
Chapter 374 Breaking Mind Control

"Everyone, get back!" Velian muttered and looked at the crew and his girls.

All of them were confused but they did as he asked without asking any unwanted questions. But all of them wondered what he was up to.

With their objectives set, Velian readied himself for the next phase of their mission.

"Now let\'s see what happens," He said and placed the amulet on the socket where it was supposed to go.

As soon as Velian placed the amulet on the socket, the throne began to emit a soft, ethereal glow.

The crew members and his girls watched in awe as the room filled with a mysterious energy.

Suddenly, before their eyes, a phantom-like image materialized in front of them. The figure appeared to be a person with a mixture of masculine and feminine features, a blend that defied traditional gender norms.

The figure, with their eyes, squinted and an air of authority scanned the room and assessed each individual present.

Then his piercing gaze settled on Velian, and with a voice that carried a hint of melancholy, he spoke, "Who dares to summon me without the proper ritual?"

Velian, undeterred by the figure\'s intimidating presence, stepped forward and met his gaze.

"I am Velian," he declared with confidence. "I am the one who summoned you. And may I ask, who are you?"

Velian wondered whether it was a spirit or something like a recording, but seeing him responding to his words and expression, Veliamn knew this thing is nothing like a recording.

The figure\'s expression softened momentarily, and a flicker of recognition crossed their face seeing it was a human.

"I am a fragment of the memories of the former hero," he replied. "In life, I was known as Dukas, a hero of great strength and wisdom. But now, I exist as a spectre, bound to this realm through the power of the amulet."

Velian\'s curiosity was piqued as he listened attentively.

"Why have you been summoned, Dukas? Why didnt you die peacefully?" he inquired. "What purpose do you serve?"

Dukas\'s gaze turned distant, and a tinge of sadness infused their voice.

"I am summoned to aid those of royal blood, those who possess the lineage and heritage befitting a hero," they explained.

"Unfortunately, you, Velian, do not possess the royal bloodline necessary to command my assistance."

"Who asked you to do this? Why didn\'t you pass on and still here hanging onto your bloodline?" Curious about what\'s his deal, Velian asked but Dukas had no answers for it.

He didn\'t even know why or how, but for some reason, he became what he is today.

The crew members and Velian\'s girls exchanged puzzled glances. They had all seen Velian\'s bravery and determination firsthand, and they knew he was more than capable of leading them on their mission.

\'Tsk! He might not have a bloodline, but he is a more hero than any of you\'

Daphnia thought with dissatisfaction with someone insulting her son.

They wondered how this revelation would affect their plans and what Velian\'s next move would be.

Velian, undeterred by Duka\'s response, took a step closer. His eyes gleamed with determination as he spoke,

"I understand that I lack the royal blood you seek, Dukas. But hear me out. I may not have the lineage," Velian then looked at the amulet and decided to speak again.

"But I have this amulet, and you royal family that you love so much committed crimes, they decided to re-animate the demon lord, so they can see another hero," Velian said showing the amulet to the phantom.


"Accept it, your bloodline might have been special when you defeated the demon lord, but not anymore, instead it\'s now a cursed bloodline that tries to bring destruction upon this world,"

His words affected the phantom\'s memory more than he thought and Velian could hear him muttering the words.

"So Valerie used mind control for that purpose and my life force that is stored inside that amulet,"

With a disappointed face, Dukas muttered as he looked at Velian again.

"Where\'s she now? I want to talk with her," The phantom said, but Velian didn\'t know how to answer it.


"She\'s not anymore, I killed her," He expected to see an enraged look, but instead it is a smile of satisfaction that he showed.

"Is that so? So my bloodline ends here, I\'m glad, we were too hung on the idea of pure blood that I actually forget I\'m the only one that was respected in this royal family,"

Velian understood what he was getting at. The unusual love people had for this family, it was all the work of mind control in the mass level.

As Velian stood before the phantom image of Dukas, the air grew heavy with a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty.

Dukas\' ethereal form flickered, their voice tinged with sorrow as they spoke, "Velian, there is a choice you must make. I have decided to pass on, but before I do, I offer you a chance to absorb my remaining life force. It will grant you immense power but at a great cost of doing what the world asks you."

He basically meant because of his power any of the major problems will affect his life directly unlike most of the other people, just like a hero.

Velian\'s eyes widened, his mind racing to comprehend the magnitude of the decision before him.

He glanced at his loyal crew members and the girls who had stood by his side, their expressions a mix of concern and determination. Taking a deep breath, Velian met Dukas\' gaze and replied,

"I understand the sacrifice involved, Dukas. But please, tell me, what will this power help me achieve?"

Dukas\' translucent form grew more solemn as they responded,

"With my life force, you will possess the strength necessary to face the awakening Demon Lord. It is a daunting task that requires a hero of exceptional power. However, should you choose this path, I urge you to forget everything that has transpired here. Embrace the burden of your destiny and forge ahead with unwavering resolve."

Velian\'s heart pounded in his chest as he weighed the gravity of Dukas\' words.

The fate of the world hung in the balance, and the weight of this choice bore down upon him. He glanced at his companions once more, their unwavering support fueling his determination.

"So, can it make me more powerful? More than I already am?"

Dukas smiled at his words.

"You sure can, after all,, I was a high human in my prime, something far behind primal humans and upgraded humans,"

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