
Chapter 690 Lurk In The Shadows

As the sun rose over the Central Plains, the land was quiet, except for the bustling of refugees who were walking along the road. They came from the East and the North, and their clothes were torn and tattered, their faces gaunt and weary. Some carried bundles or sacks, while others had nothing but the clothes on their backs.

eαglesnovel`c,om The South had opened its doors to the refugees, and many had already arrived, seeking shelter and food. The Central Plains and West were also receiving refugees and providing them with temporary housing. The shadow emperors had been instrumental in clearing the demons from the regions, and now their work was done. But Fein knew that this was just the beginning.

Fein stood at the entrance of the South, watching as the refugees passed by him. He saw their weariness, but he also saw their hope. They were leaving behind the horrors of the demon invasion, and now they had a chance to rebuild their lives. He knew that it was his duty to help them in any way he could.

A young boy approached Fein, and the boy\'s eyes widened as he looked up at him. "Are you Fein?" he asked.

Fein knelt down to the boy\'s level and smiled warmly. "Yes, I am," he replied.

The boy\'s face lit up, and he clasped his hands together. "Thank you for saving us," he said.

Fein nodded. "It was our duty to protect the people," he said. "But now, we must help you all rebuild your lives."

The boy looked up at Fein with tears in his eyes. "I lost my parents in the demon attack," he said.

Fein placed a comforting hand on the boy\'s shoulder. "You\'re not alone," he said. "We\'ll help you find a new family, and we\'ll make sure that you\'re safe and taken care of."

As Fein stood up, he looked out over the sea of refugees. He knew that there was a long road ahead, but he was determined to see it through. The shadow emperors had completed their orders, but Fein\'s work was far from over. He would continue to help the people, to rebuild the regions, and to ensure that the demons never returned.


As the refugees settled into their temporary homes, Fein summoned the Shadow Emperors for a meeting to discuss the current situation.

Fein: "Thank you for gathering here today. It\'s been two months since we defeated the demons and completed our mission. I\'ve received reports that the refugees have been settling into the Central Plains, West, and South regions."

Fallen Arc Angel: "That\'s good to hear. It\'s the least we could do after what happened."

One-eyed Ghoul: "But what happens now? What about the demons? Do we just wait for them to attack again?"

Fenrir: "We should be prepared for anything. But for now, we can focus on helping these people."

Death God: "Agreed. But we also need to make sure that the demons don\'t come back. We can\'t let these people suffer again."

Fein: "I understand your concerns. That\'s why I\'ve been working on a plan. We\'ll strengthen our defenses in case the demons do come back. But we\'ll also send scouts to investigate the demon\'s whereabouts and gather information."

Fallen Arc Angel: "What can we do to help?"

Fein: "For now, we\'ll continue to patrol the borders and keep an eye out for any signs of demon activity. But we\'ll also reach out to neighboring regions for help. Together, we can ensure the safety of these refugees and prevent any further attacks."

One-eyed Ghoul: "Understood. We\'ll do whatever it takes to protect them."

As the meeting came to an end, the Shadow Emperors went their separate ways to carry out their tasks. Fallen Arc Angel and One-eyed Ghoul headed towards the South to patrol the borders, while Fenrir and Death God traveled to the West to gather information from neighboring regions.

Meanwhile, Fein continued to coordinate with the local leaders to provide aid to the refugees.


After the chaos and destruction caused by the demons, Fein knew that he had to take precautions to protect the remaining civilians and refugees. He summoned his ten shadow lords and thousands of shadow soldiers to lurk in the shadows in the alley inside and outside the South.

In the morning,

Fein opened his eyes slowly, the memory of the recent demon invasion still fresh in his mind. He took a deep breath and sat up on the bed, glancing around the room. The shadows seemed to be deeper than usual, as if they were waiting for something. Fein knew what it was.

He stood up and raised his hand, summoning his ten shadow lords. The Chimera ant, ghoul, fallen angel, death knight, and other creatures appeared before him, each one waiting for his command. Fein spoke in a low, commanding voice.

"We have to protect the civilians and refugees. The demons may attack again, and we cannot let them harm anyone else. I want you to lurk in the shadows, inside and outside the South. Keep watch for monsters from the portals, rogue degu users, and any potential attacks. You must be vigilant at all times."

The shadow lords nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. They disappeared into the shadows, ready to carry out Fein\'s orders. Fein then summoned thousands of shadow soldiers to accompany the shadow lords.

As they made their way through the city, the shadows seemed to shift and move around them, as if alive. The civilians and refugees didn\'t even notice them, so well did they blend into the darkness.

Fein watched as his army took up positions in the alleyways, waiting for any sign of danger. He felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he was doing all he could to protect the innocent. He couldn\'t shake the feeling of unease, however, knowing that the demons were still out there, waiting for their chance to strike.

Suddenly, one of the shadow soldiers moved, its senses picking up something that Fein couldn\'t detect. Fein tensed, ready for action. The shadow soldier emerged from the shadows, holding a rogue degu user by the scruff of his neck.

"What is the meaning of this?" Fein demanded.

The degu user struggled against the shadow soldier\'s grip, but to no avail. "I-I was just passing through," he stammered. "I swear I meant no harm."

Fein narrowed his eyes. "We cannot take any chances. Bring him to me."

The shadow soldier complied, bringing the degu user to Fein\'s feet. Fein studied the man for a moment, then spoke.

"Well, next time, don\'t behave suspiciously." Fein chuckled lightly.

The degu user nodded, relief was in his eyes. "Understood, lord Fein!"

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