
Chapter 383 - Strategy Meeting

Chapter 383 – Strategy Meeting


[Teleportation Checkpoint]

Gather the power of Space-Attribute Element within the ring\'s jewel and create a checkpoint in an area of space whenever you want to. Through this checkpoint you can teleport to that area by spending a large quantity of Mana, you can only make up to 4 checkpoints at the same time, if you create one, another already created must be deleted.


Chaos analyzed the last Ability within the ring, this amazing Skill allowed Chaos to simply put create a teleportation checkpoint anywhere he wanted! With this everything would be way easier to do as he would be able to teleport anywhere, he could have wanted, facilitating movement, and allowing for more strategies using this power. There were also the ability of placing Teleportation Traps that Erebus could create, but these were different and didn\'t worked outside of the dungeon itself, so they could only teleport there if placed anywhere, and needed a lot of previous work, but these were instantaneous and quite great to use. Chaos already felt like this gift had delivered way more than it should had…

After the day when Chaos and Abyss gave each other a gift, the entire party had decided to gather inside of Chaos Divine Realm, within his Castle, most of his allies had gone inside their own divine realms for weeks, months, even, depending in how much they ended dilating the time compared from the outside. Everybody present here was now exuding a large quantity of energy, so strong that it seemed to overflow from within their bodies.

This energy was a mix of their main element which they have been able to fuse with the cosmic energy that Chaos shared with everyone. Some of them had slightly changed clothes while others had simply put on some new clothes, but all of them seemed to have increased their strength rather greatly…

"Thank you for gathering here today, I see that you\'ve taken the training seriously." Said Chaos. "I can notice that you\'ve grown stronger through this time."

Chaos noticed how everybody grew stronger, everyone that sat down around the table had a sharper look, and they seemed to have gone through a lot of personal fighting while training their own capabilities, some seemed even a bit stressed, just what did they do to gain more strength?

Abyss was sitting next to him while the long table had the rest of his "council" which included all of his strongest allies as well, everyone seemed to be very serious today, not because they were incapable of feeling joy now, but because they knew that serious things were to come, the training time had finally ended and now what awaited them was using such new power they had acquired to fight.

"We have all gone through a lot, it seems." Said Lilith, as she looked everybody\'s serious faces. "Me too, I guess…"

"Well, we have been separated for a while, but I am glad to reunite with everybody again." Said Ifrit.

"Me too. I have gone through a lot of research." Said Edward. "I believe I can be finally more useful… I hope."

"Well, let\'s stop interrupting Chaos-sama." Said Belphegor. "Please, my lord, go on."

"Thank you. As I said earlier…" Said Chaos. "I have decided to chase down the Fragments of the Forbidden One. In specific the Ego Fragment. Although we have accelerated the time inside our divine realms to the maximum we could and months passed, outside only a few days have passed, and thanks to a new ally, we know the exact location of him."

Aruliel looked at Chaos while furrowing her eyebrows. She seemed to have bad memories with this amalgamation of fragments that resembled a giant humanoid bug covered in a black metallic exoskeleton.

"That vicious monster…" She sighed. "Now that I remember a bit of my past and I could recall some more of how he died through his own memories which he showed to us when he attempted to trap us inside a nightmare, I remember that the Forbidden One came from the outside of the Universe…"

"T-The outside of the universe?" Asked Ifrit. "That\'s pretty far away, right?"

"Well, duh." Said Lilith while waving her head.

"I always thought he was a vicious giant monster that was cut down to pieces…" Said Natalia.

"Well, there are many stories that depict him differently from one another." Said Edward. "Some say he was a Great Demon that was punished by the Supreme Entities and cut down to pieces which fell in various planets, and others say it was a once a Giant Monster that threatened to swallow the galaxy…."

"Well all of them are kind of true but not…" Said Aruliel. "He is an invader from the Outer Void, an Outer God of tremendous power that threatened the entire universe and was defeated by the Archangels of The One long ago, cut down into countless small pieces that were sealed, but many ended scattering across the Universe… There are many fragments, but they sought one another and gathered into amalgamations… The one we fought with Chaos was one with the fragment of his Ego, which is part of his personality and possessed his memories…"

Aruliel said some interesting words which were filled with rich information that the rest didn\'t really knew about. She had mentioned something related to the Forbidden One that they didn\'t knew about, and how he ended being scattered across the Universe.

It seems that the one they had fought was a fragment of the original one\'s Ego, and therefore he showed an incredible level of intelligence, cunningness, and also contained the memories of his original self, making him someone extremely dangerous.

They had to exterminate him quickly before things were to get even more out of control, and quick. The power of the Forbidden One knew no limits, the more time they give to him, the stronger he would eventually grow, they couldn\'t let him do as he pleased and then allow him to come back as strong as he wants to be… it would be too dangerous and an end to many of the people of this planet…

"He\'s extremely dangerous because he\'s more intelligent than any other amalgamation we have fought before…" Said Chaos. "But our new friend will help us locate him, in fact, we know where he is right now."

Chaos invoked the power of his "friend" the world\'s voice, as a gigantic holographic window made of magic emerged, showing a map of the planet and then a rod dot pulsating with red waves of light. The people around watched with surprise at the scene, amazing by the powers that Chaos showcased. Such powers belonged to the world\'s voice, the planet itself that wanted to help them destroy those threatening her existence and life as a planet.

"We are currently in here…" Said Chaos, showing a blue dot in the map, which was in the coasts of a frozen continent in the south pole of the planet. Meanwhile, the Forbidden One\'s Ego was roaming very close by, in the nearby frozen oceans to the southwest!

"We are going there to catch him, and I\'ll make sure to devour him this time…" Said Chaos.

The power that the world had to detect the Forbidden One\'s Ego was natural of a planet. Planets with a World Core would attain consciousness and be able to spread their senses across the rest of their bodies through their World Source Energy, through this energy, they were able to see what was happening within their bodies. However, it was usually quite hard for them to actually be able to accomplish much aside from that, and they often had a lot of difficulties trying to do things within their planets without ending up in a catastrophic accident that might end up killing a lot of life.

For example, if she wanted, she could get rid of those factories atop her body and all, but she would have to cause enormous tremors to do such a thing, which would end up killing many innocent lives, and might cause irreversible changes in the entire environment that would only worsen the situation rather than make it any better.

This is why she had to get the Saints as those that would help her cleanse the world from this evil, it was easier for her to grant a bit of her power to certain people and ask for their help than do it herself, as it might cause too much damage for it to be anything but inconvenient.

And as of now, she was already growing rather concerned about the future ahead and what she should do, but this is where Chaos showed up, someone capable of truly helping her, and now that he was finally moving out, she quickly showed him where exactly this entity was… Interestingly enough, there was a faraway temple sealing several fragments of the forbidden one, and this amalgamation was capable of sensing his fragments, and immediately began moving to the direction where they might be.


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