
Chapter 115 - 115. Breach Of Contract

Magnus arrived at the gates of Hogwarts, from where a teacher let him enter through the various wards and charms. It was evening as Magnus had gone back to his parents after meeting Ted. Only after being satisfied with his goodbye did he leave.

Adam was granted a 3-month leave and Grace would be going to the hospital. Other than this, Adam was awarded a Distinguished Service Order medal for surviving the crazy attack as it was also not every day you would get a Brigadier ranked officer getting wounded like this. ​​

Other than this, on Magnus\' demand, the two soldiers who died in the blast were each awarded 100,000 pounds and full pension to the family until the children grow up and find jobs.

The whole incident was publicised on a large scale and it seemed Adam had become some kind of a celebrity now. But Adam was not enjoying it nor was he happy, he was feeling bad and guilty for the deaths of his driver and assistant. Both had wife and kids. One even had a 6-month pregnant wife.

The worst thing was, he couldn\'t do anything about this situation. That was the problem with terrorists, you had no idea who the enemy was because they could just be standing in front of you and you wouldn\'t know it.

Grace saw this and hired a therapist, after all, Adam was not an infantry soldier, he had not seen a lot of combat, and maybe, the blast also brought back some trauma from his childhood, from the days of the war.


Magnus headed to the Common room of Slytherin. But, he saw someone standing alone in the corridor, looking at the lake outside Hogwarts castle.

It was Narcissa Black. Magnus still had some level of respect for her so she greeted her.

"Good evening, Sister Narcissa," he greeted.

Narcissa turned to him, surprisingly, she just noticed that he was much taller than other kids of his age. If she didn\'t know she\'d say he\'s a 4th year or something.

She just nodded her head instead of replying.

Magnus being shameless, went beside her and sat down on the edge of the open corridor.

"Can I ask you something?" He inquired.

"Sure," she said.

"Umm, you are obviously not what you show yourself to be. I mean, if there can be Sirius, Regulus and Sister Andromeda in your family, this surely suggests that being bad is not in your family, it\'s due to forceful upbringing and ideology.

"I know you are kind, sister Narcissa. I know how you protect shy and weaker girls from being bullied in the Slytherin house.

"Then, why are you still roaming around Lucius? He got nothing now except money, also, his path leads to absolute death." Magnus spoke at length.

Narcissa was surprised by this sudden question. She never thought that out of all, Magnus would ask this.

She snorted, "Huh, then perhaps I\'m seeking death indirectly. Magnus, the fact that you are asking me this question shows how naive you still are and how much you still need to learn."

"What do you mean? Why can\'t you just live your own life? It\'s not like you\'re bad in studies." Magnus asked.


"Things are much more complex, Magnus. Not everyone has the strength or reputation to resist whatever they want. Sometimes, you just need to accept what\'s going on. Take care." After saying that much, she left Magnus there.

Magnus wondered why she couldn\'t defy her family. It was as simple as just leaving your home, it\'s not like Hogwarts would expel her.

Sirius did tell him that the only two cousins he liked were Andromeda, who was very kind, and Narcissa, who was just neutral with them. Bellatrix was a gone case as she was born first and had no siblings or friends to talk to and share her misery from the start.

~*Sigh* I hope you don\'t do something that compels me to stand against you with my staff in the future.~ he thought and also headed to the dorms.

He found the room was empty except for Ragnar. "Where\'s Sev?"

"Probably around Lily," Ragnar replied without even looking.

Magnus got interested in what he was looking at and went close to see. But as soon as he saw t from above Ragnar\'s shoulder, he didn\'t know what to say.

It was a magazine, with women, in clothes they came into this world.


He smacked on his head, "What the hell, where did you get it?"

Ragnar suddenly realised he was not alone, "Come on, Mag, at least knock on the door before you enter."

Magnus facepalmed, "I even talked to you and you answered. What\'s got you so interested in female anatomy now?"

Ragnar looked at Magnus seriously, "Mag, I think... I\'ve hit... POVERTY."

"You mean puberty?" Magnus corrected him.

Ragnar nodded, "Yes yes... That\'s it, just like what I read in the biology book you gave me. I am feeling things I\'ve never felt before... And I... Like it? I don\'t know... It\'s weird."

"Eh... Don\'t tell me the details. Where did you get this book from?" Magnus asked.

"Well, I surely didn\'t bring it from home at the start of the term because they check our luggage, I brought it just a day ago from the hospital your dad was. I was looking around the hospital in interest, that was when I came upon a room with lots of dirty magazines. I just took one." Ragnar confessed.

"Are you sure? Why would they keep them in the hospital?" Magnus was himself confused.

"I\'m telling the truth. Muggle hospitals are weird." Ragnar defended himself.

Magnus was also not that old and didn\'t know about the thing called sperm donation.

*Door Opens*

With a noise, Severus also entered. "Oh, you\'re back? How is uncle?"

"He\'s fine, just a bath in phoenix tears and he\'s nice and dandy. What about you? Did you return from a date?" Magnus asked smugly.

"Ah, your mind is filled with nothing but senseless ideas. I was out there, teaching potions to some weak kids in the subject. Ragnar was supposed to join but he was busy... From what I can see." Severus noticed the dirty magazines on the table.

Ragnar smacked his own head, "Damn, I forgot about it. But, as compensation, here, you look at it too, Severus, I guarantee that you will feel some new things about yourself, a funny and good feeling on your banana. But I don\'t know if you hit poverty or not."

"Puberty, you mean? I was already living in poverty not long ago, nothing exciting about that. And yes, I\'ve hit puberty. Hehe... It seems you\'re the only late boomer here." Severus turned it around and made Ragnar\'s fun.

Ragnar made an angry face, "Huh, I\'m not going to share these with you now. Just wait, you will cry for it later."

"No, Ragnar, not everyone has a rotten mind like you. Come, Sev, let\'s study." Magnus went to his table, leaving Ragnar to admire the female anatomy alone.


Diagon Alley,

Rita Skeeter was on cloud nine because she had gotten direct permission and support from the Ministry and more than 10 pure-blood families. She was already very famous now due to getting to break some stories way ahead of others. This was of course due to help from Magnus.

But she wanted more. The more time she spent in the business of journalism the more she realised how less journalist\'s integrity mattered in the world. Her moral grounds started shaking.

With the lure of recognition from the ministry and the pure-bloods, she decided to bite the hand that fed her all this while.

And hence, now there was an owl in front of her with a letter. She was sitting in her personal office in the Daily Prophet building.

She read it. Initially, she had a smile but slowly it was turning into a neutral face and then a shivering face.

The letter said, "Rita Skeeter, you have been found breaking an official contract with His Majesty, Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon. As per the contract, you were not allowed to write anything about his majesty.

As pointed in the contract, now you must face the penalty. His Majesty invested 50,000 Galleons on you. Now, you must pay back 50 times of it due to breach of contract, which amounts to 2,500,000 Galleons.

The task of getting the money from you has been delegated to the Gringotts.

Last but not the least, his majesty is very disappointed in you. He was going to make you a world-renowned journalist but you chose short term benefits. It\'s evident that your vision is myopic, something his majesty despises.

You have 1 week to fulfil the contract terms for breach. If you delay after that, a criminal case will be filed against you. Maybe Azkaban is also possible. Good luck.

Office of the Legal Counsel for His Majesty,

Ted Tonks."

Her hand started shivering. 2.5 million was an astronomical figure. And she didn\'t even know when she spent 50,000. But all this was indeed in the contract and she shrugged it off before, thinking the ministry had her back.

"Yes, the ministry can help me. The Pure-bloods are also very rich. They will surely help me." She muttered to herself. But the next moment, loud bangs came on the door.



Rita fell off her chair.

"NO NO... This can\'t be happening." She teared up and started shouting crazedly.


"Open the door, Miss Rita Skeeter, you can not run away from Gringotts." The angry goblin voice came.

She now first hand realised why nobody dares to cheat Gringotts.

[You can see the Female Anatomy Book on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]

[A/N: Only 1 chap today because I couldn\'t finish the 2nd chapter in time.]


You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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