
Chapter 157: The God and His Cat

Chapter 157: The God and His Cat

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Zhao Yao rolled his eyes when he noticed how the five supercats succumbed to the temptation of “Attack on Titans” and had already developed an addiction.

“I didn’t expect them to be a fan of anime.” A brilliant idea flashed across Zhao Yao’s head as he was thinking about his mission to educate the cats.

A few minutes later, Zhao Yao held Dust Ball in his hand as if she were a loudspeaker and asked, “Are you ready?”

Dust Ball’s eyes burned with annoyance as she stared at Zhao Yao and replied, “Just get this over and down with! I still want to play the hunting game with Mango!”

Zhao Yao tried to appease her by saying, “Alright! I’ll reward you with catmint at the end of it!”

Dust Ball began struggling in Zhao Yao’s hands as she retorted, “Do you think you can make me do anything according to your whims and fancies by using catmint?”

Zhao Yao feigned a look of disappointment and replied, “Oh that’s such a shame. This is a premium catmint flown all the way from Yunnan. The contents inside are extremely pure. I heard that one sniff could knock a cat unconscious for 2 hours.”

Suddenly, Dust Ball’s eyes glistened with anticipation and asked, “Really?”

“Of course! When did I ever lie to you? I’ve specially contacted a few reputable sellers to prepare this divine catmint. Many lives were lost during its transportation to Jiangmen city.” Zhao Yao answered as he pretended to fight back his tears.

“Hmph!” The black cat turned her head around and opened her mouth. She replied smugly, “Don’t think you can control me for the rest of my life. You will lose your value the moment you run out of catmint.”

Zhao Yao grinned from ear to ear as the prideful voice rang in his ears. Zhao Yao positioned his mouth right in front of Dust Ball’s open mouth and said, “Hello! Are there any cats inside here?”

With his mastery over the extradimensional belly, Zhao Yao could direct his sound waves directly to a specific position in the belly.

Zhao Yao’s voice erupted in the five supercats’ ears.

The five cats started looking around in fear when they heard the male voice which descended from the sky.

Lucifer immediately shouted, “Who is speaking?”

Zhao Yao answered, “I am God.”

Lucifer smirked, “Are you taking us for fools? We are not three years old who would fall for your words.”

The tabby cat exclaimed, “God, please help us!”

Lucifer turned to the tabby cat and looked down at it with contempt. Lucifer commented, “R*tard, how can that person be God?”

Zhao Yao announced, “I can grant you one wish!”

The tabby cat immediately shouted, “God, please help us charge our phone!”

“R*tard, why do you still believe that he is a god? Furthermore, shouldn’t you wish to leave this place if he were god?” Lucifer exclaimed as it rammed its head into the wall angrily.

Suddenly, a power bank miraculously appeared in front of the five cats.

Zhao Yao asked, “How about a power bank?”

“Yes! Thank you so much!” The tabby cat’s eyes lit up with excitement as it instructed Lucifer, “Quickly charge the phone with the power bank!”

Meanwhile, Lucifer was already kneeling at a corner with its palms clasped together. It whispered, “God, could you turn me into a tiger?”

Zhao Yao cleared his throat before he replied, “No! I can only grant you one wish each day.”

“R*tard!” Lucifer pounced onto the tabby cat and vented all its frustration on it. Lucifer shouted, “Who told you to wish for a power bank?”

Tabby cat retorted, “Says the cat which is addicted to Attack on Titans!”

“Now is not the time for us to argue!” As the leader amongst them, Ares immediately broke up the fight and tried to pacify both cats.

Lucifer rebutted, “We are still stuck in this place because of that stupid cat’s wish!”

Ares nodded its head before saying, “What’s done is done. We cannot undo the wish that we have asked for, but we can still wish for it tomorrow!” In an attempt to lighten the mood, Ares pointed towards the power bank and announced, “How about we charge the phone and continue watching Attack on Titans.”

Lucifer’s lips quivered in anger as it saw how the three cats stared at the power bank with anticipation. Lucifer shouted, “All of you have lost your mind to this silly show!” Suddenly, it had already held the power bank in its mouth and asked, “How am I supposed to connect this?”

“How can you accuse us of losing our mind to this show? This documents the hidden secrets of the human world. If not for this drama, we would never have learned about the existence of giants.” Ares retorted.

“I agree!”

“Let’s switch it on and continue watching the show!”

“I’m trying to turn it on. Why are you guys so impatient. By the way, which episode did we stop at?”

Zhao Yao started chuckling when he saw five tiny faces glued to the phone’s screen. They just stared at the anime with their beautiful round eyes. None of them requested for neither food nor drinks even though they were without food for an entire day.

Zhao Yao’s lips curled into a smile as he thought, “Maybe I can successfully teach and educate them by keeping them here.”

Zhao Yao finally let go of Dust Ball’s mouth. Dust Ball stared at Zhao Yao and asked matter-of-factly, “Where are the goods you promised me?”

Zhao Yao returned to his bedroom and retrieved a bag of catmint from underneath his bed and placed it in front of Dust Ball.

Dust Ball’s eyes squinted into a line when she saw Zhao Yao re-appearing with the catmint in his hands. She thought, “I never expected him to hide it in such a secretive spot. He is slyer than I thought!”

There was no limit to Dust Ball’s desire for catmint. Hence, Zhao Yao had to hide it to prevent Dust Ball from over-consuming them.

Locks would not be able to stop Dust Ball with her power to absorb non-living matter. Thus, Zhao Yao had to hide it somewhere where she cannot access.

Zhao Yao noticed Dust Ball’s gaze and sniggered, “Stop looking! I’ve only kept one bag underneath my bed.”

Dust Ball rolled her eyes at Zhao Yao’s response before she opened the packaging and started tasting the new catmint.

She slid her paws over the catmint before slowly dabbing it on her tongue. Instantly, Dust Ball lay on the floor with her eyes all squinted together in pleasure. A trickle of saliva appeared at the corner of her lips.

Zhao Yao raised his brow and commented, “Don’t forget to wipe the saliva off of your face.” Zhao Yao took a look at the remaining cats and announced, “Alright! Everyone get ready! We are leaving for work soon!”

Zhao Yao had to personally wake every single cat up because they were all immersed in the soothing music of Celestial Beats. Zhao Yao still had to decide on what to do with earthquake cat.

He must release earthquake cat from his extradimensional belly. Her condition would continue deteriorating if she were not released into their dimension and exposed her body to Celestial Beats.

However, Zhao Yao was also worried about the repercussions if he released earthquake cat and she started causing havoc.

After a careful deliberation, Zhao Yao decided to talk to earthquake cat face to face.

His body flickered before he got absorbed into his extradimensional belly.


Zhao Yao appeared in front of the Scottish Fold following the flicker.

The female Scottish Fold detected his presence and reacted by puffing her fur and arching her back. She was ready to attack him at any time.

“Humans! My endless suffering had made me grown stronger! Get ready to die!”

“Calm down!” Zhao Yao raised his hands to show that he meant no harm. He continued explaining, “I did not purposely throw you into this dimension. I had to settle too many things yesterday, and I forgot about you.”

“Do you know how long I starved for?” Earthquake cat gnashed her teeth in rage.

Zhao Yao nodded his head helplessly and answered, “I’ll bring you out and give you something to eat.”

“Furthermore, I haven’t been to the toilet for 24 hours!” Earthquake cat burst into screams and howls. This was equivalent to a baby’s bawl.

“I’ve kept her here since I went to rescue Shi Yu. This means that she had spent much more time here than the five other cats. She must have had a hard time controlling her bladder and hunger. Maybe the endless suffering that she mentioned refers to this.” Zhao Yao thought.

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