
Chapter 449 - 449. Major Flaw

Chapter 449 – 449. Major Flaw

New York, 1981

In November, a secretive location was decided to hold a meeting of the Order of Merlin. There were currently 30 members in total. All being an expert in a field or significant power holder.

Magnus, being the known leader, took the main seat at the middle edge of the Oval table. There were enough refreshments and food available, served by Abe and George, the butlers of his family and the most trusted elfs.

Shocking everyone, the newly elected American president turned out to be a member too. This was great news because it meant that Magnus now officially had America under his influence.

"It\'s good to see all of you. It\'s been 9 years since I formed this organisation, so much has changed in this time. A lot of Prime Ministers, Presidents and Kings are here. More power and wealth is in this room than anybody can imagine outside. So it\'s time that we put it to good use.

"Each of you became a member of this order because you were dissatisfied with the current world or wanted to see it go in the right direction. By my own actions, I have already proven to you all why you should follow me. Africa is a prime example of the development unity and honesty can bring one.

"My next plan concerns South America and Asia. In South America, most nations are victims of corrupt regimes albeit having mineral-rich land. They have a rich culture and yet don\'t have much representation around the world.

"With America\'s help, now they too shall prosper. A mega train route for freight transport has been conceptualised that will go from South America to Canada. But of course, I do not want to cripple American and Canadian internal economies, so anti-dumping laws will be applicable.

"I\'m sure President Ford has many plans." Magnus addressed them.

"I stood in the election for this very reason. The United States is rich, but its political sphere is foolish. The previous president has brought much harm to the world by funding the separatist and terrorist groups in Afghanistan to counter the Soviets. I will try to change such things in time, but removing the decades-old Industrial-Military Complex won\'t be easy." Harrison spoke.

"I\'m sure you can find some helping hands here. I too shall help you. While about Asia, it\'s a tricky situation due to the presence of the Soviets.

"Pakistan is already under a peaceful regime, its Prime Minister is someone who has worked for me for a long time. He\'s present here, Yusuf Ahmad, a top Economist from Oxford.

"While in India, elections are going to be held soon. The new political party that started with my help and a vision of science, health and education will win big. The Prime Minister is going to be an Order member, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, an aerospace scientist.

"Meanwhile, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos and Thailand are already under our sphere. Japan is still untouched. I have tried to get into China but they are vigilant about it. While other South-East Asian nations and the Oceania area are also yet to be touched.

"As you may have guessed, I see space as the next frontier for human evolution, not just humans but the world. Why are there so many wars? That\'s because we have nothing better to do. Once space exploration is in the equation, the world will be more united.

"Hence, The United Kingdom, African Union, America, a few Asian Nations and Saudi Arabia will be launching a public-private joint space programme under the supervision of FutureTek Industries. You don\'t have to put in money, instead, you can help in other fields, such as sending your talented scientists to work for it, or wizards to become astronauts. As soon as Bobby completes the Nuclear Fusion engine, humanity will be changed forever," Magnus revealed to them and also pumped their minds with the ideas of the great future.

They won\'t be here if they were not loyal or interested in his plans anyway. They quickly agreed. The rich nations such as America and Saudi Arabia didn\'t shy away from giving money, but others made sure to pledge to find talents in both magic and muggles to help.

After that, the meeting came to an end, but not for the members who were wizards. Although everyone knew about wizardry, muggle members were not included in these talks.

Magnus happily greeted Harrison Ford, "I remember once telling you to run for president, you said no back then."

Harrison sighed, "I was optimistic about the country back then, but after we entered Afghanistan and I saw your policies doing miracles for the British Economy. The synergy you created by bringing together the wizarding world and muggle world in secret for common prosperity has been inspirational,"

Magnus took a seat. "It was not easy, however. Voldemort was a pain in the ass. But honestly, if there was no Voldemort, maybe all this wouldn\'t have happened. I would have been a normal student. But now, we have a world to bring together. Let\'s go and plan,"

With him were other wizards, Ted Tonks, Adrian Durand, Edgar Bones, Zenrok, Goldruk, Tim Brook(Adrian\'s second in command), Ragnar, Severus and just recently joined, Dumbledore. All these were highly powerful and smart people, a majority of them so loyal they\'d die for Magnus.

"Okay, let\'s start the meeting. First of all, Ragnar has something to say," Magnus started.

Ragnar nodded and got up from his seat. He summoned a whiteboard and drew something, "Everyone, for the coming years our focus is to mine the moon. It\'s all going to be in preparation for the Moon mission. Right now, it\'s the end of 1981. Magnus, I and Bobby will be headed to Mars in 1990. By then, hopefully, the Fusion Reactor will be made and a new rocket engine.

"Before that happens, we are to set up a colony on the Moon that can sustain at least 10,000 people at a time. Now, all these people will be workers such as doctors, scientists and engineers."

"What\'s the reason to mine the moon other than Helium-3? As far as we understand, mining enough Helium-3 for the entire planet\'s energy needs should be doable with just a few hundred muggles or a dozen wizards," Edgar Bones asked.

"There are various minerals on the Moon, from oxygen to water, titanium and silicon. They can be used to produce various items on Earth. Our main goal is not to deplete Earth\'s resources entirely." Ragnar revealed.

"What about Mars? Why do you want to go there?" President Harrison Ford asked.

Magnus spoke at that, "Everyone, first answer me this, what do you think is going to be the biggest need for our civilisation to go from being a planetary species to an interplanetary or even galactic one day?"

"Manpower?" Ted guessed.

"Yes, but no, not really. As long as we make sure that a sustainable birthrate is maintained, we will never run out of people." Magnus replied.

This made everyone think more. There was no need to say money, as that was a very short term issue. It was not magic either, Magnus was there. Unity and peace? They are already working on it.

Magnus spoke, "Metal. That\'s what we\'re going to need. In the future, we will be building mega-cities and space ships. Where will we be getting all that metal from? There\'s not enough here, not unless we destroy Earth itself.

"The answer to all our needs, be it iron or other precious rare earth minerals, is in space. Beyond Mars, there is the asteroid belt. There are huge asteroids that are made of metals and other rare substances. We will bring those Astroids near-Earth and dock them to mine. Moon will not be a mining colony for mining the moon itself, but instead for the astroids. Of course, once we have a big enough colony on Mars, we won\'t need to always bring Astroids to Earth. If we want ships, they can be made right there."

The idea itself sounded extremely crazy. But this was the reason why Magnus didn\'t keep muggles nearby. For wizards, however, as they knew Magnus had opened a portkey route to Moon, now everything was possible.

Harrison talked about a problem however, "Magnus, your plan is great, but it has a major flaw factor. That\'s humans."

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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