
Chapter 368 Battle Of The Union VI - Duel Among Equals

Aurora, a wide-eyed and innocent child dragon, stood before White Other, a menacing figure cloaked in white for and black strips. Her small frame trembled with fear, yet she summoned her courage to confront the shadowy presence.

"Tiger, why are you so mean to us?" Aurora asked, her voice quivering with innocence.

White sneered, his cold eyes narrowing at the sight of the little girl. "You, idiotic little dragons, are nothing but small flies buzzing around. It wouldn\'t even take a minute for me to squash you," he replied, his voice dripping with disdain.

"If not for your stupid brain, this wouldn\'t have happened, you had to go and destroy everything that human did for you, he didn\'t want you to come here because he knew you will be a dead weight,"

Aurora\'s eyes widened in horror, and her voice became smaller, tinged with uncertainty. "But...but why would you want to hurt me? I\'ve never done anything to you."

White chuckled darkly, relishing in the fear he instilled. "You\'re a mere inconvenience, child. I have no use for you. But killing you would be a delightful reminder to your father, Velian, of his own insignificance and to break his spirit and make him submit to my current pact holder,"

As soon as the White other said those words, Aurora looked at him with her eyes looking like they were about to bleed from the anger.

"Nobody... nobody touches my daddy!" she cried out, her voice filled with raw emotion. "I won\'t let you hurt him or anyone else! You...you\'ll regret ever threatening my family!"

Without a moment\'s hesitation, Aurora charged forward, her tiny fists clenched tightly. With the speed of a fearless warrior, she lunged at the towering figure of White Other, ready to protect her father at any cost.

Even if it meant pushing her limit and showing she is indeed the daughter of Velian.

The clash between White Other and Aurora intensified, the atmosphere crackling with raw energy. Aurora, in her small dragon form, possessed a fiery spirit, but she was still young and inexperienced, her powers yet to fully manifest. White Other, on the other hand, exuded an air of confidence, his movements graceful and calculated.

"Weak! Weak! You\'re too weak, idiotic dragon,"

With a swift motion, White Other effortlessly dodged Aurora\'s attacks, his speed and agility unmatched. He countered with precise strikes, each blow landing with a resounding impact. Aurora\'s small frame shuddered with the force of the blows, her young dragon body unable to withstand the onslaught.

As Aurora staggered back, pain coursing through her being, her vision blurred for a moment.

"Daddy!" Aurora muttered those words, as she felt everything becoming unclear to her.

She blinked, trying to regain her focus, and what she saw made her heart skip a beat. In a nearby puddle of blood, she saw a haunting reflection—an illusion of her father, Velian, lying motionless.

She didn\'t have time to think whether it is an illusion or not because as soon as she saw that, her blood started boiling in her own mana.

"No... Father!" Aurora cried out, her voice laced with anguish. The illusion seemed so real, so vivid, that it shattered her spirit, unleashing a torrent of rage and desperation within her.

Her young dragon body convulsed, her scales pulsating with otherworldly energy. In a whirlwind of transformation, her body began to grow, stretching and reshaping until she stood tall as a teenage girl with majestic wings unfurled behind her.

Her eyes, once filled with innocence, now burned with wild intensity, reflecting a mind consumed by fury. Aurora\'s voice echoed through the city, carrying an eerie, deranged tone.

"You... you dare threaten and harm my father? You\'ll pay for that! I\'ll make you suffer!" Her words were like poison.

"Kill! Kill everyone, I will kill,"

With a newfound strength coursing through her veins, Aurora lunged at White Other, her wings propelling her forward. The ground shook beneath her as she unleashed a barrage of strikes, her claws tearing through the air with a terrifying force.

The battle had escalated into a clash of titanic proportions, each blow resonating with a resounding impact.

White Other, taken aback by Aurora\'s transformation and ferocity, struggled to match her newfound power. The once-confident creature now found himself on the defensive, desperately trying to ward off the onslaught of the enraged girl.

The forest trembled with the intensity of their clash as if nature itself shuddered at the unleashed power. The echoes of Aurora\'s screams reverberated through the trees, her mind teetering on the edge of madness.

"It looks like that boy is doing a great task, she already broke the first limit," One of the dragons, who was sleeping until the tournament said and went back to her sleep because she thought it was a positive sign.

The city echoed with the clash of their confrontation—the young girl\'s battle cry ringing out against the trees and buildings. The world seemed to hold its breath as if witnessing the birth of an unyielding spirit.

"Don\'t get too cocky! Just because you had some growth that doesn\'t mean you can beat me, in my golden era, I fought with your kind over and over again for my place in the hero\'s life,"

And at that moment, the stage was set for a grand showdown between the White Order, the heavenly tiger and the newborn dragon, Aurora.

as Aurora fought to protect her father and avenge the illusion that had shattered her fragile world. With every strike, she grew stronger, fueled by an unyielding determination to emerge victorious and safeguard her life.

But she didn\'t know that she was underestimating her father, as he was putting up an even greater fight than her against Valerie, who is struggling to beat him.


"You! How did you get so powerful enough to stand against me? Are you my brother? You must be an illegal child of our father, otherwise, nothing came to explain your power,"

Velian\'s face showed full disgust as she said those words and the battle that haunted both daughter and father was about to come to an end, but right now nobody knew what will happen as the result were still blurry.

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