
Chapter 473 Goodbye...

Chapter 473  Goodbye...

The silent cries and pitiful gazes were directed at Susan\'s grief-stricken parents, Lady Victoria and her husband, Sir Evan. Lady Victoria, once known for her grace and poise, was now crumpled to her knees, her soul torn asunder by grief. Her sobs echoed through the courtyard, making the air heavy with sorrow. Sir Evan, usually a pillar of strength, was reduced to a broken man, clinging to his wife as if she were his only lifeline in this world. The grief weighed heavily on all their hearts, and they struggled to find the strength to bid Susan a final farewell.

Amid the mourners, one figure was conspicuously absent—Susan\'s twin brother, Williams. A sombre Prince Harold, who had authority over the burial proceedings, had not yet given the go-ahead for her body to be set alight. It seemed that they were hesitating, hoping that Williams would appear in time to say his goodbye.

As the moments stretched on, it seemed that Williams had indeed planned not to witness this and bid his sister a final farewell.

With a heavy heart, Harold mentally prepared himself to give the go-ahead for the pyre to be ignited. Just then, in a desperate rush, Williams appeared, and all eyes turned to him.

His eyes were swollen from crying, and his face was contorted with grief. His legs nearly gave way as he approached his sister\'s lifeless form, the weight of the loss bearing down on him like a crushing wave.

Tears welled up in his eyes, and with trembling hands, he gently pulled down the coarse cloth covering Susan\'s face to catch a last glimpse of his beloved sister.

"Good...bye, Susan," Williams whispered, his voice choked with tears. "We\'ll meet again... as siblings. And... I\'ll protect you with my life like I should have before."

The air was thick with grief and unspoken emotions, and he leaned in to kiss her forehead gently, his tears falling onto her cold skin. As he covered her head and turned away from the pyre, the wood was set on fire, but he couldn\'t bear to watch. The flames roared to life, consuming Susan\'s remains, while Williams stumbled away, his heart heavy with unbearable grief as tears streamed down his face while his mother\'s cries grew louder.

The onlookers couldn\'t help but weep openly, their tears mixing with the dew on the grass. Paulina had her hands covering her mouth as she wept.

Among the crowd, Harold, Lance, and Alvin were also visibly moved by the heart-wrenching sight. Lance did not try to hide his tears, allowing them to flow freely in remembrance of the only girl he had fancied. On the other hand, Alvin appeared more composed, his grief veiled behind a stoic exterior. But as the wind brushed his cheek, a single tear escaped his eye, betraying the pain he felt in his heart.

Meanwhile, inside the palace, in a dimly lit chamber, an unconscious Alicia lay in her room, tears streaming down her cheeks as if she sensed the loss of her friend, mirroring the collective pain that pervaded the castle. And slowly... her eyes opened.

Later, Paulina sought out Williams in the painting room, knowing he would be there. And she was right. She found him sitting alone, looking empty and depressed.

"My... Lord," she said gently, her voice trembling with sympathy. That got his attention, and he looked up, his eyes empty and filled with sadness.

"I... brought you something." She handed him two carefully rolled painting scrolls.

He accepted them, and when he unrolled the first one, he found a portrait of Susan, captured in her most radiant smile. Tears welled up in his eyes as he beheld the beauty of the portrait, cherishing the memories it evoked.

But it was the second painting that truly overwhelmed him. In the image, he and Susan are depicted together in a river, playfully splashing water at each other and laughing. The nostalgia hit him like a tidal wave, and he could hardly contain his emotions, sobbing as he gazed at the likeness of his beloved sister and the moments they had shared only recently.

"I... am so sorry for your loss," Paulina whispered, her own eyes welling up with tears. "I hope you\'ll always remember the happy memories you shared with Susan and find some solace in them and the promise of your reunion one day."

Unable to hold back his emotions any longer, Williams broke down in tears, and for the first time, Paulina initiated the embrace as she also cried.

Williams wrapped his arms around her, tightening the hug so hard that it felt like he was going to crush her. He sobbed bitterly and thanked her. What exactly was he thanking her for? He didn\'t state it.

With a trembling voice, Williams confided, "I\'m leaving the palace with my parents,"

Her heart dropped, and she stiffened immediately.

"But I will come back." He added. "It won\'t...be long."

Paulina nodded, her hold around him tightening as her tears flowed freely.

"Do not go anywhere," His broken voice was a mixture of command and plea.

She nodded, sniffing. "I... won\'t."

"Wait for me until I return."

Paulina cried, and she nodded, too heartbroken to speak anymore. She could only remain in the tight embrace, knowing that after now, it was uncertain when she would see him again.

"I\'ll miss you, Paulina," Williams whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "Greatly."

"I\'ll... miss you too, Williams," she responded.

With a heavy heart, Williams left the room with the painting. As he walked away, Paulina stood there, tears streaming down her face, watching him until he disappeared from view, hoping for the day he would return. But even more than that, she hoped his heart would heal.

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