
Chapter 425 - 425. The Coronation

Chapter 425 – 425. The Coronation

It was not a big incident of magic, but even the fact that they showed their talent meant a lot to Magnus. One thing he had realised after being a wizard was that magic was too damn convenient. He would not have been able to do all that he has right now if he was not a wizard.

He\'d be a basic simple businessman and king. So, having a family with strong wizards was a big plus point, and it would give his siblings a way to protect themselves.

But it brought some worry and anxiety to Grace, "So they will be leaving for school as well? My munchkins, I don\'t want them to go,"

It was kinda true, to be honest. Kids in Hogwarts start at just the age of 11, it was a tender age when they are near the age of puberty and that\'s when a lot of changes in their body occur. From his experience, he knew Hogwarts was shit, they don\'t tackle bullying, they don\'t help depressed kids, they just teach them and let them be. Whatever happens inside the House Common Rooms is under the eyes of prefects and heads, whom the administration trusts to be responsible, but that was not the damn case when he arrived. Lucius, a dark wizard, the WAP boy of Voldemort was the head boy.

"Don\'t worry, mum. I will find a way to allow young kids to talk to their parents every single day." He assured her. Heck, he\'d allow the young kids of Hogwarts to meet their parents on weekends. Those from the 1st and 2nd years should especially be given this choice.

With this, hopefully, the three will be able to enjoy the warmth of home as well.

The Coronation of Magnus was going to be broadcast on television. The crown he will be taking was going to be slightly different, as it was the crown of the legendary King Arthur. The ceremony was made to give less emphasis on religion, however, as this was going to be his long term policy.

It was 7th October of 1978. It was a weekend, so a lot of people would be watching the live broadcast. It\'s not every day you get to see something like this.

The preparations started in Westminster Abbey, but before that, on the same morning in an official private ceremony, the Queen stepped down to clear the way. It was only broadcast in the news and no photographs were given.

After this, the entire preparation started with Magnus arriving in Buckingham Palace to dress up and get some tips from the Queen.

"Ugh… is it necessary to wear all this?" Magnus asked, looking at himself in the mirror. He didn\'t like it.

The Queen, now the ex-queen, stood behind him and chuckled, "Dear, some traditions are not just for the look. The coronation is what tells apart a king and a commoner. Of course, there is no such thing as the divine will of the gods, but all that gimmick makes them believe, that the royal family is special and has heaven\'s mandate or something,"

"You do know that the reason people are losing their faith from royalty is that we seem to be cut off and pompous to them? By doing all this, we will be bolstering this thought for them. They hate to see rich people being rich, it\'s jealousy, but that\'s human nature. Hence, after the Ceremony, I will go out and meet people myself." he planned.

"That\'s dangerous," she warned him.

He chuckled, "Granny, I\'m dangerous,"

This made her laugh heartily, "Oh, who am I even talking to, the uniter of Africa, liberator of North Korea,"

"Is that actually what people are saying? That sounds so cringy," he scowled, fixing his collar.

"They give us all kinds of names. For example, I\'m called the Immortal Granny by your little siblings," she joked.

*Knock Knock*

"Mag, let\'s go, it\'s time," Ragnar entered, also dressed in a nice suit with ceremonial Peers\' robes in his hand.

Taking one last look in the mirror, he fixed his hair, ~This is what I was waiting for all these years. Arthur, Merlin, I\'m taking the next step. Wish me luck,~

He walked out, his brother and Elizabeth behind him, talking about random stuff. She loved talking about crazy things with Ragnar, it made her see things that she had ignored all these years.

Anyway, as he went to get into his car to arrive at the Westminster Abbey. For the past few days, he had been taking many oaths, such as the oath to preserve Presbyterian church government in the Church of Scotland.

He arrived at the location with much protection. A crimson surcoat and the Robe of the State of Crimson velvet were put over his shoulders as he saw the church\'s men guide him through. The only common people they saw here were the few photographers, videographers and cameramen for the telecast.

As he slowly entered, he saw the huge crowd gathered inside the building. Most people were either in military uniforms or were wearing Peers\' robes. Even the common folks had clothes with some sort of decorations.

Of course, he had asked a few special guests to come too. Dumbledore, Moody, Adrian, Edgar, Ted, Tom, Bobby were there. From other nations, he had invited the King of Saudi Arabia and the King of Bhutan. There were also some delegations from Korea, African nations and also the President of MACUSA, Harrison Ford.

Besides that, Emma and her family were also here, wearing noble\'s clothing with Peers\' robes since Magnus had given Emma\'s father hereditary dukedom with no extra power or wealth. While Adam, Grace and his cute little decorated siblings were standing close to the Chair of Estate.

Even on the upper floors on the sides, there were people who saw everything. It was a truly mesmerising experience. People, however, noticed a few irregularities today, Magnus also had a sword attached to his sides, for now, it was Hope sword as he was yet to find Excalibur.

The proceedings started with some sort of hymn being sung. Then he was taken to the Chair of the Estate, aka Coronation Chair that was put in the middle. It was an ancient wooden chair, dating as far back as 1296. Since then, it had survived a great many things, the world war, a few bombings, some theft attempts.

~Hmm, not really good for my royal ass, it seems,~ Magnus thought as he sat down on the hard wooden chair. Then he saw Garter Principal King of Arms, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Great Chamberlain, the Lord High Constable and the Earl Marshal go to the east, south, west and north of the coronation theatre. On each side, the archbishop called for the recognition of the sovereign, with the words. "Sirs, I here present unto you Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon, your undoubted King. Wherefore all you who are come this day to do your homage and service, are you willing to do the same?"

After the people acclaimed him at each side, the archbishop walked to him to administer an oath to the sovereign.

The Archbishop of Canterbury spoke, "Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Greater Britain, Belize, Brunei, Arthurland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and Ceylon, and of your Possessions and other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?"

Magnus confidently and loudly acknowledged, "I vow to do so,"

The Archbishop continued, "Will you, to your power, cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?"

"I will,"

Now, when the last part came, Magnus had told them to make it sound less religious as it originally had contained too many words about the church and protecting it.

The Archbishop read, "Will you to the utmost of your power, maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel? Will you, to the utmost of your power, maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law? Will you, ensure peace and prosperity for the people under the power bestowed upon you by heaven?"

Magnus nodded and looked around for one last time, ~This is it,~ "All this and those promised before, I vow to do. So help me God."

With that, a thick bible was presented to him with the words spoken, "Here is Wisdom; This is the royal Law; These are the lively Oracles of God."

Once done, the Holy Communion was celebrated, and some more religious stuff was done that Magnus deemed unnecessary but went along with it, waiting for all this to be over. But sad for him, this was just the starting.

[A/N: There is one more chapter that details his coronation, this one and next were supposed to be released together but since I fricked up the counting before, the order is messed up now.]

[You can see chair and coronation on Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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