
Chapter 357 - Dinner Invitation (2)

As soon as Gael stepped inside the apartment, Trigger approached him, bowing slightly as a sign of greeting. "Where is she?" he asked.

"She fell asleep on the couch, Sir."

Gael gazed over the back of the couch before he dismissed Trigger and reminded him to come back at the same time in the morning. After the guard left, Gael walked over to the couch while removing his coat and folding it over the back of the armchair. 

Angela laid on her side, her hand loose around a white notebook—which he assumed to be the diary that Oliver sent. He carefully peeled it off her grip, placed it on the table, and then scooped her up from the couch and into his arms. She softly whimpered against his neck, her hands limp on her chest as he carried her to the bedroom. 

He noticed that Angela didn\'t like sleeping in the bedroom when he wasn\'t around, and she\'d wait on the couch until she fell asleep while waiting for him.

There was a slight tug inside his chest at the thought of her waiting for him, and his jaw tightened, thinking, \'You waited but never sent a text?\'

Gael gently laid her on the left side of the bed—her side—and pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. She looked small, fragile, and vulnerable like a little flower that he wanted to shelter from the harsh environment.

He tucked her with the blanket and then kissed her on the forehead, his lips lightly grazing on her skin, and she nuzzled into him, a little sigh escaping from her lips—something she did whenever he gave her chaste kisses.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open. At first, they dilated as if happy to see him, and he smiled down at her…until her expression turned from soft to scowling in a second. She turned her back on him, huffing as she pulled the blanket around her neck.

Gael leaned back, cocking his brow, baffled at what just happened. \'What the hell is wrong with her?\'

After a few beats, he asked, "What\'s wrong?"


That\'s odd. Was she mad that he was gone the whole day? But he already told her he wouldn\'t be here. If anything, he was even early because they thought they would finish in the morning.

"Angel," he called.

Another huff came out of her, and then she pulled the blanket over her head.

Gael\'s jaw ticked, and his brows knitted. He had the urge to pull the sheet off her, but he stopped himself and got to his feet. Turning around, he left the card on the nightstand and began removing his clothes as he headed to the bathroom to take a shower, pissed at her behavior.

He had been inside the meeting room the entire time with all of the men smoking around him. As much as he wanted to tell them not to smoke, he didn\'t, knowing that it was the only way for them to relieve themselves of the stress since Giovanni banned alcohol while they huddled earlier. Everyone had to stay sober while working. Even Gael was tempted to light a stick—what difference did it make when he was already experiencing second-hand smoke?

Thankfully, he was able to control the urge. But with all the smoke clouding the room—even with the vents on—the scent of cigarettes still clung to his clothes. 

After a quick shower, Gael dried himself off but didn\'t bother to cover himself with a towel as he walked out of the shower. He also didn\'t stop in the closet for clothes and sauntered to the bed, slipping under the blanket and then facing Angela.

A tiny gasp escaped her lips, most likely seeing his semi-hard cock under the duvet. She lowered the cover, and her face still held that glare from earlier.

"Are you going to tell me what\'s wrong, or are you going to keep ignoring me?" he questioned, his tone hard and low. She was the one who hadn\'t even checked up on him, and now she\'s mad for no reason? He should be mad, not her.


When she still wouldn\'t speak, he arched his brow. "You want me to leave? I\'ll sleep on the couch."

As he attempted to turn, Angela bit her bottom lip, and her hand flew to grab him by the arm, stopping him from leaving the bed.

Gael heaved out a sigh, softening his tone just a tiny bit as he faced her again. "So are you going to tell me what\'s wrong, or do I have to wrench it out of you?"

She blushed, her fingers twitching on his arm. Her eyes dilated in anticipation, and he knew she was thinking of it. They had been intimate enough for her to know how he would be "wrenching" it out of her—aka making her orgasm so she\'d spill.

Swallowing, she finally spoke, her voice a little hoarse from sleep. "Why didn\'t you tell me you had your guards follow me everywhere I went in Mayne?"

Realization dawned on Gael. Trigger. "That little fucker."

He was gone for a day, and his guard already tattled on him. \'Maybe it\'s time to remind him who his boss is and where his loyalty lies,\' he thought, already planning Trigger\'s punishment.

"So?" Her brows were knitted, and her lips pursed.

"So what?"

"Gael, that\'s stalking."

"I think you meant to say...protection."

Her jaw dropped like she couldn\'t believe his words. "You had me followed around while I didn\'t know. That\'s pretty much stalking. And I\'m not comfortable with that."

"Your safety is my priority. Besides, how are you uncomfortable when you didn\'t even realize it until now? They didn\'t bother you, did they? I was certain they were in the area without being in your space."

Angela rolled her eyes. "That\'s not the point."

"Then what is?"

"The fact that you didn\'t tell me you were doing it. What else have you done without my knowledge? Oliver did the same thing before, and we fought over it several times because I didn\'t like being watched. And you just did the same."

Gael briefly closed his eyes, his face softening as he wanted to calm her down. She wasn\'t shouting at him, but there was a bite in her tone. "I\'m not going to apologize for ensuring your safety while I\'m not around you. If I were to go back in time, I\'d do it again. You\'ll just have to accept the fact that as much as I can, I will do everything and not compromise your safety."

She swallowed, her stare bouncing between his eyes before a sigh left her lips and the frown on her face slowly disappearing. "I at least would like to know. I don\'t like it when you\'re keeping things from me."

This woman. When would she learn that ever since he decided he would protect her, he would do it with or without her permission? Even when she pushed him away when she learned about the arranged marriage, his men still watched over her. 

Snaking his hand under the duvet, he reached for her and pulled her against him. She yelped in surprise but didn\'t push him away, her hand grabbing his bicep. Gael lowered his gaze on her mouth and told her, "Kiss me."

Without thinking twice, Angela leaned into him and pressed their lips together. Then a tiny sigh came out of her as though she was relieved after doing it.

"I don\'t like it when you ignore me," he said.

A small crease dipped between her brows. "But you did it too when you were mad. You didn\'t talk to me. Why can\'t I?"

"It\'s not the same. You asked, and I still answered you even while I was vexed. You reached for my hand, and I didn\'t push you away or turned my back on you, then ignored you. Not like you did now."

Her face relaxed, realizing the difference between their angry phases. She sucked on her bottom lip for a beat. "Okay. I\'m sorry. I won\'t do it again."

"Just like what you said to me. I\'d rather you talk to me even when you\'re angry and tell me what\'s wrong than ignore me. I don\'t like fighting with you. Let\'s avoid that."

When she nodded, Gael pulled her into a tight embrace, claiming her lips and kissing her like he was making up for the hours that he was away. Her body shuddered as his hand slipped under her shirt.

He almost forgot about the card that her mother left at the reception. After reading the message, he immediately had his men check on security. Her mother must have followed them when they left in a hurry.

Angela groaned when he pulled back and she nuzzled her face into his neck, kissing him as she hooked her leg over his hips.

"Babe… There\'s something for you," he told her in almost a whisper.

She lifted her head, curiosity glowing in her eyes. "What?"

"You have an invitation. Someone left it in the reception." He motioned at the card on the nightstand behind her.

Confusion laced her face. Who could be sending her an invitation to Gael\'s apartment in New York? She reached for the card and read the content inside it. Her eyes widened upon seeing the message from her mother. She was speechless for a minute before meeting his stare again.

"Do you want to go?" he probed, the gears in his head already churning from all the possible scenarios and how he would arrange her security.

Angela swallowed, her fingers slightly shaking on the card. "Do you think I should?"

"Whatever you want, babe."

She took a deep breath, her eyes flitting here and there as she contemplated. "I… I think I\'ll go. But…"


"I want you to come with me. I don\'t want to go there alone."

Gael nodded without second thoughts. "Of course." He was supposed to go somewhere tomorrow, but there was no way he\'d leave her alone after she asked him to accompany her to something important. "I\'ll be there with you."

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