
Chapter 704: Yamata no Orochi

  「Yeah, that’s why they do it」

Speed ​​didn\'t know what to say. This was the most amazing experience during their sailing days. In the waters of the New World, besides the honest and colorful pirates, there are also three sea emperors, the BIG MOM Pirates. Many pirates under his command also want to plunder supplies.

It\'s just not in the Totland sea area of ​​BIG MOM. When they were swimming in the sea normally, they were attacked by the pirate ship. Since their ship was not big, the ship did not fire, but chose to Battle on board.

  However, they had just leaned over, and before throwing the anchor hook in their hands, they could see clearly who was on the boat, so the movements of this group of people froze instantly.

   Beasts and BIG·Mom are no strangers to each other, and they know a lot about each other’s cadres, not to mention that the other party is Kaido’s daughter. Unlike the BIG-MOM pirates who have many children, Beasts has only one person.

  And according to the general perception of members of the BIG MOM pirate group, the captain\'s children must have a high status, and they are generally very strong.

  At the same time, their ideas are substituted. If someone wants to **** their own boat, no matter what the other party\'s identity is, as long as they pass, they must kill the other party first. As for the consequences, that will be dealt with later.

  Now they have encountered a person who is absolutely impossible to beat, a monster that only the ministers of the kingdom can deal with.

   But the good news is that they haven\'t done anything yet, so the people on the ship had an idea, changed their behavior to sea rescue, and kindly sent all the supplies on their ship to Yamato.

  With their "sincere" attitude, this matter can be regarded as fooling the past, so Yamato has the idea that there are good people.

   "Wait a little longer, this is the only way for pirates to enter the new world. Wait a little longer and you will always meet the right one."

   Looking at the empty sea, Yamato suddenly remembered something. If she remembered correctly, Ulti and Peggy had done similar things before when they went out, and they seemed to be used as bait.

   They didn’t say the details, and Peggy Wan didn’t say what happened that day, and Ulti seemed to regard it as his little secret, but Yamato felt that it was something that could be referred to.

  「Will any of you be willing to be bait once?」

  Looking at the three people next to her, Yamato decided to release a bait as well. She found that she was quite well-known outside, and being a bait was a bit too conspicuous.

  「I’m a capable person, so it’s not suitable for me at sea.」

   "I have to take the helm. This ship is still a bit old, so someone has to watch it all the time."

  Spider and Solitia have given their reasons one after another. It is not dangerous to be a bait here, but strange things may encounter along the way. Yamato’s strength is enough to protect their comprehensiveness, but it is only the result.

  The process is not necessarily the same. There are four people on board and only Mizeka is left at this time. She can\'t find a reason to shirk, so she has to act as Yamato\'s "bait"

  Yamato succeeded, and after wasting another day, a group of kind-hearted pirates reappeared and contributed enough supplies for them to return to Wano, but they were not as lucky as BIGMOM.

  Because they chose to shoot, their dreams were completely shattered less than a month after entering the new world.

  Ten days later than scheduled, Yamato and others returned to Wano Country with the commemorative ship. At this time, she finally realized how wonderful the logistics of Hundred Beasts is!


  「It was a little accident. If it wasn’t for the storm, I would have come back long ago.」

In the bathroom of Ghost Island, Yamato was soaking comfortably in the hot spring water. The previous ship could take a shower, but it didn’t have the function of taking a bath. At this time, she was soaking in the hot water with a happy egg behind her. Do her hair.

   There is still a small boat floating on the water, with prepared drinks and snacks on it, which is completely different from a few days ago.

  After tidying up, Yamato put on a set of neat clothes again, and went to Arceus to talk about his feelings about this voyage.

  「Feel the difference?」

  「I feel it. Without logistical support, life outside is really hard.」

  「Any new plans?」

   "Well, try to become stronger, and then defeat that guy father as soon as possible. The future of beasts should not be like those scum in the sea. There should be a way that is more suitable for us."

   This trip allowed her to see the sufferings of the outside world, and she had a certain change in her thinking, but she only saw what was in front of her eyes. Compared with her previous idealistic thinking, this was already a big improvement.

   For this answer, Kaido is the happier person.

  Even if Yamato\'s goal is to defeat him, as long as she is still on the way to become stronger, he can accept this.


On the other hand, the singing and dancing in Wano Country\'s Flower City is peaceful, and there is no trace of the war a few years ago. The quality of life of the residents is not bad, and the people living in the Flower City are also high-income class in Wano Country. Ordinary people are richer.

   It’s just that there are many more Pokémon in the streets and sky, and some animals with Pokémon blood, such as Xiaoka’s descendants.

   Today\'s Xiaoka didn\'t stay in the kennel either, but wandered outside, looking at his "land". At this time, he was drilling around in the bushes, looking for something more interesting to him.

After a shovel rushed down a hillside, Xiaoka found a strange fruit on the ground. The appearance of the fruit was similar to that of a pineapple. There were several symmetrical stems and leaves spreading out around the top of the fruit. The ends of the stems and leaves were triangular, like several snake heads. Same.

There are scaly lines on the outer skin of the fruit. Looking at this strange thing, Xiaoka returned to the house with it in his mouth. After turning into a katti dog, his intelligence developed rapidly, knowing that his master would also look for this thing.


  Kojiro was not there, but Xiaoka dialed the phone bug placed in the kennel by himself, and successfully contacted Kojiro.

   After confirming that he had found a new devil fruit, Kojiro also handed it in directly. After several transfers, this fruit was also sent to Quinn to determine a more specific type.

   Through comparison, Quinn quickly found the type of fruit.

It is Kaido\'s favorite animal system, and it is also a very rare phantom beast, snake snake fruit · phantom beast · Yamata no Orochi form. More than ten years after the death of the big snake, this fruit was once again found in the Wano country. turn up.

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