
Chapter 174 - The Order From Old Lord!

Aaron was tiptoeing on her way, cautious about her movements as he passed over the blood spurted all over the ground like a mosaic painted on a wall. His throat was getting dried eventually after the sweet fragrance of her misty blood was getting down into his stomach arising his inner beast who was already tempted to break out.

But his other half part didn\'t allow him! It was simply because she was Esme Watts, the love of his life whom he was destined to protect forever!

His boot clacking sound didn\'t help out the girl to snap out from her curled state as he continued approaching with a little timid steps if he was afraid of startling her. After dropping one of his knee beside her, Aaron used a very gentle tongue to call out her name and went to reach for her palm that had been placed together over her knees,

" Esme..Why are you sitting..."

His words had been interrupted, stucked out in his tongue as soon as a silver knife had been fallen out from her grip banging loudly against the empty space of that tiny room. Aaron was startled at this sudden interrupted as his eyes periodically fell on the blood stained knife down on the floor.

His pupils shrank in anticipation as he twisted her arms in alarm while shouting out hysterically,

" Esme.. what are you doing with this knife.. You..seem.."

Before he could finish cursing this weirdo girl, her sitting back had dropped down on her shoulder like a piece of staff numbly. Aaron was quick fast to grab her fallen body as his eyes horrifically inspected the artwork on her wrist.

Esme used the tip of that knife to draw her skin abruptly. The sharp side of knife pierced through her skin slightly and left an undefined tattoo work on it. Looking down deeply at her scar, Aaron narrowed his eyes sharply and tried to assume the exact mark that she was trying to crafting probably.

Except the an unfinished head of a monstrous man,he couldn\'t decipher the rest of art and continued pondering for a while. It seemed like she was crafting a tattoo on her skin hiding in the washroom. 

But why did she faint?

Aaron couldn\'t register everything inside his head and held tightly Esme in his arms before scooping up. Once they got inside and put her down over their neatly cleaned bed, he sat down beside her immediately to inspect her stained skin deeply.

No matter what happens, he couldn\'t deny the truth that Esme had been acting too weird recently.

Did he harm her telling that he couldn\'t be bothered to find out Carol?

He remorsed pitifully and went back to the doorway in order to call Jasper. As soon as Jasper heard him calling loudly, he couldn\'t wait to appear on his side as he knew that his Lord was in foul mood for the entire day.

Bowing his head, Jasper answered arriving at the doorway,

" My Lord, is there any order for me? "

Aaron sounded bitter as he spoke speedily,

" Yes, call out our healer right away.Esme has fainted today again. I don\'t know why is she feeling so sick this days. Please call him out fast."

Jasper nodded vigorously before flew away to pick up the healer from his living home.

After giving his order, Aaron returned inside the bedroom, moved beside his unconscious wife and sat down beside her gently. His sharp eyes scanning every part of her skin while making sure that she didn\'t hurt herself anywhere else.

Esme was fully unconscious,eyes closed off and she appeared like a body without soul. Few strands from her long hairs had covered half of her pale face as she was immersed in a slumber sleep.

Aaron took a while to observe her face before dropping his eye on the unfinished redmark over her wrist slowly. Reaching behind her wrists, he pulled it up gingerly and took a closer deep look of it.

The further he inspected,the further his expression turned darker in vague anticipation. Dropping her hand back down on the bed gingerly, he pulled down his sleeve leisurely revealing out their identified mark that was crafted on his skin after he was born.

Why did he had a feeling like both marks looked familiar?

He couldn\'t think about the situation more as the door flung open in shot without warning. Annoyed, Aaron tilted his head up to see a gasping Jasper who had an ashen expression.

Receive his lord\'s death glare, Jasper sawlloed before reporting in a suturing tongue,

" My Lord..The healer hasn\'t come with me."

Aaron\'s face turned grim in anger once Jasper informed and he had an aura of killing someone at that precise moment. Before his anger could brust out, Jasper added in a hoarse voice,

" The old lord has ordered the healers to stop treating Lady Esme like before."

Aaron was stunned for a couple of seconds before narrowing his eyes deeply.


After playing with his adorable niece and daughter of the woman whom he loved deeply, Ethan\'s mood had been cheered up as he left the villa leaving an awkward moment between this two. Even though Ethan didn\'t make it clear, Anna could assume the meaning behind Ethan\'s words.

So he was planning to getting married Esme with Ron, wasn\'t he?

Her thoughts were bizarre as she sang lullaby to the little girl rolling on the bed frequently.

Not long after once Ayra had fallen asleep hugging her new teddy, Anna decided to check on Ron in the study room.

Getting out of the bed tiptoeing, Anna headed for his study room situated a room after Ayra\'s living room slowly. As the lamp was still litting up, Anna predicted that he didn\'t shift inside his research room and entered in without knocking.

Never in her imagination,she assumed that this room would lead her life into a disaster!

Once she slipped in, she was awestruck watching the man devouring a purple colored alcohol as a wide grin played on his luscious lips. Though he was drunk, blank-headed, his facial features proved that he was particularly in happy and joyful mood.

She felt a stab piercing through her heart as soon as she predicted the hidden joy behind his smile. Confronting herself to control her unscrupulous emotions, she walked over to him and suddenly snatched away the bottle from his grip angrily.

Ron was surprised before pouting his lips like a child while glaring at Anna complaining. Anna sighed putting away the liquor and spoke with concern,

" See, you are already so drunk, Ron. Don\'t drink anymore or else you might fall sick."

Ron burped naturally and grinned widely while pulling her closer clumsily. Anna\'s face sank once his cold hands grabbed her by waist. She was jittered at their close proximity as she couldn\'t move for a while.

Blinking her eyes abruptly, she watched the man in astonishment as he mumbled incoherently,

" You know Anna, I am too happy today. Do you want to know why?"

Anna\'s breathing hitched as she blurted out in a whisper lowly,

" Why??"

Although her soul was begging him to stop saying anything, she couldn\'t disappoint this drank man who looked abnormally cute in this state.Ron responded to her with a wide grin too happy to speak as he mumbled looking through her broken eyes,

" Because I will finally get the love of my life. You heard, Ethan is thinking about me and Serena. Mmm..Anna ,do you have anyone in your life?"

Anna hardly held back her tears which were begging to fall down. Some people in this life can only love silently, Anna could be the best example here.

She sawlloed hard the bitterness slowly coming out from her heart and spreaded through her veins like venom. Sucking another deep breath, she responded in a whisper,

" Yes.. but I can\'t say.."

Even though Ron was in his drunken state, he could understand their communication and insist on knowing. Mumbling lowly, Ron asked struggling to keep his eyes open,

" Mmm.. Why is that?"

Anna formed into a bitter smile while answering,

" Some people aren\'t meant to be each others ever Ron.The further they stay, the better they be."

Anna replied sincerely as she knew that she was no match for Ron whose heart was already occupied by their beautiful princess. How could he take a liking on a mere girl like her? 

Ron only narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly caught the glimpse of her rosy lips. His thoughts worked messy as his gaze suddenly turned intense, a playful desire coursing through his mind slowly.

His head suddenly started leaning down ready to capture those alluring lips as he murmured,

" Your lips are so pretty much like.. Serena.."

Anna couldn\'t move an inch once his alcohol mixed breathing started spreading on her cheeks eventually..

Would it be a sin to accept the situation? Why did she fall for a man who is never meant to be hers in this life?


Hi..Hi..my lovely readers..I am back on regular updates. Lol, I missed this book so much during this days. Sorry I was super busy. Thank you for understanding my situation! Please keep voting and I am expecting to see 1k votes next week. Also please don\'t forget it to recommend others this book. Thanks to those readers who kept voting even though I wasn\'t updating.

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