
Chapter 13 Sword

It was when the steel neared the basic shape of a blade that he had an idea. Yesterday during his practice he managed to force mana out of his body. He didn’t know much about classic game worlds, but Eisen at the very least researched a little bit into types of weapons common in fantasy worlds and found one interesting thing: Magic Weapons.

There wasn’t much info about how these are made, but Eisen did have an idea of how the developers of this game might have chosen to handle this concept. By imbuing Mana into what you are forging.

Slowly, Eisen began concentrating and compressed his mana inside of him. This alone was already far easier than last night, and Eisen figured this was simply because of his new Mana Manipulation skill helping him out.

He concentrated on his mana and formed it into a small sphere before moving it through his arm into his hand, and then into his hammer. Slowly, he turned the sphere into a thin, round sheet the size of the hammer’s flat front surface, gently pushing it through the metal so that it covered the front of his hammer.

So that he could keep up his concentration and not lose control of his Mana, he slightly slowed down the pace of his hammering, but with every hit, Eisen noticed the spot where his hammer connected with the hot steel turning from a bright orange into a bright white for a split second before turning back orange.

"Hmm? Eisen, are you using Magic?" Bree asked curiously and leaned in closer toward the anvil, intensely studying what Eisen was doing.

With a soft laugh, while trying to concentrate on the task at hand, Eisen nodded. "Yes, I’m trying to imbue Mana into the metal. But I’m running low..." Frowning, Eisen noticed that his mana was lowered by about 5 MP every time he hit the metal, and since his total MP was only 150, it wouldn’t hold for very long.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed that Bree was fidgeting around slightly as if she wanted to say something. Eisen couldn’t help but laugh a little bit and told Bree to just say what she wanted to say.

"So, I’m pretty good at support magic, and one of them is Mana Transfer! Since I’m a Fey-Kin, my mana pool is a lot bigger than that of other races, although I can’t use attack magic... But if you want, I can give you some of my mana until you’re done!" She smiled happily and looked at Eisen with a smile.

After considering it for a few seconds, Eisen agreed. "That would be a great help, little lady! But if you run too low on your mana, just stop."

"Oookaay~!" Smiling brightly, Bree held both her hands out forward and closed her eyes. Shortly afterward, he felt warm energy enter his back that was instantly sucked toward the spot where Eisen had concentrated his Mana toward.

He checked his status and noticed his MP instantly fill up again, constantly staying at 150.

With a grin on his face and not trying to conserve his Mana anymore, he continued forging his weapon. After about an hour, the basic shape of the Sword was achieved, and only two small lumps were left near the part dedicated to the hilt.

Slowly Eisen began to shape the two lumps into two hooks by the side of the blade with the help of a thin staff that he used to help in shaping them.

He then told Bree to stop giving him mana and she opened her eyes happily, skipping over to Eisen’s side to look at the forged product.

"I don’t know if using mana actually did anything, but thanks for your help anyway, Bree." Eisen said with a smile and placed his big hand onto the top of her head as he brought the one and a half meter long sword over to the tub of water to cool it down. Even though it was about the same length as the sword Eisen had to help Denmir with, Eisen’s blade was way thinner in comparison, and thus a lot lighter.

With Bree’s curious eyes constantly following him with his every step, Eisen began to carefully grind his soon-to-be weapon. First, he removed all uneven parts of the metal and then helped the sides all around get into a proper edge-shape. With a file, he then ground down the hooks all around to make sure they are as sharp as the rest of the edges.

After the groundwork was then finished, Eisen built a slightly larger version of the tempering-box he used the past few days as well and threw some of the coals from the foundry into it. Carefully he placed the blade into the box and covered it up, then moved on to the next item at hand.

While for his other items he used a simple wooden grip, this time he would use a combination of steel, for the protective part of the hilt and then wood for the grip. Once he got into Leatherworking he would probably also tightly wrap the grip in leather, but for now, a wooden grip would be enough.

Eisen grabbed another small steel ingot and threw it into the forge to heat it up, and after a few minutes took it out with his tongs. He asked Bree to give him a bit of mana again if possible, and she happily agreed.

He turned the ingot into a thin staff with its middle thicker than the rest and then began twisting it to twist it to create a swirl into the rod. After that, Eisen used another rod as help to twist both ends into circles. At last, the final step to completion of this part, he turned the rod into a half-circle shape, before punching a hole into its center to help put it onto the sword.

He quickly quenched it in cold water and placed it into the box together with the blade.

"And what are you going to do now, Eisen?" Bree asked curiously and followed Eisen into the workshop. He grabbed the same hard, resilient, but still pretty wood with its dark color and began to carve it into shape so that it would sit perfectly in his hand, and then drilled a hole into its front to help put it onto the blade.

Once he knew he was now finished and only had to put the final sword together, he sighed out loud and looked at Bree, smiling brightly. "Thanks for your help, Bree! If you want, you can always come along and help me out a little!"

"Of course! I’d love to help you out!" She replied happily and continued watching Eisen as he grabbed another flat cuboid of wood. He cut it in half horizontally and simply began carving out parts of one of the halves, using his Knife as a reference. After all, now he would be making the storage box for his Knife.

Since that was basically it and it was only supposed to be a rough box with not much to it, he carved a simple slide-in mechanism into the two halves, so that he could slit the lid on top of it and then it would be closed shut perfectly when he closed the wooden lock, which he added next.

[Small Storage Box]

[Quality - Perfect][Rank - 0]

[Description] A small box meant to hold a single Item.

[Storable] High-Quality Knife

Happy with this simple box, Eisen grabbed his Knife and placed it into the box, then slid the lid onto it and closed it using the lid.

Directly after that, Eisen and Bree walked out of the workshop and into the main part of the smithy.

"Denmir! So, how I told you, today’s my last day. So I wanted to pay you for the materials that I used." Eisen explained when he walked up to Denmir who was taking a short break after finishing a small dagger to put into his shop out front.

"Alright, just a second." Denmir nodded and walked to the storefront, then came back out a few seconds later with a small notebook in his hand. "Can I see the items ya made? Ye’ve got ’em with ya, right?" He asked and Eisen nodded his head. Out of his pocket, he took the Knife in its new box, the Hammer and the two storage boxes filled with his needles and small blades, and showed him the items that are still tempering in the brick-box.

After taking a few notes, Denmir sighed and looked back up at Eisen, to confirm the amount. "That’s all ye used? If so, that’ll be 47 Silver and 30 Copper."

Eisen nodded and took out the one gold coin he had, handing it over to Denmir. He returned to the storefront and then brought back exactly 52 Silver and 70 Copper for Eisen, that would now slowly make his coin-bag a little bit heavier.

"So, now that that’s dealt with. What’s that sword ye’re makin’? Never seen a sword with hooks like that." Denmir said with a curious glitter in his eyes when thinking back on the blade he saw lying in the brick-box.

Eisen laughed and began scratching his beard and closed his eyes. "Ah, that’s called a Zweihänder. And those hooks are made for parrying. Let’s say someone attacks me if I manage to block the attack I might be able to let the other person’s blade slide toward the hooks, giving me the advantage that I can easily control the movement of the other person’s sword." He explained, both Denmir and Bree listening with absolute attention.

"B-But how do ya know of this Weapon, old-timer? Did ya get back some of yer memories?" Denmir blurted out and looked at Eisen curiously.

Eisen laughed a bit because he had been completely expecting this question from the start. "Maybe so, yeah. Although I don’t have any direct memories related to ever learning about it, I do still have this knowledge that keeps popping into my head."

When he heard the explanation, Denmir crossed his arms and nodded, "I see, I guess that makes sense. Maybe ya didn’t get back yer memories, but some of yer knowledge anyway."

"Seems so, yes. And I’m glad about that, truthfully. Without my knowledge, I would be completely lost, haha." Eisen began to laugh as he turned away and walked back to the Brick-box.

Carefully, he took out the blade and the metal part of the hilt and placed them to the side to air cool, which happened in a mere ten seconds because of the system.

Eisen first grabbed the metal part of the hilt and heated the opening in the forge. Once it began turning slightly red, he slowly pushed it around the front of the wooden grip to burn into it, making sure it won’t just slip off at some point. Then, he grabbed the sword at its blade and began heating the rod which would be inserted into the wood of the grip, and then slowly pushed the lightly glowing piece of steel into the opening he drilled beforehand.

And then, after making sure everything was not perfectly joined together and wouldn’t budge even if Eisen tried pulling them apart, he walked over to the grinding wheels again to finish the sword off. Beginning with the roughest wheel, he ground the edge to be sharper and sharper, then moving on to the next finest wheel to continue.

After an hour, Eisen finished the sword completely, excited to see the results.

[For creating a Magic-Imbued Weapon with Overwhelming Quality, you gain +1 STR and +1 WIS]

[Weak-Mana Imbued Zweihänder]

[Quality - Perfect][Rank - 2]

[Description] An extremely high-Quality Sword created by the Blacksmith Eisen. Since he imbued Magic into it during the forging, it’s quality rose significantly, but due to the Rank-Limit, even an Overwhelming Quality Item has only a low amount of Mana stayed in the final product.

[Effect] +5 STR, +5 END, +5 AGI

And as such, Eisen’s first proper Weapon was completed, and he could barely wait to use it for the first time. But before then, he would finally learn the next Crafting Skill, Tailoring.

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