
Chapter 1264 It's All BDSM?


I decided to maintain my invisibility and follow Diao Chan around to watch her \'work\'.

Seems like her position as "Mistress" meant that she had to go around torturing men all around the castle.

Like she could just be walking along the corridor and meet a man wearing one of those fetish outfits crawling towards her front from the opposite direction. She would then pause to kick him or beat him up before moving on, leaving the guy writhing on the ground.

I would be worried about the guy who got beaten but the fact that he was moaning in pleasure made me move on without checking on him.

She then moved past some servants who were busy cleaning the floor and she stopped to lift her leg slightly into the air.

One of them would immediately kneel down in a curled up position on the ground, presenting his back to her so that Diao Chan could step on his back.

The other servants then crowded around her foot and started \'cleaning\' her high heel with their tongues while Diao Chan inspected her nails casually.

What\'s more, those servants weren\'t doing this reluctantly, they were licking every part of her heel like their lives depended on it.

They were even happy to do so since they were pretty much fighting with each other to try to lick as much of Diao Chan\'s shoe as possible.

When they were done, Diao Chan simply switched out her foot and let them do the same thing on her other foot.

One of them seemed to have gotten a little too excited as his tongue went past Diao Chan\'s heel and licked the top of her foot instead.

Diao Chan\'s reaction was instantaneous as she pulled her leg back and kicked the offender across the face, catapulting the man away to crash into the wall, leaving a human shaped imprint on it.

She was not done as she leapt up to knee the offender in between his legs, completely obliterating the thing in between his legs and leaving a bloody stain at his crotch area.

Diao Chan then materialised a cloth out of thin air before she wiped at her foot furiously, "How dare you?! HOW DARE YOU?! Take him away and have him whipped and chopped up into pieces!!"

Oh wow… That\'s definitely the first time I\'ve seen Diao Chan this angry… I have a feeling she\'s going to come and find me directly after this.

Without waiting to see if the others complied with her order, Diao Chan stormed off in the direction of her room, stopping at a wash closet on the way to rinse her foot thoroughly.

I guess I should also mention that I went ahead to erase that NPC… Ahem… I went to erase that man from existence after Diao Chan went out of sight and removed him from the memories of everyone else around.

If Diao Chan were to ask about him, I would just make everyone say that he had met with an accident or something.

When she neared her room, I teleported myself back inside just in time for her to burst in with her arms outstretched towards me.

"Masteeeeerrr!! I wanna be spoileeeed! Step on me, please!!"

Huh… I was sure that she would ask me to give her a foot massage or something but apparently not.

"Umm… Ok?"

Hearing my response, she immediately laid herself down on the floor on her back and looked at me expectantly.

I took off my shoes before placing my foot on her chest.

Diao Chan looked down at my foot before shifting her gaze back to me, "Umm… Master… Harder? And stand on top of me… Maybe? Please?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Are you expecting me to put my entire weight on you or something?"

Her eyes lit up, "Yes!!! Yes please! Don\'t hold back!"

I suppose as a goddess, she would be able to take the weight of a grown adult standing on her anyway…

Resigning myself, I stepped up on top of Diao Chan and let my weight press down on her.

"Ha~ Ha~ Ha~ Hnnnggg!! It\'s so good, Master!! Ahhhnnn~ I love youuuuu~"

I feel that that\'s not really a good time to confess your love especially when the other party was literally standing on top of you…

But whatever, as long as you\'re happy I guess…

I waited for a moment more before I stepped off Diao Chan, my witch making a few moans of disappointment before she stood up again.

"Was that good enough?" I asked.

Diao Chan giggled, "Ehehehe~ I wouldn\'t mind if Master stood on me a little longer~ Oh! But I have one more request, Master~"

"Hmm? What is it?"

She leaned a little closer. "Could I… Ehehehe~ Could I ask to be allowed to rub my feet against Master for a little while? Ehehehe~"

Ah, there it is.

Had I not witnessed what happened a few minutes ago, this request would have come out of nowhere. Truth be told, I was expecting her to request that I touch her directly to \'cleanse\' herself as she might have put it.

"Alright, I don\'t see why not?"

She squealed and quickly took off the heel on the foot that the bast… I mean… That man had touched.

Diao Chan then started rubbing her foot up and down my shin excitedly. The action slowly got more and more lewd as she pressed herself up against me and her leg went from outside to in between my thighs, her knee rubbing purposefully against my crotch.

"Diao Chan…" I called out.

Either she was intentionally ignoring me to get punished or she was so lost in her fantasy of rubbing her foot against me that she did not realise I was calling her.

Since she was basically asking for it…

I pushed her onto the bed and she let out a yelp of surprise, though the smile on her face gave it away that she was already expecting it so she really was hoping for the former.

I spun her around to make her lay on her stomach before I started spanking her hard on her bottom.

"Ahaaannn!! Thank you very much, Master!!"

I had wanted to say that only she would thank someone for spanking them until I remembered the changes she made to this World.

I guess over here, I\'m the abnormal one…

Is this date with her just going to be filled with all the BDSM stuff?

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