
Chapter 609 - Should Have Grabbed Some Popcorn


She came up to me in the morning while all of us were gathered at the breakfast table, showing me a bottle of a weird looking liquid with that proud smirk on her face and telling me she succeeded in creating the Origin Liquid for my potion last night.

"You managed to do it?"

Tsuki nodded her head smugly, "I took some time to inspect it and I made it right afterwards!"

That\'s… Really impressive. Like really, really impressive.

There\'s Brendan who figured out what Origin was after spending half a day looking at it. Then Tsuki going to figure out how to make it in less time than that.

Seriously, everyone here is so talented I\'m beginning to feel a little inadequate.

I turned to Brendan and pointed to the potion Tsuki was holding out to me, "So… This was made using the Origin that Tsuki created?"

"That is correct, Master."

"So this specific bottle… It\'s brewed for my use?"

"Yes, Master."

"Hmm… In that case…"

I threw my head back and dumped the contents of the vial into my mouth without hesitation.

Brendan pursed his lips, "Ummm… Is Master not going to check the potion first?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Was there any reason for me to? "

He poked his fingers together, "Umm… I\'m not really confident that it might be up to Master\'s standards."

"Well, you\'ve already made this multiple times for the others right? So there shouldn\'t be a problem."

"But Master is different from them… I\'m not sure mine was completely suitable for Master."

I grinned, "Oh, I trust you Brendan, after all you did learn from me, did you not?"

He smiled meekly at me and nodded.

I leaned back on my chair, "Now all we need to do is wait for the potion to take effect and I\'ll--"

My vision swam and I found myself falling into unconsciousness, my ears barely registering the startled cries of my disciples before the darkness embraced me.

Ok… That was a little awkward.

The next thing I knew, I found myself standing in front of a very familiar dragon.

I instinctively tried to protect myself with a shield, only for nothing to happen right before the dragon\'s sneeze enveloped me and wiped me from existence.

Well, how nice for the memory to start at the end of my other life with that Divine Primordial Dragon...

The scene quickly switched to me sitting in the middle of an inscription circle with lightning striking down all around me. There was also immense pain coursing through my body and I was doing my best not to scream out loud.

I remember this event all too well. It was the prelude to all my suffering where I ascended to the Spiritual Plane and crippled myself.

I looked up just in time to see a lightning bolt flash towards me and my vision went white again.

The next thing I saw was the younger version of Elaria standing in front of me, her eyes wide in wonder as she held my hand.

This must be the time where I was showing her my memories.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the door to the room flung open and two people I recognised as my adoptive father and adoptive grandfather came storming in.

My adoptive father took one look at the situation and tackled me to the ground, the next thing I knew my vision had gone white.

Now I was a little confused about why I\'m seeing events that I knew had happened before. From what I got from Brendan\'s test subject\'s memories, I should be seeing my memories replay back from where it began, not whatever that\'s going on here.

Hmm… Why am I still stuck in this darkness? Going by the pattern from earlier, it should have shown me a different scene by now.

"A… Aniue?" An unexpected voice came from my right.

I turned to see Tsuki floating towards me, clearly surprised to see me.

"Tsuki? What are you doing in my memory?"

"Eh? This is Aniue\'s memories? Why is it so dark?"

I shrugged, "That\'s what I was wondering too. I only saw a few scenes of the past but they were memories that I mostly know about already so there\'s nothing new. Why are you here?"

"Ah! After Aniue fainted suddenly, I had tried to catch Aniue before you fell but the moment my hand touched Aniue… I blacked out too. The next thing I knew I saw Aniue floating here."

"Hmmm… That\'s weird. Was there something wrong with the potion after all?"

"Ungg… Or maybe the liquid Origin I made wasn\'t good enough?"

I didn\'t get the chance to answer her since the scene changed again and now both Tsuki and I were standing in a relatively plain room.

The only thing noticeable was the crib in the centre of the room.

A moment passed and a younger version of me came in through the door, wearing clothes that were definitely not of this world\'s design.

Ok, this is new.

This should be the me from Tsuki\'s world so these are definitely new memories to me.

The fact that I\'m looking at myself in third person instead of first person is also interesting since the other memories had shown me viewing through my own eyes all this while.

After the younger me, a man and a woman also came in after me but their faces were blurred for some reason.

"From today onwards, you are a big brother now, son. Be sure to treat your little sister well," The man told me while patting my head.

The younger me did not respond but merely peered into the crib, smiling down at who I assumed to be baby Tsuki giggling up at me.

"Ah! My first meeting with Aniue! I remember this!" Tsuki yelled out enthusiastically.

I narrowed my eyes at her, "You were a baby… How did you remember this?"

Her face paled, "Umm… I… I\'m sorry Aniue… I had tested one of the memory potions on myself first before making it for Aniue…"

I sighed, "When this is over, I\'ll scold you a lot so be prepared."

"Yes, Aniue…"

The scene in front of us changed again and this time I was carrying Tsuki in my arms in what I assume to be a living room, except the said living room looked to have seen better days with the half-broken furniture and peeling wallpapers.

In front of the younger me were several pieces of paper thrown haphazardly on the table.

I was still wondering why these memories weren\'t showing me the entire thing but only specific scenes. It\'s like my mind was picking and choosing the most relevant scenes to show to me for some reason.

Tsuki and I went towards the table, peeking over the younger me\'s shoulders to read the papers.

They were all notices about an exorbitant amount of debt someone owed, an amount no child could reasonably expect to earn in a short amount of time.

One piece of paper stood out from the rest, being a hastily scribbled-on note that was a farewell letter from the man and woman to the younger me.

It read, "Son, it\'s time for you to be a man and take care of your family. Mommy and daddy owed some nice people money and we\'re going away so the nice people will take care of you. Be a good boy and listen to them. Bye bye."

Without even looking at her, I could already feel Tsuki\'s rage burning up.

The younger me stroked baby Tsuki\'s cheek with a soft smile on his face, "Don\'t worry, Tsuki. Your big brother will take care of you. We don\'t need those two leeches, just the two of us is enough. I will never give up on you, I promise."

Right at that moment, the door opened and several mean looking men came in with wicked frowns on their faces.

I expected more to happen but the scene faded to black again.

I already don\'t like where this is going…

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