
Chapter 369: The Asia Plan

Chapter 369: The Asia Plan

King Adulyadej looked at the document in his hand. It had the title written in big bold letters, “Proposal for the creation of the THAI CANAL”. The proposal went into detail that this canal would connect the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand. As currently, 30% of global trade and a majority of oil tanker ships goes through Malacca Strait, which will only increase as China and other nations develop. But the Malacca Strait is also too shallow in some parts, stopping ships from being too big.

The Thai Canal was first proposed in 1677, but the idea was discarded as impractical with the technology of that time. In 1793, the idea resurfaced. In the early-19th century, the British East India Company became interested in a canal. After Burma became a British colony in 1863. Then finally, in 1897, Thailand and the British empire agreed not to build a canal so that the regional dominance of the harbour of Singapore would be maintained. Singapore was a British Colony at that time.

But now, things are different. Malacca Strait was narrow, there was a limit to how much can pass through. Thai Canal can be an alternative, not only will it offer the world a faster and less congested shipping route, but it would also develop the southern region of Thailand which was too far away from the capital, hence left underdeveloped.

Of course, the report submitted was full. It also told the Thai king what problems he might face in the future. Among them were that the canal will divide the country physically and pose a security risk. It is feared that the canal would separate the four southernmost provinces from the rest of Thailand and allow secessionist movements to further develop. Of course, it was proposed that a network of 10 tunnels will be made all along the length of the canal, the Thai Government only has to make the roads. This will make sure the north and south are connected.

The King looked at Magnus with a suspicious gaze. The deal was too good to be true, as he had not seen any cost mentioned in the document. But he reckoned that it would cost no less than what the UK and France were spending on the Channel Tunnel.

“The GDP of my nation is just 16.9 Billion USD, this project is likely going to cost more than a billion. I don’t think we can spend this much on it.” King Adulyadej regretfully said. He was very much interested in this project, knowing Magnus’ company, Emrys Construction had taken huge projects and had delivered in record time with the best quality.

Magnus smiled at this, the right time to haggle had come, “Adulyadej, it’s free of cost, my company will build it, then run it until we have recovered the cost and 10% in profit, after that, it will be handed to the Thai Government.”

“But of course, I would like to buy something in return from you, a small island in the Gulf of Thailand, It’s called Ka Tao. The United Kingdom will own it on lease for 300 years, and it shall be used as a shipbuilding and repair island for the Royal Pacific Fleet. We are increasing our navy after the exit of the US from Vietnam. The whole region is unstable with Communist regimes popping up in all countries. Because the island is close to Thailand, we will be able to buy necessary materials faster.

“Of course, it can be in the agreement that no armoured ship will dock at Ko Tao. In return, Thailand can become a military ally of the United Kingdom, it means that an attack on you will be an attack on us.”

Magnus knew that this deal was too good for Thailand, he was not even buying the island, just leasing it, and considering it was just a small 25 sq/km big, it was a waste of money.

However, if one were to look at it realistically, he needed it to keep the world at peace. South-East Asia was a hub of violence right now, the USSR and China are funding communist movements in countries and helping them take over. This was not in line with Magnus’ ideals. For peace and prosperity, communism was a big no, a Socialist-Capitalistic Democracy was needed. [A/N: Socialist only in terms of healthcare and education so all citizens get a good standard of living. But Capitalistic in all other things.]

Magnus was not planning on giving up Hong Kong completely, but knowing China had nukes and a decent navy, he felt he needed to do the planning. At the same time, he planned to later make the entire Asian region a manufacturing hub, making each country fight each other to give manufacturers a better condition. This will ensure that no single country in the region becomes too rich and powerful that they start bullying others.

But for this to happen, he needed to do some editing on the current governments and policies of these nations.

King Adulyadej looked at Magnus’ face as if speaking with the devil, this deal could make or break his nation, of course, Magnus wanted to make it, but people don’t always believe in him. Still, with how Bhutan and Zimbabwe turned out, Magnus had a good reputation.

“How much will this Canal cost exactly?” he inquired.

Magnus answered with some extra details, “It will cost 1.5 Billion dollars, will last a whole year in development, will require about 50,000 workers. We don’t need too many as my company uses wizards for many big tasks. Still, you will generate about 2 million jobs in an indirect way. To sweeten the deal, I will help your country transition into a true democracy, bring the military truly under the government and stop all the communist movements. In short, I will not allow any divide in your country as my investments will be here. My ways are extremely peaceful too.”

Again, examples were many, like how the UK solved Uganda’s threat. King Adulyadej took a long breath, his brain hurt. This was a lot, the major problem was the lease of the island, the people will spread propaganda against him that he’s selling the country.

However, the offer was great, according to this, he won’t have to spend a dime, instead, he will get money and employment. At the same time a military alliance, protecting Thailand from any communist invasion from Laos. Cambodia was already a democracy as brutal dictator Pol Pot was suddenly killed in an explosion with other high party members. [A/N: Magnus’s people did it a few chaps ago.]

But he still couldn’t decide on allowing Magnus to get so deeply involved in his nation’s politics. “That’s a lot to think about, King Magnus. I would like to speak with my trusted advisors first. Give me some time to discuss it.”

Magnus agreed, “Sure, but make sure you don’t mention anything related to wizardry, the laws are really strict in this case, you know. I will tour your country meanwhile. Take care.”

Magnus left the Palace and headed back to his hotel. He had already implanted a listening spell on the king. Like hell would Magnus allow someone to use him wrongly. He wanted world peace and knew that the path was full of hurdles. Strong men were not always easy to bend.

Back at the hotel, he met the muggle delegates. They had proposed economic treaties with the Thai government. Free trade agreements, special Visa, special concessions for British industries to set up manufacturing there. A lot was talked about, but it will not be truly offered if the King accepted Magnus’ offer.

“Were you bored, Emma?” He saw Emma sitting on the sofa and watching the television. He easily lifted her and placed her on his lap. She didn’t even flinch.

“Absolutely, it was fun to roam around the jungles and the cuisine is also great. But I missed you, Adrian was no fun, always looking left and right for safety. Though I did feel like a monkey in the zoo with people staring at me initially, then we used magic.” She complained.

Magnus laughed, “Hahaha… forgive Adrian, he’s an ex-auror and even his current job is related to being a soldier. I just hope he’s not like this with his own children. Come, get your compulsory feel-good hug from me.”

She jumpily turned to face him and spread her legs across his lap and hugged him tightly, a simple warm act, nothing perverted, it was enough to make her happy.

“Pack your bags, my little bird, I reckon it will take the King a week to decide everything. We’re going to travel not just to Thailand, but also Cambodia,” he suggested to her.

She pouted, “Don’t call me a little bird, I feel like some kid.”

He patted her head, “Well, in my dragon form, your Eagle form is indeed like a little bird. Wait, do you want to fly on my back in my dragon form?”

“Can I?” she looked unconvinced.

“I’m as big as a truck at this point, so heck yes. I’m kinda excited now. WHY ARE YOU STILL SITTING, GIRL? Be quick, or I will leave you.” He suddenly shouted.

Emma quickly ran to pack her bags, “Dammit, too much pressure!”

[A/N: Magnus is basically taking away China’s all hopes and dreams of regional hegemony at this point. Of course, he does not know it yet. Though there will be a small confrontation between him and China when they will ask to get Hong Kong back.

By the way, what Magnus is doing is huge, the Thai Canal can have a big effect on world trade. In our real world, Malasiya fears this all the time. But right now, China has signed a deal with Thailand showing interest to develop the Canal, the work hasn’t started yet though.]

[You can see the canal plan on my Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


You can read 20 Advanced chapters and Marvel fic at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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