
Chapter 42 - The Doomsday Festival

Singapore, 23 December

Since morning, many people had been gathering. The Randalls pulled some strings and turned the streets of Singapore into some sort of Doomsday Festival. It\'s very crowded... Thousands of people were walking down the streets. There were 3 main groups.

The Doomsday Preppers, this is a community of people who believe that the end of days is inevitable. They are preparing not for the possibility of IF the Doomsday happens, but rather WHEN it will happen. The viral video makes them feel that the time is right... These groups of people are the ones who fully believe the Doomsday video..

The second group of people is the religious community that preaches about the coming of the rapture and tribulation, which is the Doomsday and tells the people to repent.

The third group of people is the biggest amongst the three groups. Those are the cosplayers, these are the people who have had gathered just for the fun of it. Most of them are wearing zombie makeup and various costumes. There are even some famous characters that can be seen in the crowds such as; the white walkers, Alice from Resident Evil, vampire costumes, up until the spiderman costumes.

The Randalls have prepared hundreds of their people on the streets of Singapore. They are handing out flyers about tips on how to survive the Doomsday. Free food and drink stands are also giving out different kinds of merchandise. The Randalls have prepared this publicity as it is the last favor that Alex had asked. The main objective is not to turn people into believers, but rather to turn this day into another viral news that will be shown around the world so that more people will be able to hear the message. In the next few days, Alex hopes that this festival will become a new trend and many news and other local stations will start creating their own content about what to prepare if Doomsday does happen.

The climax of the festival started when Harvard Professor walked up to the prepared stage in the garden by the bay and started to talk about his findings. Although most of them were scripted texts that had been written by Alex. The main messages were:

1. Prepare food and supplies.

2. Stay at home do not go out on vehicles, especially airplanes.

3. Burn the deceased.

4. Help each other.

5. Find refuge in a structure that would appear in a few months.

This festival is very important for Alex. He actually also has another gathering that he and the Randalls have prepared later that night. This one is an invitation-only gathering. Most of the ones that have been invited are world leaders, organization representatives, and rich and powerful figures. More than 500 invitations had been sent, but only half of them have had sent their representatives. If it was not for Randall\'s famous name or the rumor of miraculous medicine, they would be lucky if even 10% of them came.

The venue that they will be gathering is the Esplanade theater. It is a 1,950-seat theatre. It was modeled after traditional horseshoe-shaped performance arenas. It has 30 private balconies that could fit four to eight people per group. The 250 invites that were answered came in with their own entourages, assistants, and bodyguards totaling more than 1500 guests.

Kenny, the CIA junior analyst, also came with an invite. He actually came with no expectation and thought this was just a nutjob\'s prank. But his mission\'s objective needed to be completed, it was to prepare an accurate threat assessment. Kenny came in the theatre with his small team of eight, half went inside as guest to scout and the other half stayed outside of the theatre inside a big van with their high tech gadgets.

"The security of this event is top notch. The Intel said that the Randall family had organized this event. It seems they really spent a lot of effort to make this successful. I wonder what kind of guests will show up. I will be sending you some pictures Bravo Team, tell me who they are."

Kenny is sending pictures with his phone to the team in the van.

"Kenji Shima, Japan\'s Chairperson of the National Public Safety Commission."

"Park Ji, North Korea\'s Minister of Defense."

"Rajesh, India\'s Minister of External Affairs.",

"General Jorge, South African National Defence Force."

"Jurgen, Isreali high-ranking Mossad."

"Senator Arnold from the United States."

"Wow, there are many VIPs that have been confirmed who participated in this event."

"Those are the Zhao sisters from the Chinese Big Four, even they also came. I think this event is more serious than it seems to be. I should recalculate the threat assessment."


"The Philippines President, Dominique have just entered with his entourage."


"Cardinal Strauss, from the Vatican, came with dozens of people. This is getting serious..."

"Agent Kenny, the two men behind the Cardinal are on the CIA\'s most wanted list."


"This is already beyond our capacity. We should call back up for this."


"Who are you? You cannot come in here! Agent Kenny, we have been compromised!"


"What? Bravo Team!! Halo!!"

A moment later, a beautiful woman walks closer to agent Kenny,

"Don\'t worry about your team, agent. They are fine, we just can\'t let you jeopardize our event. Please come with me, our leader like to see you."

The venue is almost full. Not long after, the venue lights become dimmer and the stage light turns on. The announcement is about to start. Two people walk to the center of the stage, the Harvard professor, John, and a middle-aged normal looking guy. The professor sits on the side and instead, the normal looking guy walks to the podium.

"Welcome everyone and thank you for coming to this gathering. I assure you that you will not regret coming here today. My name is Alex and I am the facilitator of this gathering. I will not waste your precious time with history lessons as all of the professor\'s findings will be emailed to you and can be read later. I know most of you do not believe in the Doomsday message. But I am here to ask each one of you to be a little bit more open-minded in asking what is possible and what is impossible."

"I will start with what most people here are interested in. This little stone is called a spirit stone."

Alex takes out a spirit stone and shows it to the audience.

"Many of you have believed it to be a miraculous medicine and thought it was made by Randall\'s medical team. The existence of such a miraculous stone, is it possible or impossible?"

"I am going to tell you that it is possible. This stone does have miraculous power. Please let me welcome Mr. James Randall to the stage."

James walks up to the stage on his own two feet. Many people in this room know James and are aware of his sickness. Seeing him walking up all healthy, makes them a bit more curious about the stone. However, this only further makes them believe that James Randall\'s team have made a breakthrough in medical science. The existence of a miraculous stone really does seems to be possible.

"Now, what if I told you that this stone was not made by Mr. Randall\'s medical team and the truth was it was not made by any scientific research nor laboratories. Is this possible or not possible?"

As scripted by Alex, James walked up to the podium and told the audience that the stone was not made in his lab, but was in fact, given by Alex. The audience gasp... "It\'s not possible, they thought."

Alex takes out a few of the stones and shows it to them. Then he calls out to the people in the backstage, two guy walks to the center of the stage. One of them is a sickly person and the other one is Kenny the CIA analyst.

"This is agent Kenny from the CIA, one of the guests that have responded to our invite."

Alex asks Kenny to check the sickly person next to him, this guy seems to be lacking proper nourishment. Alex gives a stone this sickly person, now, the sickly person has the strength of a special forces soldier. This demonstration really piques the interest of the audience.

"Let us be more open-minded and start to think of other types of possibilities and impossibilities."

Alex calls out another person to the stage and asks him to draw his gun and aim it at him then shoot him.


Suddenly, a rock golem shows up in front of Alex and deflects the bullet. The people cannot hide their shock from this.

"An item that has dimensional storage space and this golem, do you think it is possible or impossible?"

Relics with power beyond human dreams and spirit stones that can push the boundaries of the human body. These things are impossible things that have become possible.

"Now, will it be possible or impossible if I say that I had a fortunate encounter and managed to peek at the events of the years to come?"

Possible or impossible?

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