
Chapter 1032 - [Bonus ] Myrth: 3

Chapter 1032


Learning two languages was hard, but with a little help and a very sharp mind, it became easier for Xin Ja. A few days ago, he began to mule about his situation when he saw some of the children playing outside his courtyard.

The happy laughter made him think, that there should be a way for him to play with them. There should be a way for him to gain their strength.

While thinking up to this point, he discovers cultivating. However, he is unable to do that yet and he began learning about it.

Then he discovered that when cultivating one needs to know about enchanting to help offset one\'s weakness. Enchanting is a great way to help one\'s body as enchanted objects can boost one\'s potential by augmentation.

And so, with this new discovery, he needed to know the limit of his physique and tried to touch a drop of falling rainwater.

When he got sick, he noticed that his unique vision displayed the status of his body. And with only 2% of pure Ki, his body is already unable to hold on. That was truly a very disappointing discovery. He then tried to cultivating thinking that maybe because of what just happened some miracle would happen and he would be able to cultivate.

But to his dismay, his unique vision immediately warned him of the danger.

And so, he decided to learn more about enchanting.

His father has bought him many types of books. Well, his goal is to make his son learn more so he did not choose. As long as it is something new, he would buy it. And one of the books he bought is the basic enchanting book on the table.

Xin Ja slowly flips the page which is a bit hard for him. He is amazed that a single page of the book is like it weighs more than 5 kilograms.

His feeble arm is having a hard time flipping just a single page.

But he is already used to this as he has already read many books and experienced this a lot.

While reading his eyes would sometimes glow and his expression would change as if realizing and learning something very interesting.

And so he continues to read until the sun began to slowly hide on the horizon.

It was already nighttime when his father came home.

When Xin Jong noticed that his small house does not have any lights in it, he just heaves a heavy sigh.

He busied himself arranging his wares and then after that prepares food for dinner.

The father and son ate their food and went to sleep afterward.

This daily routine continues for days, weeks, months, and years…

Until Xin Ja has finally reached the age of 10.

Although he is still the weak little boy that he is, Xin Ja\'s body has changed. His face has shown a distinct charm which he got from his mother. His father would always tell him that he looks just like his mother and that his mother is the most beautiful woman his father has ever seen.

Xin Ja is really curious to see her but his father did not have any portrait of them at home. And so he could just imagine how his mother really looks like.

The morning sun is already showering the land with its golden light as everyone in the small town of Ogden once again began to busy themselves doing their daily routine and chores.

At this time, inside the small hut, Xin Ja is currently sitting in front of the table with a sharp knife in his glove-covered hand.

He has learned his lesson because he discovered that carving a rune would not affect him. But once he touches the carved rune with his bare hand, the pure Ki would surely have an effect on his body. That\'s why from that time forth he began wearing thin gloves.

His everyday routine and the effort he has expended, his physique has grown a bit and he is not the scrawny kid he was 5 years ago.

So, although the knife and the gloves are heavy, he is still able to hold them.

Taking a deep breath, he muttered to himself as if trying to strengthen his resolve.

"Alright, I have already learned what I need to learn for the past 5 years. I have been patient and now should be the time that I should be able to apply the things I have learned, right?"

With a clear mind, he slowly checked the engraving tool on the table.

Using the knife, he needs to inscribe a rune enchantment on the wooden handle of the engraving tool.

His eyes suddenly darted towards the few broken pebbles on the corner outside the small hut. If one could check these small pebbles, one could see traces of etched runes on them. However, many of these pebbles are broken.

It is the product of Xin Ja\'s one failure after another in practicing enchantment.

According to what he has learned from the basic enchantment book. Once he successfully enchanted an object, depending on the rune etched on them, they would gradually utilize the Ki in the air to activate the etched rune.

Basic enchantment teaches about low-level enchantment which is uncontrolled and its activation is gradual. Since it is basic, it would teach one to experience enchantment for the first time. The runes in the basic enchantment are only basic runes like air and fire. The air rune would produce a light gust of wind which will surround the enchanted object. While fire will produce a small flame the size of a pinky.

And so, this is his practice every day for 5 years, and he has actually broken make pebbles because of this.

But in the later years, his success rate began to increase. And now, inside their house, one can actually feel a light breeze in the air because of the number of small pebbles with air runes carved on them.

Xin Ja\'s proficiency has already increased to such a degree that he is already very familiar with carving using the knife.

But he knew that if he wanted to be able to create more effective and powerful enchantment, he needed a carving or engraving tool.

And so, after doing some research, he discovered that his unique vision has some runes which are still fairly basic and easy to carve. He did not know if those runes would be effective, and so he gave it a try a few weeks ago.

He found a rune that would make heavy objects lighter and discovered that the rune is fairly easy to crave, so he choose that rune. He then also found another rune which is sharpness and planned to use that in the engraving tool.

After a few carving failures, he quickly became proficient in carving the two runes.

And now, he is going to carve it finally in an engraving tool that he knew would make his rune enchantment craving easier.

After taking another deep breath, he clears up his mind and held the engraving tool in one hand. Then his other hand began to carve on the wooden surface of the engraving tool.

The first rune was done only after 20 minutes of slowly carving through the wooden handle. Then he continues without resting until he finally finished the entire set of runes.

Xin Ja felt his hand cramping as it has taken him 2 hours to finally finished the rune set. He could not believe that he was able to persevere in doing such a grueling task.

After setting down the knife his aching hand is even finding it hard to let go. In fact, he could have enchanted the knife to be sharp or light, but that would waste his time.

He needed the weight of the knife and the gloves to be able to dent the surface of the engraving tool. It should not be too sharp so as to not fail, he has already gone through many trials and errors and this was the best option for him.

So instead of enchanting the knife with such runes, he decided to do it just one time on the engraving tool that his father bought for him.

After he was done, Xin Ja stretches his body and massages his aching hand. He has finally created his first engraving tool for rune enchanting. With this, he could now work easier and efficiently.

He carefully takes out a thin bandage and carefully wraps the handle of the engraving tool. After seeing his work and slowly feeling it in his hand, Xin Ja showed a proud smile on his face.

With the tool in his hand, he could now do a lot of things. He might be even able to help his father earn some money.

He has seen how his father sacrificed for him. His hard work and love for him. He knew that he is a burden, and he knew that he could not do anything about that before.

But now, everything will be different.

He said as a slight glint of happiness appears in his eyes.

Suddenly, Xin Ja heard some noise outside the gate of their house. Upon hearing this, he quickly looks outside.. And what he saw made him froze on the spot.

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