
Chapter 248 Eldest son

Chapter 248 Eldest son

The couple’s call lasted for a long while. They were both unwilling to say goodbye but it was already late for Xiaolei. She’s been yawning for a while now so Yu Chen had been urging her to sleep despite him feeling that he still haven’t had enough talking to her and seeing her.

It’s only been two days and they already missed each other that badly. Xiaolei yawned again, her day had been tough and she still need to rise early the next morning so she could only give in and end the call.

"I miss you," she said and Yu Chen’s lips curved up a little.

"I miss you too... so much..." he uttered in a husky, loving voice and Xiaolei felt her heart do flips-flops. "Goodnight."

"Mm. I love you."

"I love you."

Once the call ended, Xiaolei plonked herself down on her bed. She spread her arms and stared at the ceiling before she lazily stood. She was a little thirsty because of their cheering and her non-stop talking since she called him so she stepped out of her room to drink.

After drinking enough water, Xiaolei was about to enter her room when she decided to check on her bodyguard on the sofa.

What she saw made her sigh. The man was sleeping on the floor again, on the same spot where she left him a while ago. Since the day Yu Chen fell into coma, Juu became her full time bodyguard. Xiaolei knew what kind of bodyguard he was. He saw it since she was young so she didn’t complain that much in his way of protecting her. She had seen before how persistent and watchful he was when he was watching over Yu Chen many years ago. She even thought that he was some programmed robot back then because of his strange behavior.

The strangest thing about Juu was the fact that he didn’t seem to change even for a bit. His expressions, the way he stares, the way he speaks and everything else was exactly the same as when they were younger. It’s like his physical body was the only thing that changed. He had nothing he wanted to do, as if there was nothing in his mind and heart aside from his duty to protect her.

He didn’t like it when Xiaolei was out of his sight, and that was why he was following her like a shadow. In fact, the only time where Xiaolei was out of his sight was when she was inside the bathroom and her bedroom. He would only stop following her once they entered Scarlet Hill. Xiaolei knew what he was like as a bodyguard but months ago, when Xiaolei went abroad for her first business trip as the CEO’s empire, Xiaolei of course paid two suites for both of them. However, Juu refused to leave her. He wanted to stay in her suite as well, telling her that he will sleep in the sofa to make sure of her safety.

Xiaolei was angered that time. She was a woman. She understood that he was like that Yu Chen but Yu Chen was a man. Xiaolei of course didn’t let her. However, the next morning, she found him sitting outside her suite’s door and he actually stayed there overnight. Xiaolei could only give in. She knew that Juu would never hurt her but she was still a little wary of him at first. However, as time goes by, Xiaolei was quick to get used to him. It was because Juu wasn’t really giving her any uncomfortable feeling at all despite him sleeping in the same suite as her. He didn’t even like to sleep in a room. He always sleeps on the floor in the living room like he was her pet dog. God knows how many times she woke him up just to tell him to at least sleep in the sofa.

If Xiaolei describes Juu, she would say that he was like a machine. He was like a robot who would stay still like that until she gave him orders. He won’t even speak or move unless she tells him too. Sometimes, he also became like a security dog who’s only job was to watch the door. He was simply strangely mind-boggling. Xiaolei didn’t even know when did she stop getting wary of him.

And as time went by, Xiaolei even began seeing him as her eldest son. Even though Juu was older than her, if she adds the years in her past life to her age at the moment, she would definitely pass as Juu’s aunt. That thinking might be one of the reasons why Xiaolei’s maternal instinct was kicking in not just for 10 babies but for Juu as well.

Still, Xiaolei had always been puzzled and intrigued by his peculiarities for a long time now. She could tell that his behavior wasn’t normal at all. She once tried to ask him about his personal life and his family but Juu showed him an expression she never saw before. And for some reason, even though he didn’t say anything at all, she felt heart broken. Since then, Xiaolei never asked again. He once asked Gu Jinyang but the man also told her that she should asked Yu Chen about it. But unfortunately, life was busy since Yu Chen woke up so she didn’t have the chance to ask about Juu yet. Maybe she could finally ask once she return.

"Hey, Juu. Wake up and sleep on the couch please." Xiaolei said and as always, the man immediately rose. He was so easy to wake up and so damn easy to obey as well, just like a pet.

He then plonked himself on the couch without glancing at her and continued sleeping.

Sigh... this man...

Xiaolei sighed and left him. She still couldn’t understand his obsession on floors. He seemed to be really comfortable when he slept on cold hard floors even without any blankets and Xiaolei could never understand why.

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