
Chapter 1234 No Need To Wait, Just Die


"Shogun, we have arrived. This is a system belonging to the Inktyr Republic with one colonised planet built around a mining colony where their main focus is mining--"

"Don\'t care, fire the Annihilator Cannon," Elaria interrupted.

A siren blared through the ship as the cannon capable of destroying planets started charging up while our ship moved to reposition itself.

A large screen at the front showed the target planet and a translucent button popped out on the armrest of Elaria\'s throne.

The button started to fill up with colour until it became a full solid red, the words \'charging sequence complete\' appearing on the target screen.

Elaria did not show an ounce of hesitation as she hammered the button with her fist, activating the Annihilator Cannon.

A beam of light was shot towards the planet, impacting the surface silently.

At first, it didn\'t look like the light did anything to it. But a second passed and the surface of the planet started to crack and its surface became engulfed in a sea of flames.

There was a brilliant explosion of white light and our ship shook a little from the ensuing shockwave.

When the light finally subsided after a while, we were left with the scene of the remains of the planet that had exploded into multiple pieces.

"Total annihilation. Estimated casualties to be at two hundred million," The officer reported.

"Hmm… That\'s quite a lot for a small mining colony like this. Whatever, record it, send it."

"Understood Shogun."

If I needed any other proof that Elaria was treating this like a game, this was pretty much it. It might seem that she\'s recording the number of deaths she\'s causing to send it to the leaders of the Inktyr Republic to gloat or threaten them, but I knew that this was just her wanting to record her kill death ratio.

Elaria was serious when she declared this to be a war of extermination as she wasn\'t giving them any quarter. Any ship, planet or system that we came across that belonged to the Inktyr Republic would be annihilated without mercy.

She had gone as far as to surround their entire territory to prevent anyone from going in or out while she went from system to system to destroy any traces of their civilization.

She was not taking any prisoners and also shut off any means of communications with them. We were even ignoring any of them approaching us under flags of truce as well, shooting down those ships the moment they came within range.

War crimes? That only applies when you\'re fighting an actual war, this is just exterminating a pest.

"You\'re really going all out huh?" I pointed out while patting her head.

"Ehehehe~ Praise me more, Onii-sama~"

"That wasn\'t really a praise though but whatever."

It\'s only been a day and the people around us have already gotten used to this sudden change in attitude from Elaria.

The previous Elaria of this World would definitely not be caught making such relaxed and happy expressions in front of others.

To our people, Elaria was the cold hearted dictator who never smiled and would constantly abuse her older brother whenever she got the chance.

Even this war was a setup by her where she sent the other me to \'cruise around this space until someone from the Inktyr Republic tries to do something\' just so that she could use it as a pretext to start a war.

They might have entertained the possibility that the current Elaria got replaced by a fake but the fact that she executed that guy and declared a war of extermination just like that was congruent with what the other her would do.

Then again… The other Elaria already does whatever she wants anyway so there isn\'t much of a difference.

The Odriana of this universe tilted her head at me, "Have you really regained all your memories, little brother?"

"If you\'re asking if I remember making the promise to marry the both of you back when we were still young… I do remember that, yes."

"Fufufu~ That\'s good, your big sister shall be looking forward to that day. In the meantime, move over little sister."

"Ehhhh… I don\'t wanna… I want Onii-sama to spoil me."

"Come on, little brother has two legs, just let me sit on the other one."

"Mnngghh… Fine…"

Elaria scooted over to allow Odriana to sit on my other lap.

Now I have two sisters to head pat.

Elaria leaned closer to me, "Mnngghh… So nice, Onii-sama… How long more till me move to the next system?"

"Five minutes, Shogun!" One of the staff reported.

"Mmm… The next place should be a military base so make sure all weapon systems are online before arrival."

"Yes, Shogun!"

Elaria started purring and enjoyed the head patting the entire time while our ship jumped to the next location.

Five minutes passed by really quickly and sure enough, there was a small detachment of warships coupled with several stationary batteries that immediately targeted us the moment we completed our jump.

What was a little surprising, however, was that these people were not from the Inktyr Republic since the design of their ships and their emblems were not the same as the Inktyr Republic\'s.

"We\'re being hailed, Shogun. They are not from the Inktyr Republic," Our communications officer reported, mirroring my thoughts.

"Hmm… Patch them through I guess," She instructed, making no indication that she was going to move from her current spot on my lap.

An alien with a bird\'s head appeared on the screen, taking a moment to look a little surprised at Elaria sitting on my lap before it managed to compose itself.

"Greetings Shogun of the Oni Empire. I am--"

"I know you," Elaria interrupted before it could introduce itself. "Jerrald T. Lunatavia the Second from the United Taol Federation. I\'m pretty sure I gave the order that no one is to come in here or leave this territory so what are you doing here?"

The avian alien\'s feathers bristled slightly, "This is because what you are doing right now is genocide! Do you think the Federation will stand aside and not do anything and just watch you butcher an entire civilization?!"

Elaria tilted her head, "Oh? The Federation has no problem wiping out those stage two civilizations that were in your way but you have a problem with me doing the same? How ironic~"

"This isn\'t the same! Cease your actions right now or there will be consequences!"

"Oh really? What kind?"

"The Federation will declare war on the Oni Empire!!"

Oh… Bad move buddy… This guy must be new or something… Otherwise he\'s really just an idiot.

Elaria narrowed her eyes at the screen, as though having trouble believing the person could be that idiotic as well.

"There\'s no need for the Federation to do that," She told him, making him relax for a moment thinking he managed to convince her with his threat. "Because the Oni Empire officially declares war on the United Toal Federation right now. All cannons, fire."


That was the only word he managed to say before our guns tore both that guy\'s ship and his escorts apart, leaving behind nothing but debris.

"Well, let\'s continue, we have a war on two fronts now so let\'s speed this up a bit~" Elaria waved her hand casually.

She\'s really calm about this huh…

But we declared war on them… That makes us the aggressor and opens us up for retaliation from the other galactic empires, you know?

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