
Chapter 116 Roaring Cave (2)

The students, dressed in their uniforms and carrying their equipment, gathered on the deck of the airship as it approached the dungeon where their practical exam would be held.

The uniform was topped off with a black and blue jacket, which was mandatory for all students to wear. The jacket had a high collar and was made of high-tech material, providing both warmth and protection against the elements. The jacket was designed with unique features such as adjustable temperature control and built-in communication devices, allowing the students to stay connected and informed in a range of 1000 km.

They could feel the excitement and nervousness building inside them as they prepared to descend into the treacherous dungeon.

Ken and his friends also gathered on the deck of the airship. 

However this time, they were with their teams. 

James and Simon were in one team. They were standing together with their other team members which were three burly men. 

As Simon stood among them, he couldn\'t help but feel out of place and thought to himself, "Why am I the only one here without bulging muscles? How did I end up in this oddball team?"

He remembered what happened when dungeon activities were held in the training area.


During the Dungeon activities, team selection was underway and everyone was choosing their members. In one corner, Noah and Simon were engrossed in a conversation.

"Hey Simon, which team are you planning to join?" Noah inquired.

"Well, I am definitely joining Ken\'s team. He\'s been named chief of the year and I believe I can earn a lot of points and make progress smoothly if I\'m on his team," Simon replied confidently.

Apparently, points were the currency of the academy. You can buy a lot of things with points. As you rank higher and perform better you get more points. 

"Really? But why would Ken choose you over everyone else, considering you\'re ranked 60, the last in the group (41-60)," Noah smirked.

Upon hearing this, Simon was confronted with a harsh reality and his expression became downcast.

"Hey there, my friend. Don\'t be sad," Noah comforted Simon, trying to cheer him up. "I have an idea. If you can beat me in rock paper scissors, I promise to persuade him to include you in his team," Noah offered, sounding like a supportive friend.

However, Simon was not easily swayed by Noah\'s smooth talk. He sensed that there might be some ulterior motive behind this proposal. "What happens if I lose?" he asked cautiously.

Noah stroked his chin, pretending to ponder for a moment. "Well," he said, "then you\'ll have to join [James Andre\'s] team." He tried to make it sound like a fair deal.

After considering the offer, Simon finally agreed. "Okay, it\'s a deal," he said, not suspecting anything suspicious.

But just as Simon was about to shake hands with Noah, he noticed a sly grin flash across Noah\'s face for a split second, making him wonder if he had made the right decision.

Afterward, as per the deal they played rock-paper-scissors, and Simon ended up losing. "You cheated," Simon grumbled, he was unaware that Noah had been training his body and strengthening it with mana due to his wind attribute. This made him significantly faster than before.

Eventually, Simon was forced to join James\' team, which didn\'t seem too bad at the time. However, during group activities, he found himself struggling to keep up with the rest of the physical freaks in the group, especially James.

Simon, being a mage, was not accustomed to such rigorous physical training.

It was then that he recalled the smug smile on Noah\'s face from their previous encounter. "That devil pushed me here," Simon thought to himself. He was determined to beat Noah and wipe that smug grin off his face.


Simon was feeling a little frustrated as he reflected on how he had ended up in this group. He turned his head towards Noah and noticed him flirting with three beautiful women while standing next to Ken.

"This bastard," Simon muttered under his breath, clenching his fist.

Just then, James spoke up, interrupting Simon\'s thoughts. "Hey, Simon."

Simon turned his head towards James, feeling a little puzzled. "Yes?"

"We\'re planning to jump off the deck and land down below," James announced casually as if it were no big deal.

"Jump? From up here?" Simon asked, seeking confirmation.

The other members of the group nodded in agreement, confirming James\' plan.

"Are you all out of your minds? That\'s a 30-foot drop!" Simon exclaimed in disbelief.

Thomas, one of the team members, reassured Simon, "Don\'t worry, nothing will happen. We\'re all D rankers and have great bodies." He even posed like a bodybuilder to show off his muscles, while James and the others in the group nodded in agreement.

"This is crazy," Simon thought, contemplating how he could escape the situation. However, before he could make a move, James grabbed him by the collar and jumped off the deck, with the other three members following suit.

As they fell through the air, all three of them shouted, "Free fall!! X 3."

Simon was terrified as he fell through the air, plummeting toward the ground at an alarming speed. He couldn\'t believe what was happening, and he was sure that he was going to die.

But as they got closer to the ground, Simon started chanting a spell. 

[Air Cushion, Magic creation] 

Mana shot out from Simon\'s hand and made a cushion shape on the land. 

\'Please work, Please work.\' Simon kept chanting. 

\'I am going to die as a virgin,

I am going to die as a virgin...\' 

As the ground was coming closer, he believed he was surely going to die.

But just as he was about to hit the ground, there was a loud "Bam!" noise, and he landed safely on the ground.

"I am alive!" Simon exclaimed in joy.

"That was awesome, wasn\'t it?" James shouted over the sound of the wind.

Simon was still a little shaken up, he couldn\'t help but doubt his worldview as he saw four burly men grinning wildly at him. 

\'How the hell they are not injured?\' Simon was in doubt. 

"That was insane," he said, shaking his head in disbelief. 


Meanwhile, on the deck, all the students were getting ready to descend to the ground. Charlotte cast a levitation spell on everyone\'s boots to make the descent effortless.

As Charlotte\'s levitation spell took effect, the students felt their feet rise slowly from the deck. They gazed down in amazement as they floated gently toward the ground, buoyed by the magic that surrounded them.

As they approached the earth, they could see that the landing zone was a small clearing nestled in the heart of the forest. The ground was covered with a soft bed of grass.

After a brief moment, the group assembled on the ground and began to survey the area. They found themselves in a dense forest, encircled by towering trees and thick underbrush that made it challenging to maneuver.

The air was cool and humid and carried a distinct earthy aroma throughout the region. The ground was covered with a lush green carpet of grass.

As they scanned the area, they noticed some of their fellow students had already arrived and were waiting for them. These students were those who came here by themselves.

Noah shot a smile towards Simon. In response, Simon could only glare.

Kevin, Sir Killington, and Charlotte descended leisurely from the airship. 

After a brief moment, Kevin appeared before the students to address them.

"Hello everyone, as every one of you, knows, we have gathered here for your practical exams. As this dungeon is a high D rank dungeon, it is relatively unexplored, so we have called upon some second and third-year students to be present in case of any unforeseen circumstances."

Suddenly, out of nowhere, twenty students appeared from the nearby bushes.

While their arrival might have seemed grand, James was more curious about their peculiar hiding spot.

Among the senior students, a red-haired girl with a short stature could be heard grumbling to herself.

"I have so much work to do, yet they called me here on such short notice," Lily muttered, clicking her tongue in annoyance.

Meanwhile, a blonde-haired man fixed a smirk on his face as he gazed at Ken. While the sight of a man leering at another might seem unsettling sight, no one else seemed to notice. Ken, on the other hand, seemed to be oblivious to Nick\'s presence and was more focused on the practical exam ahead.

"Ken, you\'re going to pay for everything now," Nick thought to himself, recalling the sinister plans he had devised for Ken.

Soon everyone started entering the dungeon in batches. Each team had one senior student as a guardian. 

Kevin, Sir Killington, and Charlotte stayed at the entrance of the dungeon. 

They had communication devices same as installed in the uniform of every student. If something bad happens they can respond quickly. 

Coincidentally, Nick was the guardian of Ken\'s group. Nick couldn\'t help but feel a sense of satisfaction as he recalled the various plans he had devised to take down Ken. He had spent countless hours strategizing and preparing for this moment, and he was determined to see it through.

In the darkness of the cave, he was staring at Ken like a prey. 

However, as a mantis was stalking a cicada, it didn\'t know there was an oriole behind him.

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