
Chapter 894 Satan-Level Battlefield

Fein, standing amidst their mockery, clenched his fists tightly. His eyes flashed with determination, a fire burning deep within. He knew they saw him as an insignificant insect, but he would prove them wrong. He would show them the true meaning of power.

With a rogue smile on his lips, Fein\'s gaze swept over the Satans, his eyes locking with theirs one by one. He saw through their facade of superiority, sensing the fear and uncertainty lurking beneath. Deep down, they knew that underestimating him was a grave mistake.

As the room buzzed with the Satans\' mockery, Fein maintained an indifferent and aloof demeanor. His gaze focused on the arrogant demon who had raised his hand, eager to teach him a lesson. With a swift movement, Fein disappeared from his original spot, his form blurring in a display of supernatural speed.

In an instant, Fein materialized behind the unsuspecting demon, his fist propelled forward with lightning speed. The force of his punch was overwhelming, connecting with the demon\'s head with bone-crushing impact. There was a sickening sound as Fein\'s fist penetrated the skull, shattering bone and sending a spray of blood into the air.

The room fell into a stunned silence, broken only by the thud of the demon\'s lifeless body hitting the ground. The Satans stared in shock and disbelief, their smug expressions replaced with horror. Fein stood there, his hand still embedded in the demon\'s head, his face a mask of cold determination.

A mixture of fear and awe flashed across the faces of the Satans as they realized the true extent of Fein\'s power. The once-arrogant room was now consumed by a palpable tension. They had underestimated him, and now they paid the price.

Fein withdrew his hand from the lifeless demon\'s head, a dark trail of blood staining his fingers. He wiped the blood on his clothes with a casual flick of his wrist, his gaze sweeping across the remaining Satans. It was a silent warning, a message that resonated with a chilling intensity.

"You all seem to have misunderstood something," Fein spoke, his voice low and filled with a quiet indifference. "Remember my name. Fein... The one that will kill all of you."

The Satans, their confidence shattered, exchanged nervous glances, their expressions a mixture of fear and uncertainty. Fein\'s display of power had sent shockwaves through their ranks, awakening them to the realization that their lives were now hanging by a thread.

Lucifer, Belial, and Beelzebub exchanged meaningful glances, a silent understanding passing between them. Their suspicions had been confirmed – Fein was indeed a formidable opponent. The power he had displayed with a single punch had left them in awe and apprehension.

As the other Satans began to voice their concerns and questions, a murmur spread through the room. They huddled in small groups, their voices filled with a mix of fear and confusion. How was it possible for Fein to dispatch an SS-rank demon with a single blow? What did that mean for their own safety? Could he easily defeat them too?

"Damn it! I\'m weaker than Orozo," one of the Satans muttered, frustration and fear evident in his voice. "Doesn\'t that mean Fein can kill me just as easily?"

Whispers of uncertainty and unease filled the air as they grappled with the realization that Fein\'s power exceeded their expectations. The mere thought of facing him sent shivers down their spines. It defied their understanding of the power hierarchy within the demon realm.

"Is he an SSS-rank?" another demon ventured, his voice trembling with disbelief. "But how is that possible? Only the Demon God is supposed to possess such power!"

Fein, having overheard their conversations, stepped forward, his expression calm and composed. His presence commanded attention, silencing the murmurs and bringing all eyes upon him. His face bore a faint smile, a mix of amusement and satisfaction.

"I understand your confusion," Fein spoke, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "But I assure you, I am not an SSS-rank. My power lies within the realm of the Satans."

The Satans exchanged skeptical glances, their brows furrowed in disbelief. It was difficult for them to reconcile Fein\'s immense strength with their understanding of power classifications. How could someone with such power be classified at the same level as them?

The Satans, no longer underestimating Fein, unleashed their arsenal of devastating spells with simultaneous fury. The room crackled with dark energy as black fireballs hurtled through the air, leaving trails of malevolent flames in their wake. Each fireball grew larger and fiercer, their intense heat filling the room with an oppressive aura.

At the same time, Belial conjured a space cutter, a razor-sharp blade of distorted reality that sliced through the fabric of space itself. The blade shimmered with a sickly green hue, exuding an aura of chaotic power.

Meanwhile, Beelzebub, unleashed a wave of dark snow. The flakes were as black as the deepest abyss, swirling around the room with an icy chill that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest souls. The snowflakes carried a malevolent energy, ready to consume anything they touched.

Meanwhile, Lucifer summoned a meteor strike, causing massive boulders to hurtle toward Fein from above. The meteors blazed with a fiery brilliance, leaving trails of molten rock and scorching the air with their searing heat. Each one of them can eradicate ordinary Satan-level demons. 

Azazel conjured a fiery light sword, its blade glowing with an intense, radiant flame. With each swing, the sword emitted a blinding light that pierced through the darkness, leaving trails of incineration in its wake.

And then, as if to seal their victory, the demon Belphegor unleashed a devastating black hole bombardment. Miniature black holes materialized in the room, their gravitational force pulling in everything in their vicinity. The room trembled as the black holes consumed objects and even the very essence of space itself.

Fein found himself surrounded by a maelstrom of destruction, the combined forces of the Satans unleashed upon him. The room quaked, the walls cracking under the immense pressure of the onslaught. Dust and debris filled the air, obscuring Fein from view.

With a thunderous crash, the entire building disappeared, replaced by a vast hundred-meter crater. The ground trembled beneath the force of the impact, sending shockwaves rippling through the surrounding area. The Satans stood on the edge of the crater, their expressions smug and confident.

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