
Chapter 58 - Evolving And Naming The Summons 2


After evolving the skeletons, Chaos had seen their progress, they had become stronger. ​​

The Skeleton General evolved into a High Skeleton Commander, and then a High Skeleton War Lord, with the power to command other Skeletons, although the two powerful ones that are in the gates were not affected by his commanding power, and in fact, this High Skeleton War Lord treated those two as "senpais". In the end, the High Skeleton War Lord ended being at SS-Rank.

The Skeleton Priest evolved into a Skeleton High Priest and then into a Skeleton Saint, it was a strange Skeleton variant with the power of healing and light magic with him. After evolving into a Skeleton Saint, it gained large white robes and a pope hat, alongside a golden staff. Skeleton Saint became an SS-Rank.

The Skeleton Ninja and the Skeleton Rogue were the most interesting ones as well, they were two skeletons that specialized in fast attacks and agility, something often not seen in such Undead creatures. The Skeleton Ninja evolved into a Skeleton Shadow Ninja, and then into a Skeleton Shadow Moon Ninja… gaining shadow-like abilities.

The Skeleton Rogue evolved into a Skeleton Assassin, and then into a Crimson Skeleton Assassin, gaining several crimson-red robes and a powerful dagger coated in crimson-red metallic materials, it was interesting.

Both of them ended at SS-Rank.

"Interesting, these skeletons had become incredibly tasty-looking…" said Chaos.

The Skeletons felt an instinctual fear as they saw their master saying such words…

"Don\'t worry, you\'re allies and not food, it is different," said Chaos, petting the trembling skeletons as they calmed down a bit… However, the sight of a young man petting cracking trembling skeletons was something that those watching would leave imprinted into their memories.

After that, Chaos evolved the Slimes. Each Slime had a different color, and depending on the color, they were particularly stronger, sometimes even being able to use some elemental attacks. Red Slimes were able to fire fireballs, Blue Slimes fired water bullets, Black Slimes used shadows, and so on…

They all evolved into High Slimes, and Slime Kings at SS-Rank after being exposed to Miasma and then evolved! Each one of the slimes became a giant and fatty slime with a crown over their bodies that shined brightly, and that was something like their core.

They gained stronger elemental power, and were also quite the menaces, being able to easily dissolve weaker beings into their bodies similarly to Abyss.

The Cube Slime, however, was the strongest, as it was a Mythical+++ Summon, it seemed that Cube Slimes were infamous compared to the lesser slimes that jumped around cutely, as they were strong dungeon predators that occupied entire corridors and slowly moved towards their targets, trapping them and eating them up.

They are infamous monsters that gather a lot of loot inside of them as they only digest organic matter, however, this summoned one didn\'t have any of it and was rather clear.

It was vastly stronger from the get-go, and when it was evolved and named, it evolved into a Cube Slime Emperor, simple as that, becoming an X-Rank monster! It was now gigantic, but Chaos discovered it had the power to change its size around, he left it and the other slimes to clean the entire castle by devouring any organic matter stuck into the walls and ceilings, of course, they were not allowed to digest any person inside without their permission but could clean them off their dry skin or something, if they wanted.

Of course, Chaos had also considered using the Cube Slime Emperor in traps inside the castle, whenever there were too many invaders and they sneaked inside, they would be greeted by the underground labyrinths where a giant cube slime would begin chasing them down and digesting them one by one… it was a terrifying thing to think about.

Moving on, the Troll Warrior was exposed to miasma and afterward named, becoming a Giant Troll War Lord, doubling its size, and gaining a pack of muscles, its power was around SSS-Rank.

The Lizardman Shaman evolved into a High Dragonewt Druid, after being exposed to miasma and then named, he had also drunk Chaos blood after he offered it to him, and ended as a Dragonewt. Its body resembled almost the same as before, but it seemed more refined, and with more dragon-like features, although it was still a three-meter-tall humanoid. It gained excellent Druid abilities and also learned how to speak. It was around SSS-Rank.

Lilith evolved into a High Night Succubus Queen after being exposed to miasma, her appearance becomes more seductive, and she gained more deception-based abilities. Her magic also developed greatly. She ended as X-Rank.

The Poisonous Scarab was evolved into a Golden Sands Poisonous Scarab, gaining the size of a truck and a golden exoskeleton, deadly poisonous jaws, and a powerful defense, it was an S-Rank monster.

The Giant Desert Scorpion evolved into a Giant Golden Dunes Scorpion King, being at SS-Rank. Its appearance became similar to the Scarab, gaining a giant size and golden exoskeleton, its stinger was a deadly weapon and not only because it carried venom but because it could easily impale an Orc and kill it instantly.

The Elder Treant became a High Elder Treant Druid, acquiring amazing abilities to control and enhance plant-life, while also enhancing the power of animals, becoming equal to an SSS-Rank monster. Chaos had begun to consider starting a farm plan using this Treant and the Scarecrows who had the Gardener Skill. He wanted to see if he could grow plants in this desolate wasteland and eat them to taste the flavors of vegetables.

The Infernal Gazer evolved into an Infernal Beholder after being evolved through miasma and then named… gaining superb psionic powers and fire-attribute magic, and growing in size as well... An Infernal Beholder was a being already at X-Rank!

The three-headed chimera became a Six-Headed Chimaera King, gaining three more heads after being exposed to miasma and then named! It gained the power of three more heads, with the body of a giant lion as well, it was a deadly best with many powers. It was comparable to an SSS-Rank being.


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