
Chapter 765 New Elemental Technique: Laser Eye

Fein felt his anger rising as he continued to torture the man, pulling out his teeth and hair strands one by one. But the man still refused to speak, even as he screamed in agony.

After what felt like hours of torture, Fein finally called for his shadow soldiers. "We need a degu user," he said, his voice cold and emotionless. "Someone who can read this man\'s memories."

One of the shadow soldiers nodded and quickly left the room. A few moments later, he returned with a small, timid-looking woman who held a crystal in her hand. "This is Eira," the soldier said, introducing her to Fein. "She\'s one of the best degu users in the country." he gave a brief introduction of Eira.

"Master Fein, Eira is one of the most respected members of the South. She\'s known for her extraordinary abilities as a mind reader. Her success rate is unparalleled and she has helped solve countless cases in the past. Her reputation precedes her, and many people fear her ability to penetrate their minds."

The shadow soldier paused for a moment, observing Fein\'s reaction. Fein listened intently, nodding his head in acknowledgment.

"She\'s also achieved numerous accolades, and has been recognized as the most influential mind reader in the South for the past five years," the shadow soldier continued.

Fein raised an eyebrow in surprise, impressed by Eira\'s accomplishments. He had heard of her before, but had never had the chance to work with her directly.

"Interesting. I\'ve heard of her before, but I\'ve never had the chance to work with her. I\'ll have to keep her in mind for future operations," Fein said, his mind already calculating the potential benefits of having someone with Eira\'s abilities on his side.

The shadow soldier nodded in agreement. "Yes, Master Fein. She could be a valuable asset to the Dark Knights."

Fein nodded, his eyes fixed on the crystal. "Do it," he said, gesturing towards the man.

Eira closed her eyes and held the crystal up to the man\'s forehead. Fein watched as the crystal began to glow, illuminating the room with a soft blue light. For a few moments, the man\'s body convulsed, and then he fell silent.

Eira slowly lowered the crystal and opened her eyes. "I\'ve seen what he knows," she said softly. "But I must warn you, Fein. The information he has wasn\'t really useful, so don\'t expect anything.

Fein nodded, his face grim. He knew that he was walking a dangerous path, but he also knew that he had no other choice. The evil sect was growing stronger by the day, and if he didn\'t act quickly, they would destroy everything he had worked so hard to build.

"Tell me what you saw," he said, his voice low and urgent. Fein leaned forward, his eyes fixed on Eira. "What did you see?" he pressed.

Eira took a deep breath before speaking. "He was just a periphery member, Fein. He didn\'t have much knowledge about the core of the Evil sect or what their purpose is."

Fein\'s expression darkened. "So, we tortured this bastard for nothing?"

Eira shook her head. "Not for nothing. He did give us some information. The Evil sect is just a small group of people, nothing compared to the Shadow soldiers."

Fein\'s eyes narrowed. "What about their goals?"

Eira hesitated. "He didn\'t know much about that, but he did say that they were involved in some shady business deals with other groups."

Fein leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. "That\'s something we can use to our advantage. Thank you, Eira."

Eira gave a small smile. "Of course, Fein."

Fein stood up, stretching his arms. "We\'ll keep monitoring them, but for now, let\'s focus on other matters."

Eira nodded and watched as Fein walked out of the room. She let out a sigh of relief, glad that the interrogation was finally over.


"Well, since you have no use. Just die..." Fein\'s expression hardened as he made the decision to execute the periphery member of the evil cult. He approached the man, who was still bound and lying on the ground.

The man looked up at Fein with a mixture of fear and defiance in his eyes. "You have no right to do this," the man spat out.

Fein\'s response was to activate his laser eye, a new elemental technique he created.  his eyes undergo a remarkable transformation.

The sclera of his eyes turns completely red as his pupils dilate, filling with a bright red light. The veins around his eyes bulge and pulsate, emphasizing the intensity of the energy coursing through his body.

As he unleashes the power of his laser eye, the red light intensifies, casting an eerie glow over his face. The air crackles with energy as a beam of pure, red light shoots out of Fein\'s eye, aimed directly at the periphery member\'s head.

The beam hits the man\'s skull with incredible force, melting through it like a hot knife through butter. The heat from the beam causes the man\'s brain and heart to liquefy in his chest, boiling and sizzling as they disintegrate under the laser\'s intense heat. Throughout the process, Fein\'s eyes remain locked onto his target, unflinching and unblinking.

Even after the deed is done, the red glow in his eyes remains for several moments, slowly fading away as the energy dissipates from his body.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ It was Eira, who had been watching the interrogation. "Are you okay?" she asked, concern etched on her face.

Fein nodded curtly. "I\'m fine. Let\'s go."

The two of them left the room, leaving the shadow soldiers to dispose of the body. Fein didn\'t show it, but he was disturbed by what he had just done. He knew that killing was sometimes necessary in their line of work, and he was already used and numb after killing monsters and enemies in the past. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind and focused on the task at hand. They had to find out more about the evil cult and their plans. And they had to do it fast.

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