
Chapter 3

Translator and Editor: Skye and Einna


Chapter 3

It can’t be true right…

Why did I leave a malicious comment?

“But it’s not a good ending! I was criticizing it because it was so sad! I’m sure all the readers agree with me. Was it not enough to kill off just one person? Why would they kill both the duke and Sue? You think I’ve been reading this novel for three years to receive this kind of ending?”

I thought about it so hard and got so angry, I got a fever.

Every time it was updated, I read the chapters over and over without skipping any single bit. I also wrote good comments filled with positive encouragement every time.

[e/n: when the MC was talking about sweet potatoes she was basically asking for more overly sweet situations between the characters that make her mouth go dry, like eating sweet potatoes]

“Huh? I wrote over 100 sweet comments! But I only wrote a single malicious comment, and then…if that’s the case….”

It’s not that bad I guess.

It was a sudden transmigration, but I didn’t feel nervous. The problem is that this webtoon has a sad ending.

And I know the ending for the duke, too.

The life of the free-spirited transmigrated person, whose actions weren’t really important, is now over. I just want to live carefreely, so I don’t want to die yet.

I just want to live and be happy.

In addition, I now live with my favorite character.

When I calmed down my racing mind for a while, I felt like I could see a way out of this dismal situation.

knock, knock

I calmly collected myself and fixed my posture by the time I heard the second knock.

“Come on in, Amber.”

Of course, I thought Amber would come in, but I closed my eyes tightly when a formidable and colorful figure entered the fancy room.

Oh, it’s blinding.

“I’d like to talk to you for a moment…”

Yes, we can as much as my favorite wants.

“Yes, yes, please.”

It was Lucian who came suddenly, but I was glad rather than surprised. I offered him a seat with a bright smile without realizing it.

Surprised by the warm reception, Lucian squinted his eyes slightly with an expressionless face.

Lucian sat across from me.

That alone impressed me.

I didn’t expect to see my favorite in person so soon.

Pretty boy Lucian! I love you, Lucian!

I felt so happy it was like I was flying, I felt a tingling of excitement rising up from my toes.

Then Amber came back to the room.


Amber, who was pushing in the trolley piled high with refreshments and tea, looked surprised when she saw Lucian.


“Just a moment.”

Why are you so surprised to see Lucian? An unpleasant feeling crept up in the back of my heart.

“Amber, can you get me another cup of tea?”

“But my lady…”

“I heard that Amber is my own personal maid, but you’re already going to disobey me?”

Amber’s expression changed when my stern words reached her ears.

Since it’s your first day spying on me, you probably haven’t figured out my personality or temperament.

So you will have no choice but to listen to me.

There are more aristocrats with violent personalities than I originally thought.

“Please wait a moment.”

Right after she put down the colorful refreshments, a cup of tea, and a teapot, Amber hurried out of the room.

“Brother, eat and drink first.”

When I offered it to him, Lucian, who turned his attention to the refreshments and teacup, shook his head slowly.

“I can’t eat it.”

“How come?”

“It’s not time for me to eat.”

I opened my mouth wide at Lucian’s words.

It’s upsetting that he only eats when others deem that it is appropriate, it’s not like he’s in the army.

He is only fifteen years old. My favorite. Even if I am 10 years old now, I was originally 25 years old you know.

So in my eyes, Lucian looks much younger even when he is older than me in this life.

At this moment, I felt the strings of fate tugging at me. I should change the ending of this webtoon. I must have possessed this body for the sake of saving my favorite.

Do you know how much comfort I received from you in the past? Even now your very existence is comforting enough for me. So now it’s my turn, I will comfort you this time.

I declared war on the webtoon writer by saying something I couldn’t say to him before.

Writer. We need to change the setting. I can’t see my favorite dying in vain from living a life full of ‘regret.’

I wish he could grow up to be a normal person who knows how to identify joy and sorrow instead of growing up numb and insensitive to everything.

I want to live as well and escape my fate too.

So, since I possessed this body, I should take care of my favorite first and foremost.

Oh, I’m so sad.

First of all, to confirm the progress of the timeline of the story, Lucian doesn’t seem to be completely jaded yet.

He mentioned his age. He’s currently 15 years old. He is still immature, and he seems to want to gain his father’s affection still.

Even if he is being hated now, he believed that someday his father would recognize and love him. That’s why me being his sister, that obviously doesn’t have any blood relation to him, I openly accepted him.

Because his father brought me here in person.

I felt so sorry for him who did not even question his father’s actions.

Whether it’s the original timeline or whatever, I should feed my favorite character some food first.

What’s with his wrist? Normally, everything should be big and thick, but only his hands are big and dry.

“Brother, do you have a specific time that you usually eat at?”

First, collect information. I know everything about my favorite. However, these details did not appear in the original book.

“Yes, I live on a consistent schedule.”

It’s driving me crazy. I already knew how harsh that schedule is because it was mentioned in the original novel. Under the name of successor education, he is being severely abused and reprimanded.

He wakes up at dawn and trains alone in the training yard. The training doesn’t end when he starts to sweat moderately either it only ends when he is absolutely soaked in sweat. Then when he finally finishes everyday he has to roll up the legs of his pants so he can receive lashes with a ruler on the backs of his legs.

The Duke uses the ridiculous excuse of saying that he is raising his child with strict discipline, and Lucian accepts the abuse under the guise of discipline without complaint.

That’s why he’s so mentally scarred in the future.

No one in this house has told him that this treatment is weird, so Lucian doesn’t know.

“Then brother.”

The plan to help Lucian starts now.

Does he know about the Plan A and Plan B strategy?

“Have you ever heard of having a back up plan to make things safer for you?”

“A back up plan?”

There was very little emotion in his expression, but I could see that his eyes got a little bigger out of interest.

“Yes! An original plan and a secondary plan to switch to if the first one goes wrong!”

Lucian blinked slowly at my words.

It seems that it is the first time he has heard of that.

Of course. Who would tell him this stuff?

But Lucian. A person should think of making a plan B as well when making their plan A. That’s the only way we can safely avoid the bad end.

“I didn’t know about that.”

I quickly added after hearing his slightly depressed voice.

“You can make a plan like that from now on!”

Be cheerful! Act cute!

Give him positive energy!

“If we adjust your schedule so you can come again, just like today, would you be willing to spend tea time with me from now on?”

“…but I can’t change it right now. I need permission from the people who decide my schedule first.”

Yeah, I knew you’d say that. But this sister wants to feed you something nice!

“But I don’t want to have tea time alone! I’ve always spent time with my parents…”

Oh, while thinking about the parents I had here, I felt like I was going to cry.

I don’t know what happened to their real daughter, the real Rachel’s soul, but with their infinite affection, I filled my thirst for the familial love that I had never experienced before that.

Before I had possessed this body, I was alone, so I was constantly hanging around my new family. No, can I even call them “my” family?

“You’re my family now. So please spend tea time with me.”

I will be your family for a little while. Of course, I want to drink tea with my favorite before I help you find your future love, but I hope this man will be happier even before that.

I hope you realize your love is just late and don’t feel drowned by regret.

I wish you would grow up to be a person that listens to their feelings, and not just someone who acts like a doll.

Did you feel my desperation? He is still mostly expressionless, but Lucian showed some positive signs of acceptance.

“Thank you, brother!”

Amber came back carrying a teacup with good timing.

I smiled brightly, and said, after ordering her to pour the tea.

“Let’s always be together, brother!”

I spoke from the bottom of my heart. Lucian even showed a slight smile for the first time.

The plan for changing the tragedy tag to something better is off to a smooth start.

Lucian, who came out of the overly fancy tea room, returned to his room with graceful but quick steps.

He sat quietly on the window on the far side of his desolate room.

“I was expecting for her to be an immature little girl…”

He seemed to have understood his position in her plans right away. So she’s demanding that we will have tea time together.

“Of course you thought I couldn’t possibly refuse.”

He didn’t know where he fits in the hierarchy in this house. Even if he is the successor, the owner of the house won’t recognize his legitimacy and effort.

Therefore, he was very curious about the personality of the new child. He was interested because his father went out of his way to retrieve her himself, and in such a great hurry at that. It was also the first time he had seen any sorrow on his father’s face.

He couldn’t fathom his father’s reaction, so he was waiting for him in advance, but he thought he made the right decision to wait. He waited in the sun, but it wasn’t hard. He is just a little nervous and giddy.

If he hadn’t done that, his father would never have shown him that child willingly.

Even if she’s a sister who will soon have the same last name as him.

Lucian swept his mouth with his tongue.

The fragrant tea and sweet desserts he shared with the child earlier had left an unpleasant taste in his mouth.

Lucian laughed a little.

During tea time, he had cleverly thought of the excuse to blame his unwillingness to eat on his schedule. Of course, it was true that if he didn’t move according to his schedule, he would be severely scolded by his father.

He also didn’t see the point in eating more food since he was still thin even if he ate a lot. However, Lucian couldn’t stop thinking about the tea time he had with the child.

He concluded that it is probably because it was the first time he had eaten something with someone.

Leaning against the window, he murmured some thoughts under his breath before he got up to complete the next item on his schedule.


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