
Chapter 135 - Exchange Platform


          System feature:- Fighting arena (level 1). 

          Usage:- A virtual fighting arena where the system hosts from all the firmaments that unlocked this feature can enter it to fight one another to gain the respective currency of their systems along with other rewards.

          Limitation:- The host can enter only once every month.

          More information:- Death in this fighting arena will not cause death in real life.

Soon, the information about one of the two new system features appeared in front of Lucas, making him reveal a slight smile on his face.

\'Interesting feature. But I wonder how many system hosts can enter this fighting arena as this feature seems to be very special.\'

Lucas felt it was a good feature; however, he was worried there would not be many system hosts in the fighting arena.

Since the death in the fighting arena is not real, Lucas felt it would make good training for him; however, he didn\'t keep many expectations on this new feature before he entered the fighting arena for himself.

\'However, before I enter the fighting arena, I will check the other system features.\'

Since there were more than 10 hours before the evening meeting with the other surviving families and the adventurer\'s guild, Lucas decided to test the new feature \'Fighting arena\'.

Nevertheless, he didn\'t forget to check the information on the new system feature before testing the \'Fighting arena\' system feature.


          System feature:- Exchange platform (level 1)

          Use:- The system host can trade with other system hosts who unlocked this feature.

          Limitations:- The host can only buy once and sell once every month. So, please use it wisely.

          More information:- Even though the system hosts try their best to kill other system hosts, that doesn\'t mean they can\'t trade with others to become powerful. Make sure you sell the items you don\'t need because once it is put up for sale, it will not be taken out of the \'Exchange platform\'.

\'Huh? Exchange platform?\'

Lucas was shocked because he never expected that the system hosts can trade with one another; however, he was happy with the new feature as he could always buy the items he didn\'t want in exchange for other items he needed.

\'Just like the fighting arena, this feature also has a limitation; however, compared to the fighting arena, the Exchange platform\'s limitation is great and I need to be careful while doing the transactions.\'

\'Also, buying and selling only once in a month is a little long; however, I need to be content with the feature for now and I have to find a way to upgrade these features.\'

Lucas thought about the limitation for some time before accepting the reality.

\'Let\'s see. Are there any items I can use?\'

Lucas knew that he and his family needed a lot of resources and he was sure that he would find something from the exchange platform.


          Do you want to go with your real name or do you want to create an alias?

          Note:- It is suggested for the host to create an alias instead of using the real name as it would make the host a target for other system hosts.

\'Do you think I don\'t know that?\'

Lucas shook his head and directly chose the name he was familiar with and it was none other than his name in the previous life.


          All the other system hosts will see the host with an alias \'Lonewolf\'.

          Note:- Be careful not to share the host\'s personal details with the other system hosts.


Lucas sighed when he saw another note in the system notification.

As a deadly assassin in his previous life, Lucas had done many undercover assassinations and created a new alias for each mission. So, he felt there was no need for the system to keep on warning him as though he was a three-year-old.

However, he didn\'t bother much about it and let the system do whatever it wanted since it has a three-year-old mentality anyway.

\'Looks like whenever the new system feature unlocks, the system\'s knowledge relating to that feature will increase.\'

Also, Lucas found out another thing about the system and he muttered, \'So, if I unlock more and more features, my system will gain more knowledge about its own origins. Looks like the creator of these systems has really put a lot of effort into creating them.\'

But that still didn\'t explain why his system knows only a few things compared to an Advanced tier system.

\'Anyway, let\'s see the items first.\'

Soon, Lucas kept his thoughts aside as he opened the \'Exchange platform\' through his interface.

[Crazy surgeon] wants to sell a [Dragon tooth]

Dragon tooth:-It can be used to refine high-level weapons, pills, potions and for other purposes.

[Lucky rose] wants to sell a [Mana fruit]

Mana fruit:- A fruit that can permanently increase the magic sea by 1000 units and instantly replenish the magic power.

Note:- A person can only consume it once in his lifetime.

[Infinite eye] wants to sell a [Artificial eye]

Artificial eye:- An special artifact that can help the user to see in all directions in one kilometer radius.

Note:- It is only one-time use





Soon, Lucas saw the other special system hosts\' aliases and what they were selling.

Moreover, there was detailed information on the items those hosts were selling, making Lucas satisfied with the working of the new feature.

\'Looks like there are only 8 special system hosts in this firmament world including me. That was more than I thought; however, there might be other special system hosts who were yet to unlock the features.\'

Lucas didn\'t come to the conclusion there were only eight special system hosts in this world because, until today, he didn\'t even know about the existence of the \'Exchange platform\' and \'Fighting arena\'.

\'Anyway, so far, only one item caught my eye and it was [Mana fruit]. Shall I contact the seller?\'

Lucas thought of contacting the owner of the fruit when he saw another item that suddenly appeared in the \'Exchange platform\' that made him pause his actions.

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