
Chapter 68 Pike's Wish

Zoravec was enraged over Simon mainly because he dared to take him for a fool. Zoravec could not bring himself to forgive him for doing that. No wonder he had gotten a boost in confidence upon getting the powers and it made Zoravec the courage to talk blunt and bold. Now he was not afraid of Pike or his lackeys, Simon could not do anything to him anymore.

"No, that is not what I mean."

Simon immediately changed his tone which grew shallow as if he was about to cry in no time. Zoravec could not comprehend why he was even trying to emotionally weaken him. That talk was not going to affect him at all, only a fool would consider those words for a genuine apology.

"Oh really now? Tell me, tell me what did you mean by that?"

However, Zoravec was not going to believe in him. That\'s why he rebuked Simon with curt tone and harsh words because Simon could not be trusted at all. Zoravec folded his arms and tucked them above his chest as he looked at Simon with resentment.

"What exactly is the purpose of all of this? Why are you even pretending?"

As much as Zoravec was stunned with the sudden bravery which he experienced in himself. Simon was equally shocked over the change in him, it took him a few moments to recover from the near- stroke moment.

After all, why would not Simon feel that way? Zoravec was known as a pussy and weak guy, who had no powers or no mate. It was unexpected from him to talk with such confidence, it was simply unusual for him to act so high and mighty. Although at that moment it was not the focus of the matter, because all Simon required was forgiveness.

Simon controlled himself and tried to suppress his tears, because he did not intend to show how torn he had been. Whereas Zoravec waited for his reply and stared at him with squinted eyes. He did not intend to make Simon sense that he was genuinely curious about hearing the reason.

"I am not pretending anything. I am genuinely asking for forgiveness."

Zoravec rolled his eyes over hearing those words, he knew that Simon was most probably toying with him. On the other hand, Simon was sure that Zoravec was completely misunderstanding him.

They both stood in the arcade which was open from one side and both of them could see the middle ground. As much as Zoravec wished to confront him in a curt tone, he wished to infuriate Simon so they both could fight. However, where they both stood the cop was visible, Zoravec could clearly see that man staring at them.

\'Shit! This old fart is not giving me any privacy. What does he even want, huh?\'

Zoravec grunted inwardly, he looked at Simon trying to act cool and calm. It was clear that among the powers of vampires or dhampirs exceptional skills did not exist. The kind had lost those perks and were resorted to the basic powers.

"And why exactly are you asking for forgiveness? Hah! What changed in just one day that you resorted to begging?"

Zoravec mocked him intentionally, after all the insults he threw towards Simon would make anyone angry. He intended to do the same only to see his true intentions. No doubt people tend to show their true colours when they are provoked.

Simon bit his lower lip and suppressed his tears, it was significant that he was not pretending. But now Zoravec really wanted to know the reason, because the situation needed to be switched sooner. Or else the cop would have approached them in no time. And Zoravec knew those people loved to poke their noses in every matter.

"It was Pike\'s wish. He....he wanted to ask for forgiveness from you."

It took Zoravec a few minutes to comprehend what Simon just said. He could not understand why he stated everything in past tense as if something had happened to Pike. A grim silence fell in the arcade which was already empty.

The cop stared at both of them keenly, it was a part of his job to keep a sharp eye on every single thing which was suspicious. He was sure that something was definitely wrong with those boys. However, he did not want to butt in because it appeared like a school gang member fight.

Simon whimpered as he wiped off the teardrop with the cuff of his white shirt. He burst out in sobs upon seeing that Zoravec was not believing in him. On the other hand, Zoravec had a hard time in comprehending what bullshit Simon had been feeding him. After all, possibly what could happen to Pike in just one night? Right?

"What do you mean by \'it was his wish\' huh?"

Zoravec wanted to strictly ask him but he could not since that cop was watching over them. And Zoravec did not intend to create any ruckus which would put him into a mess. He had to stay calm with his body and mind, so his powers would not face an outburst once again.

\'No, no. Calm down, Zoravec. You can\'t let your rage cloud your senses.\'

He was sure that the anger was the trigger to his powers and as long as he stayed calm it was fine. Although Zoravec was still concerned about what happened to Pike, even though he was a bully Zoravec never wished for the worst for him.

Well, if he had to be honest then Zoravec did curse him to get punished or caught by the higher ups or principal. However, he never intended anything worse than that. But perhaps things had already turned bad for Pike. It was evident that Simon would not cry for nothing. Something terrible must have happened to Pike.

But what exactly?

Zoravec leaped towards him and held Simon by his shoulder, he could not take it anymore. Now he had to know every single thing from the beginning. And for that he needed privacy with Simon, Zoravec could not afford the cop to know something which was not meant for him.

He could not trust the cops and definitely not that moment when he knew that he was under the radar too. Even though it was not possible for the cops to find him. There was no way they could prove that whatever happened was because of Zoravec. However it was also not a fact that they would not be able to figure out anything against him.

Now that he was there was probably another thing lined up for Zoravec to figure out. But before that he needed to make sure that whatever he had been thinking was either correct or wrong. He had no idea about that for now, but Simon probably knew more than he did. Zoravec pushed him gently to make Simon turn around without objecting.

On the other hand, Simon was in his vulnerable state and could not refute in any way. So, he turned around when Zoravec dragged him out of the arcade. The cop could see both of the boys walking away silently.

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