
Chapter 381 Just Be

Chapter 381 Just Be

~ ZEV ~

It was the most incredible day for Zev. A picture, he thought, of what it would be like if they\'d had anything close to a normal life. And for a few hours he let go of the responsibilities, of the challenges and conflicts—the outright war they were fighting—and just let himself be with his mate and enjoy her.

He\'d woken late, a rare luxury in itself, to find Sasha already wide awake, her eyes sparkling and fixed on his.

"Hey," he\'d murmured, his voice hoarse and rough from sleep.

Her skin was pink, and her eyes puffy, but she was smiling, and he loved to see her like that.

"Good morning," she whispered, then beamed at him. "Guess what? We don\'t have to get up."

Zev blinked. He hadn\'t thought about it, but she was right. Some mornings back at the City they\'d alone long enough to take each other quickly. It was always beautiful and left him yearning for more. But it was hurried, a stolen moment before they both were pulled back into the lives of the Chimera and back to their respective duties.

Most mornings one of them woke earlier, or someone came to wake them with a need. Some night\'s they\'d never deeply slept.

He\'d slept last night.

The silence here… the high, natural ceiling. The smell of ice and stone and Sasha… it was as if this was an oasis for his mind. None of the triggers, and none of the weights.

He\'d slept like he was curled in a puppy pile. The sun was already high outside the cave—the walls glowing a deep, ocean blue. And he didn\'t care.

He didn\'t care.

"You\'re right," he rasped, reaching for her under the furs, curling his arm around her lower back, and pulling her across the furs and into his chest. "Good morning, Sash."

"Beautiful morning, Zev," she smiled and leaned in to kiss him slowly.

He was already hard for her—a miracle, given all the ways they\'d loved each other the day before—but he didn\'t move to progress things between them, not yet. For a moment it was enough just to hold her and have her there. Knowing they had nothing required of them until that night… it felt like a present. Like each of these seconds, every breath was precious.

So he leaned up on one elbow, rolling her onto her back, and made the kiss slow and deep.

Sasha hummed in her throat and curled her arms around his neck, her fingers trailing on his back—a delicious sensation that never ceased to amaze him.

She stroked him every day. Every time they made love. Her hands followed the lines of his shoulders, his spine, his muscles… And every time it was like cold comets on his skin, raising goosebumps, fueling the fire in his belly.

He tilted his head to deepen the kiss further, teasing her with his tongue, and her fingers tightened on the muscles of his back. Then he dropped his chin to kiss her throat and she whispered his name with so much joy…

He was already done. Shifting over her to lay between her thighs, fingers in her hair and holding her there, his kiss growing desperate, his body rippling to find her… he found he couldn\'t take the time after all.

She brought her knees up and he found her, right there, and already ready for him.

She breathed his name as he arched his back and entered her.

She smiled.

His mate smiled.

She smiled because he was inside her and it made his heart sing.

His body, weary and still waking up, came alive with hers—skin tingling, belly afire, everything in him seeking more—and it was most the incredible sunrise in his heart.

"I love you, Sash," he whispered, nipping at her neck. "I love you."

Then she pulled him closer.



She hadn\'t meant to wake him, but she suspected that her scrutiny had his senses tingling. He\'d looked so adorable when he blinked awake. If it hadn\'t been for the stubble on his cheeks, they might have still been in high school.

Then he\'d rolled her onto her back and kissed her and she couldn\'t believe how she wanted him again, just like that. As she let her hands play up and down the muscles of his back, even though they\'d made love so many times the day before, she was already there, aching and hollow, yearning for him.

So when he slid between her thighs, she\'d arched to meet him and even though it was slow and easy compared to yesterday\'s frantic need, there was something even more special about that—about the way they fit. How easy it was to find each other. How wonderful it felt—and how right.

His invasion was never an assault.

He took and gave in the same breath.

At first, he arched back, looking down at her, his mouth open and puffy eyes bright pinpoints in the half-dark of the unlit cave.

She wanted to weep for the sheer beauty of him, and the love echoing in his eyes. But she was so happy—wanted him to see the love in hers—she didn\'t let herself fall into the emotion. She smiled, smiled for the joy of being with him, for the pleasure of the way he played her body like a musical instrument. Smiled for the music in her heart that they made together.

"I love you, Sash," he whispered, nipping at her neck so goosebumps washed down her back. "I love you."

By the time both of their breaths were panting, by the time his eyes were beginning to hood, she was already gone—drowning in him. She let her eyes close as she gripped his neck with one hand, and his bicep with the other, bracing against him to meet every thrust.

And so they rose the heights together, more slowly perhaps, than the day before, but with a quiet joy that wanted to scent the air.

And when they finally tumbled over that cliff together, it was his name on her lips, his scent on her skin, and the joy of him in her heart.

I love you, Zev, she sent in her mind when they lay slumped together. I love you more than I even know how to express.

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