
Chapter 56 36. Dealing With A Curse (4)

Dropping down at ever-rising speeds I cursed my luck.

Although I was more than capable of surviving it didn\'t make the situation seem any less extreme.

I knew that all the others would be fine as they were stronger than me but due to our numbers there would be a bunch sustaining injuries and they wouldn\'t be light.

The only thing that I was concerned about was the elevator breaking apart. If that happened the scrapes of metal would be able to cut through everyone\'s, including my defense.

Surviving the fall was the easy part; what came afterward would determine if any lost their lives.

I also made sure to note that I was as far away as possible from the fatty as the last thing I wanted to happen was to be crushed to death under his weight.

That would be a terribly embarrassing way to go out.

While we were falling the speed was increasing so fast that all of us started floating up into the air.

This made things much easier for me however I wasn\'t so sure about the others.

Yet that didn\'t pertain to me because if they can\'t save themselves why should I go out of my way to do it for them?

Plus it was their fault for ignoring the limit of people allowed inside. They had to deal with their own consequences and if some of them died because of it… well, we were better off without them.

Rising ever higher into the air I still kept Evelyn close to me. Although she was the last person I had to worry about, I couldn\'t resist holding onto her for just a little longer.

Plus serving as her hero — even if she didn\'t need it — would hopefully make up for some of this shit she had to put up with.

Yet my time came to an end when we reached the apex between the highest height we would reach and the imminent crash.

When there was only a fraction of a second less before the elevator hit the bottom and we were slammed up against the ceiling of the elevator I pulled out Nightfall.


[30 minutes ago]

"Miss Smith, I need a break."

Without hearing her response I sat down on the ground laying Nightfall beside me.

I had been training for far too long without stopping once.

The physical and mental pain I had was so draining that I found it difficult to stand up straight.

All I wanted to do was clean myself off and get some long-overdue sleep.

But I knew that I couldn\'t get any shut-eye as there was only a short amount of time before classes started up for the day.

I originally thought about skipping Mr. Vankay\'s class but I threw that idea out as I could still get in trouble and I needed to keep up pretenses until I got what I wanted.

"That\'s fine, I need to start preparing for my classes anyways."

Hearing that I was finally free I almost wanted to shout but I knew Miss Smith would put me through hell for doing so.

However, even though I didn\'t express myself out loud she still somehow understood my emotions and an evil smile filled her face.

"You know after all your peers dropped my trios class there just so happened to still be an odd number of people."

There was no way of me knowing this beforehand as I left to go to the nurse before all the teams finished.

But I still didn\'t know why Miss Smith was telling me such a thing because it didn\'t make a differ-


Miss Smith\'s smile was even wider when she saw the look of understanding plastered all over my face.

"Guess who is going to be picked today?"

I let out a groan of frustration.

Sure I wanted to get stronger and I knew I had to keep pushing myself but the amount of training I was doing was inhumane!

Since there was an odd amount of students that meant that the last person left out would get special training with Miss Smith.

This was a common way of doing things and I had completely forgotten about it as I never expected I would get picked for it.

Yet now it seemed that she would be rigging the groups so that I\'m left out and forced to spend additional time with her training.

Just thinking about it made me exhausted all over again and I dropped down the lay flat on my back.

When doing so I just so happened to brush my hand over Nightfall.

I didn\'t think twice about such an action until Miss Smith gasped in shock.

Raising my head I looked over at her to see what got her so worked up.

"Your sword!"

I was confused by her response.

"My sword?"

Pointing at where it laid just a second ago she said:

"It\'s gone!"

Full of disbelief I turned my head to the side where I knew Nightfall was placed and sure enough… it was gone.

A mix of emotions filled in my heart as I didn\'t want to believe that after all my hard work at attaining the sword, it would just vanish.

However, the moment I wished that the sword would reappear… it did!

This stunned both Miss Smith and me as we couldn\'t trust our eyes to believe that a sword could vanish into thin air and then reappear.

Getting over my stupor I began rationally thinking things through.

That\'s when I came up with the idea that I could summon the sword at will.

Focusing my thoughts on having the sword go to wherever it went the first time it disappeared I wanted something to happen.

Unfortunately, there was no change and I was beginning to think that there was a mistake but that\'s when I remembered that I touched the sword before Miss Smith said that it faded away.

Therefore I reached out my hand and grabbed onto the sword before thinking the same thoughts and my wish came true! I watched as a real sword evaporated into particles before being sucked up into the marking on the back of my hand.

Seeing such a thing happen I could help but get ecstatic at the idea that I could freely manipulate the existence of my sword.

Wanting to make sure that I wasn\'t dreaming I wished for the sword to come back and in the next second Nightfall materialized in my hand.

Dumbfounded by such an overpowered ability my plans started rapidly changing on the spot.

Being able to summon a weapon at any time was so much of a cheat that I almost couldn\'t believe it to be true.

Griffin prohibited any of the students from carrying weapons outside of battle orientation classes.

This was a safety measure everyone had to abide by however it meant that when things started getting dangerous the students were harmless and eventually we were given permission to wield our weapons.

However, that wouldn\'t be until a bunch of students lost their lives.

I didn\'t want to be a part of those statics so being able to be armed without anyone knowing it was a huge advantage plus in the world outside of the academy, having a sword hidden that was impossible to detect would be lifesaving in more ways than one.


I saw that the feedback for the elevator scenario wasn\'t well received so sorry about that. I already have it typed up so it will finish tomorrow and hopefully some of the action will make up for the boringness. I appreciate any and all forms of criticism so I can better myself as an author worthy of your time.

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