.

"Huh, that\'s pretty cheap to me. Give me five of them." Ragnar proudly ordered. Then, he turned to Magnus and immediately held on to his shoulder.

"My brother, you are the best friend in the world. Will you let me borrow some money? I didn\'t bring it." He requested.

Magnus coughed after hearing his sudden change in voice. "*Cough* Okay okay... but I didn\'t bring the money either."

But Marthe had his back, "It\'s fine, Magnus. There is a royal vault in the castle, filled with riches."

"Really? Can you take us there?" He asked.

"Sure, just follow me." She then led them to the underground part of the castle, it was as big as the castle above and if one didn\'t know their way around then they could get lost here.

She brought him in front of a giant metal door. "Only I and you can open it, but I don\'t have the permission to take out all the money."

He went ahead and opened it. Because he had seen his vaults at Gringotts, what he saw now didn\'t make his mind go numb.

But that could not be said about Snape, Ragnar and Bobby. Their jaws were touching the floor.

Magnus sighed, "This is a really big hall, I think this vault is as big as the two vaults in Gringotts combined and this place only has gold and precious stones. HOW MUCH MONEY DO I EVEN HAVE? I\'m gonna need to audit it someday."

"M-Magnus, you got so much money, you should buy us presents. Maybe that cauldron?" Ragnar asked.

Magnus scoffed, "Huh, that\'s how you turn poor from rich. You wanna buy stuff? Buy it with your own money."

"Tsk... so stingy." Ragnar muttered.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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