
Chapter 96 Fighting Against Golem

Without wasting a moment, the Golem launched another attack, its sights set on Wang Chen\'s head. In a split-second decision, Wang Chen swiftly evaded the strike, narrowly escaping the devastating blow.

"Phew... That was a close call," Wang Chen muttered, his heart pounding in his chest. He glanced at the impact crater left behind by the Golem\'s attack, the ground trembling beneath his feet. As debris from the cave ceiling began to rain down, Wang Chen swiftly dodged the falling rocks, their impact creating small craters in the cave floor.

"Damn, this Golem\'s defenses are formidable. My star sword technique won\'t be enough to inflict any damage." Wang Chen pondered his options, his mind racing as he skillfully evaded the cascading debris. The once-sturdy cave roof now resembled a pile of rubble, further adding to the precariousness of their situation. 

Wang Chen\'s gaze fixed upon the motionless Golem, his mind buzzing with uncertainty. What was its next move? In a heartbeat, his question was answered, sending a jolt of fear through his veins. Without warning, two colossal stone hands burst forth from the ground, poised to seize him. Reacting swiftly, Wang Chen leaped with impeccable timing, narrowly escaping the clutches of the earth\'s grasp. 

Wang Chen\'s eyes widened in astonishment. "So, this Golem can harness the power of the earth element?" He couldn\'t help but recall his studies on various monsters and beasts he did in the sect in his free time. According to what he had learned, Golems typically gained the ability to manipulate earth elements only upon reaching the Crystal Core Formation realm, a realm above the Golden Core Formation. Yet here stood a Golem in the Golden Core Formation realm, defying expectations by utilizing earth-based powers. It was a puzzling and remarkable discovery, further highlighting the formidable nature of this ancient creature.

Wang Chen\'s mind raced with confusion. There was definitely something peculiar about this Golem. Not only was it undetectable by his senses, but now it could also wield the power of the earth element. It was a baffling combination that left him wary and on guard.

Realizing that lingering too long would only introduce more unpredictable variables, Wang Chen swiftly retrieved his Thunderbolt Blade from his storage ring. With a decisive motion, he infused 25% of his Qi into the blade, channeling his energy for a devastating strike against the Golem. The blade crackled with thunder energy, ready to unleash its destructive power.

With determination in his eyes, Wang Chen unleashed his attack, slashing the Thunderbolt Blade towards the Golem. Anticipating the impending strike, the ancient creature swiftly attempted to evade the lightning-infused assault.


As Wang Chen\'s Thunderbolt Blade slashed through the air, a wave of dust and debris erupted, creating a whirlwind of chaos. The impact shook the surroundings, causing more rocks to tumble from above. Amidst the settling dust, a sight greeted Wang Chen\'s eyes—he beheld the Golem, now on its knees, its right hand severed and lying motionless on the ground.

A mixture of relief and disappointment washed over Wang Chen. While he had successfully crippled the Golem\'s dominant hand, he couldn\'t help but feel a twinge of dissatisfaction. Despite exerting 25% of his Qi in that powerful Thunderbolt blade slash, he had hoped for a more decisive victory—a strike that would cleave the Golem in two. Nonetheless, he knew that severing its hand would significantly weaken its power, reducing it by half.

Wang Chen\'s gaze was fixed on its motionless form. However, his astonishment knew no bounds when he witnessed a sudden surge of red glow emanating from the runic markings adorning the Golem\'s body. 

"What\'s…. happening?"

Wang Chen\'s eyes widened in disbelief as he witnessed the severed hand, previously lying motionless on the ground, suddenly spring to life. With an ethereal grace, it soared through the air, rejoining its master\'s mighty form as it found its place upon the golem\'s shoulder.

Speechless and bewildered, Wang Chen could hardly believe his eyes. The realization struck him like a thunderbolt: he had exerted 25% of his Qi in a valiant attempt to sever the golem\'s arm, only to witness it made whole once again, gleaming with a renewed radiance as if untouched by the battle\'s fury. 

With the golem\'s hands now fully restored, its eyes glowed with a menacing crimson hue. It wasted no time, abandoning any subtlety as it charged toward Wang Chen with blistering speed, leaving no room for him to catch his breath.

"Ah, you\'ve got some nerve!" Wang Chen muttered through gritted teeth as he deflected the golem\'s ferocious attack aimed straight at his abdomen. The force behind the strike was immense, but he managed to hold his ground, barely.

"Dammit" Cursing under his breath, Wang Chen desperately raised his sword to meet the golem\'s onslaught. The clash of their weapons resounded through the cavern, sending echoes reverberating in every direction. Each collision rattled his bones, testing the limits of his endurance.

The golem was an unstoppable force, shrugging off Wang Chen\'s previous attacks as if they were nothing more than mere scratches. Doubt began to nibble at the edges of his mind, but he swiftly pushed it aside. No time for hesitation or second-guessing; he had to keep pressing forward.

Engaged in this life-or-death struggle, Wang Chen\'s thoughts raced, desperately searching for a weakness in the golem\'s impenetrable defense. Each parry and counterattack was executed with meticulous precision, driven by his unwavering determination to find an opening. Beads of sweat dripped down his forehead as he exerted himself to the fullest, refusing to give an inch.

The battle intensified as they clashed at close range. The golem wielded both its hands, one as a sword and the other as a hammer, striking with blinding speed. Wang Chen blocked, dodged, and sought every opportunity to retaliate. Moments of hope flickered as he managed to land a few strikes on the golem\'s golden rock body, but his efforts were in vain. The runes embedded within the golem\'s body would glow and repair any damage inflicted, frustrating Wang Chen\'s every attempt.

Wang Chen\'s mind raced as he realized that prolonging the fight would only work against him. He had to wrap this up ASAP or risk being six feet under. But there was one major roadblock standing in his way—the darn runes that made the golem nearly indestructible.

It was like a punch to the gut. How the heck was he supposed to crack through that unbreakable defense? Wang Chen scratched his head, feeling the pressure mounting. Time was ticking, and he couldn\'t afford to waste a single second. He needed a game plan, and he needed it fast.

As the battle raged on, Wang Chen\'s eyes remained fixed on the golem\'s shimmering runes. Each blow he landed on the rocky brute seemed futile as its body instantly regenerated before his very eyes. But amidst the chaos, a spark of insight ignited within Wang Chen\'s mind.

He noticed a pattern, a glimmer of hope in the golem\'s defense. Every time the golem\'s body was damaged, those dang runes would light up like a fireworks show, right at its belly. It didn\'t matter where the injury occurred—the abdomen was the weak spot.

A grin crept across Wang Chen\'s face as he hatched a plan. If he could just deliver a devastating blow to that precious gut, perhaps the golem\'s regeneration would falter. It was a risky gamble, but he had no choice. He would give it his all and pray that it paid off.

With newfound determination, Wang Chen shifted his focus. Every strike, every move was calculated to drive his weapon straight at the golem\'s vulnerable abdomen. The golem swung its weapon like arms, but Wang Chen dodged and weaved, refusing to let anything stand in his way.

Suddenly he saw an opening and seized this rare opportunity, a moment of vulnerability amidst the chaos. Pouring more than half of his Qi into a devastating thunderbolt slash, his blade connected with the golem\'s abdomen.

In that split second, Wang Chen realized that the golem\'s most impenetrable defense lay in its belly. His teeth clenched, he refused to back down. Igniting his Qi even further, he pushed the limits of his power, aiming to bypass that stubborn defense.

An explosion erupted as the golem\'s abdomen cracked under the immense force. The impact sent the golem hurtling through the air, crashing into the wall with a thunderous boom. Wang Chen\'s gaze fell upon the cratered ground, remnants of their fierce clash.

There, on the golem\'s abdomen, he noticed a peculiar sight—a brown-colored crystal core. Before he could fully process its significance, the side runes began to glow, initiating a rapid regeneration of the golem\'s wounded belly.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Wang Chen using Cloud Steps technique, swiftly closing the distance between himself and the fallen golem. Time was of the essence as he hastily reached for the brown crystal ball embedded in the golem\'s abdomen, desperate to remove it.

[Note:- Please give some Golden Tickets and Power Stones for ranking.]

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