
Chapter 108 - 108. Magical Politician

After giving away the Dumbledore flavoured underwears like charity, he headed to his office in the basement of the teacher\'s housing building.

He cleaned the room first as he rarely used it and waited for Thomas Shelby to come. ​​

*Knock Knock...*

"Come in..." Magnus voiced. But, although, he had hit puberty, his voice was still not sounding like a grown-up man.

The doorknob twisted and a smart-looking man entered. He was in much better shape now and finally looked like an uptight auror.

But, his eyes didn\'t have the same confidence as an auror. There was uncertainty, worry and also gratitude.

"Thank you for meeting me, your Majesty." He respectfully greeted with a light bow, knowing he was standing in front of a king.

"Welcome, take a seat. Professor told me you wanted to meet me. I have time." Magnus laid back in his seat.

Thomas took a seat and started, "I want to ask you for your help. I am grateful to you and my family is also safe, but they will come after me, no matter what. As l was a senior auror, they surely wouldn\'t want a loose end. I just... I don\'t care about myself, but I need your help with keeping my family safe. I can\'t even withdraw my money from the Gringotts vault as it is also connected with the ministry. I have nothing to help myself with."

Magnus understood his problem completely. He could understand his anxiety regarding his family.

~Hmm... Didn\'t I have those people calling themselves the Army of Merlin? What if a senior auror were to lead them... hehe... I\'m a genius.~ Magnus gloated inside.

"Mr Shelby, what is your expertise?" Magnus asked.

"It\'s investigative and crime scene recreation magic," Thomas answered.

Magnus\'s eyes shined as if they were two shining marbles. His little cunning brain ran at full speed and came up with a very good plan. A plan that can make him some money.

"Are you good with Legilimency and Occlumency?" He asked.

Thomas nodded, "Yes, most Aurors get some training in this, but how good they are will always depend on their innate ability. I\'m average, as an investigator, I needed to have these abilities."

Magnus smiled, "Good. Mr Thomas, how would you like to work for me? You may not know, but I own a few businesses in the Muggle world and they\'re all very successful. I have made millions of pounds in the previous year.

"I can help you with transferring your money to another personal vault of yours with no Ministry influence, I can also get you a new identity and a new home in the muggle world."

His offer sounded too sweet to be true. So Thomas asked, "What\'s the job?"

"What you used to do. You will head my Muggle private detective agency. Your job will be to secretly use magic without letting the muggles be aware and solve cases. Soon, we will get so famous that we\'ll get contracts from around the world. Until now, Wizards thought they were higher than non-magicals and that\'s why no Wizard understands that the muggle world is a gold mine. So, what do you think?" Magnus proposed.

"Will you really do all that?" He asked in disbelief.

"Of course... You will just have to screen a few people for the job though. Most of them are muggle-born or half-blood wizards bullied by Death Eaters. But, you must do everything possible to make sure they are not a spy sent by the enemy." Magnus told him.

Thomas thought for a few minutes first. But, in the end, he had no other way. And this was for the best too, not only was he getting safety but also a new identity, with a job.

"I accept, I will do it. Muggle cases can\'t be that hard to crack, right?" He muttered.

Magnus nodded profusely, "Yes yes, now, you will need a lawyer too to represent you in some situations or help you with a few laws. I own a stake in a law firm, it\'s run by a very good wizard friend of mine. It\'s called Tonks & Tonks. Contact them later. They will also give you a floor in their office building for the new office."

Being the professional person he was, Thomas immediately nodded and memorised everything Magnus said. It was a good thing that he knew a decent amount of Legilimency and Occlumency, he did not need to write stuff up.

"But, what will be the name of the detective agency?" Thomas asked.

Magnus quickly came up with one, "Ummm... Magic Eye Detective Agency, we can also call it MEDA." [A/N: Pronounced as May-Da]

Thomas chuckled, "Haha... Hiding in the plain sight..."

"Yes, and your name from now on will be Adrian Durand. Go to the law firm first, meet Ted Tonks there, he will give you the keys to your new home, then you will receive a letter from Gringotts via an Owl." Magnus instructed him.

Thomas quickly got up and lightly bowed, "I will go there immediately, thank you for everything, your majesty..."

He formally said his goodbye and left.

Also in the office, Magnus felt tired, "Ah... If I keep this speed up, even before I turn 18, I\'d have ownership of so many businesses."


As Magnus headed to the Slytherin Dungeons, he bumped into Remus Lupin. He was in his school robes, implying he had just returned to the school.

Magnus asked, "Full moon?"

Remus silently nodded, "Yeah,"

"Go and meet your friends, they probably think you\'re dead or something," Magnus advised him and left while whistling with no care.

He came back to the dungeons, but, as soon as he entered he saw a group of Slytherin kids surrounding Lucius and listening to him. With no shame or fear, he also went ahead to listen to what the young Death Eater was saying.

As he got closer, he saw Ragnar also in the crowd, with a packet of snacks, munching on them while seeing everything as if it was a show.

He passed some, as Magnus asked him, "What\'s going on?"

"He\'s giving his sales pitch, of what a good pureblood should act like and why they are superior to normal wizards and muggles. *Crunch*" Ragnar answered.

Magnus then heard Lucius with focus.

"... They are taking away what rightfully belongs to us. We are a Slytherin, our founder didn\'t want them to enter the school either. We must do what he couldn\'t and create a wizarding society that is made by us and for us. I am not denying that these muggle-born wizards can\'t learn wizardry, I am just saying they should know their place.

"After we successfully create a new society, these muggle-born and blood-traitors will be shown their place. A new smaller school will be made to teach them, Hogwarts will only be for the purest of us. Currently, the Ministry wastes its money to pay the school fee of all students. Let me ask, whose money is it? It is our money that we give to the Ministry as tax..."




Magnus and Ragnar started eating louder to divert the attention of Lucius from his speech. Soon, Lucius\' face started to twitch in anger, he tried to ignore them at the start but soon he got angry.


Magnus shrugged his shoulder, "Do you own this castle now? I can stand anywhere I want. You move if you have a problem, also, just so you know, your ancestor once tried to woo the muggle queen, Queen Elizabeth I. He got rejected and cursed her so she could not ever find a suitable partner. Also, I know the bank statements of all ancient families, they combined paid less to no tax than compared to half-blood or muggle-born wizards. So, stop with your rambling, your family was and is still opportunistic and greedy.

"Don\'t listen to him you all, if you don\'t want to be tagged a terrorist by the ministry."

All the students started murmuring, only a few of the Slytherin gang got close and tried to push Magnus away.

As soon as Avery touched Magnus, Magnus found a blind spot for all the students so they could not see what had happened. He jumped back as if he was thrown away and fell on the floor. Then, he started crying on the floor in pain.

"AAAH... YOU HIT ME... How could you? Rag, call professor Slughorn and also send a letter to Daily Prophet and DMLE. The Purest of Royal Blood, the future king of Britain, was attacked and hurt. AAAA... My hand, I think it\'s broken." He cried on the ground, but, the thing was, he sucked at acting sometimes, and he was in fact trying hard to hold his laughter. The tears in his eyes were because he was holding that.

Avery panicked and stepped back, "W-WHAT? I-I didn\'t do anything, I just touched him..."

But, all the students didn\'t believe him and saw him with doubtful eyes. They had seen how hostile Lucius and his gang were towards Magnus and that affected their decision.

Lucius angrily stared at Magnus, Magnus did the same while still crying. Even though there was a lot of noise around them, Magnus and Lucius didn\'t hear anything.

It was as if they were talking with their eyes. Where Lucius was cursing him for making things up.

And Magnus was replying with, ~You thought only you can act? I can play this game all day.~

Magnus had achieved what he wanted to do. He had successfully discredited the small gathering of Lucius and also initiated doubts in everyone\'s minds. He had chosen his words carefully while he was falsely crying in pain.

The word "Purest of Royal Blood" was the most important part, as it conveyed that he was no different from any wizard in the Slytherin house, that his blood was pure too and yet he was being attacked just for a difference in thought.

Frustrated and unable to do anything, Lucius returned to his dorm room, and the crowd also dispersed with that.


Just then, Emma came to Magnus and lightly kicked his arm, "Stop with this act, it\'s so obvious."

Magnus chuckled, "Hehe, but it works."

"God, you are shameless..." She muttered and headed to the girl\'s dorm.

Magnus shook his head and got up while muttering, ~If I want to successfully make this country good for both wizards and muggles, I will have to become some kind of a magical politician. Where is Ragnar now...?~

He looked around but he was nowhere to be seen, just then, he raised something, ~God, did he really go to get Professor Slughorn? THAT FOOL!~

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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