
Chapter 93 - 93. Brutal Magnus


*BOOM ​​

From the sky, tens of metres long and tens of inches wide stone spears were falling from the sky like rain. In one spell, about 100 of them fell.

As soon as Magnus saw them, he had a thought in his mind. A guess to imagine where they actually came from.

~Are these... From Camelot?~ he wondered.


Magnus\' guess was right. He was told that the island\'s protection sentinels were the first line of defence and couldn\'t leave the island. But that didn\'t mean they were not powerful.

As told by Merlin, they could throw spears at the speed of sound, so covering the whole of the United Kingdom and a part of Europe was not hard for it. This was made by Merlin as a form of air support whenever needed, of course, he was much deadlier as he knew more magic and was stronger than young Magnus.

So, when Magnus\' order came, the border Sentinels moved. They knew where Magnus was and knew not to throw the spears on him. It was as if they saw what Magnus saw.

Then, one hundred of them threw their spears at full speed. But, they didn\'t throw it horizontally, but instead a little extra vertically. This way, when they fall, they fall directly over the target.


Soon, one of the spears came down at the speed of the sound and fell directly onto the open mouth of a Death Eater. It was 30 inches wide, but its pointy tip helped slide it into the mouth and then the whole body, ripping it apart. The result was a gory mess. Bones, muscles, organs were lying around the pillars, now stuck in the ground.

Anybody who saw it would get an urge to vomit and even the strongest of hearts would feel terror.

So, when Magnus cast the spell a second time, it made the Death Eaters very terrified. Even Rodolphus was terrified, but he was more scared of the consequences from Voldemort.




Various sounds came a second before 2 more Death Eaters died a very painful and gruesome death. Now, only Rodolphus and another one were left.

But Rodolphus was yet to notice what had happened as he was only focused on the form of Magnus.

Rodolphus had only one thought in his mind, to anyhow be able to hold Magnus. He was planning on apparating away instantly to his master.

He raised his arm towards Magnus. "I WILL GET YOU THIS TIME..."

Magnus\' face did not stop smiling. "I DON\'T THINK SO."

He was prepared from the moment he saw Rodolphus running towards him. He already knew what they were going to do.

"PROTECT MAGNUS!" Moody shouted and stood in front of Magnus.

But Magnus easily pushed him to the side, "Step aside, Moody, I got this."

Seeing the confidence in Magnus\' face, he stepped aside, but not far away, he planned that if Rodolphus is able to touch Magnus then he would do the same at that instant and apparate with them.

"HEHE... I GOT YOU NOW, BOY!" Rodolphus came as close as 1 metre to Magnus, his extended hand was just a few inches away. His eyes flashed with a ray of hope, that today\'s mission would be a success.


Magnus was prepared. He summoned the Hope sword and slashed it at Rodolphus\' arm just before he could touch him. It was like cutting butter with a hot knife.

It took a second for the pain to register in Rodolphus\' head. His feet stopped moving on their own as he now saw his severed arm fallen on the floor. Then he screamed. "AAAAAAAAHH... NO!"

Finally, as he fell, he looked back, and saw the ugly remains of his fellow death eaters, their bodies stuck on the spears planted into the ground. Some had their faces intact, but their tongues were out, as well as their eyeballs, looking straight at Rodolphus.

His scalp was tingling as he started sweating. This was not a victory, instead, this was the biggest defeat of his life. The death of normal footsoldiers was not something to cry for, but here, all of them were death eaters.

Magnus looked down at him on the ground. "I can\'t kill you, as I promised my friend your head. RAGNAR, COME AND KILL HIM."

As soon as Magnus shouted, Rodolphus cowered in fear and apparated away, leaving only his arm behind. Seeing Rodolphus gone, the last remaining death eater also left. Out of the 6 that had come, only 2 survived.

"WHAT? WHO SHOULD I KILL?" Ragnar came.

Magnus sighed and pointed at the severed arm, "Rodolphus Lestrange. But he\'s gone now. Moody, quickly, do something and clean this place. I feel like vomiting seeing this."

Except for Moody, the two Aurors were still in a daze.

Ragnar, though, was in a daze for some other reason. He now just found out Rodolphus was here. But, he took a sigh of relief knowing he was not dead, a missing arm was still a good punishment. Then, he looked at the battlefield, which was just the road. It was unwatchable. Even he felt churning in his stomach.

"Ah..." Magnus lost his footing and was about to fall. His leg had cramped.

"What happened?" Ragnar came running to help.

"You think using that kind of magic was easy? Anyway... Where is the Werewolf?" He asked.

"Don\'t know. It never showed up again since you started. Maybe he left after seeing your magic. I had chills running down my spine too." Ragnar said as he helped Magnus sit on the side.

Moody quickly came and checked Magnus with his eye, "You are just exhausted, kid. But that was one hell of an attack."

"I don\'t think I\'ll say thanks for the compliment. Each of their dead bodies shows the failure of the Ministry. That how it couldn\'t teach the people correctly, and how they let them fall into Voldemort\'s palms. Anyway, where are the reinforcements?" Magnus asked.

"I don\'t know. Ah... They probably put anti-apparition wards. They should be on their way manually now." Moody realised.

"Well, let\'s fix this mess before that. Can\'t have muggles wake up to this." Magnus said and tried to use the staff, however, it vanished from his hand.

~Heh, so it was temporary?~ he questioned himself.

~You are not strong enough yet. Too much magical exhaustion can kill a wizard~ Merlin\'s voice resonated in his head. Magnus left it at that. He tasted the power of superior magic today and he would need to get to that point now too.

*POP* X10

All of a sudden, nearly a dozen people apparated there. Dumbledore was in the lead, along with some more people Magnus did not know.

The moment they arrived, they saw the bloody mess. One of them immediately vomited.

Dumbledore came to Magnus and Moody. "Are you all fine?"

Magnus nodded and picked the arm of Rodolphus from the ground and gave it to Dumbledore, "We\'re fine, but can\'t say the same about the attackers. 2 escaped, 4 died, here, this is Rodolphus Lestrange\'s arm, he got away. There was also a Werewolf but he never showed up, he could still be around somewhere."

Dumbledore\'s eyes widened as he quickly looked back at his brother and nodded.

"Fenrir Greyback, he\'s a werewolf notorious for his savagery and preference for attacking children. He is a leader in his community and strives to infect as many people as possible with lycanthropy, hoping to build an army strong enough to eventually take over the wizarding community." Dumbledore revealed.

Magnus was taken aback, "Hmm, then he must be killed as soon as possible. People like him give a bad name to their own community."

Dumbledore then looked at Moody, "What happened here? What are these pillars on the ground?"

Moody just pointed to Magnus, "I tried to fight them, but they got us. They would have killed us if Magnus did not come out of the protection of his house that they could not cross. He did come out, but to destroy them."

Magnus tiredly turned to Dumbledore, "By the time I grow up, I feel I would end up killing all Death Eaters. I\'m doing Ministry\'s job at this point, I should get paid for this gracious service."

Of course, he was actually taunting them for their pathetic response and ability to deal with the dark wizard.


"The Ministry Obliviators and cleaners will be here soon. That\'s all the ministry does these days. But they dared to attack you here. They are either getting desperate or want to get more powerful. It\'s not safe for you and your family to live here anymore." Dumbledore advised him.

Magnus looked back at the house he was born in. He had so many sweet memories in it. But, it was true that it felt too small now.

"Hmm... I will look for a new property to buy. I will go to sleep now. Thank you for coming late." Magnus said good night and went to his room, not entertaining them anymore. He was tired as well. Ragnar also followed behind while yawning.

All these fights with Death Eaters were just making Magnus stronger from mind and body both.



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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