
Chapter 118 The Final Stage

Exhausted but triumphant, we stood amidst the remnants of the defeated fire elemental. Its form dissipated into smoky tendrils, fading away like a wisp of a dream.

The chamber, once filled with the chaotic dance of fire and ice, now returned to a serene stillness. The air grew cool, and a sense of tranquility settled upon us, like the calm after a storm.


We took a moment to catch our breath, the weight of our victory mingling with the exhilaration that coursed through our veins. 

The chamber itself seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, as if it, too, had been holding its breath throughout the battle. The obsidian walls stood tall and proud, their ancient carvings bearing witness to the clash of elemental forces.

Tap... Tap...

Gently, we approached the remnants of the fire elemental, its ethereal essence fading into wisps of smoke. As we reached out to touch the dissipating remnants, a faint warmth lingered on our fingertips, a reminder of the power we had just confronted.

"What monster was that?"

Rose was the first one to speak, however, I merely shrugged my shoulders, which made her glance at me suspiciously.

Well, even if she did, I\'d much rather feign ignorance rather than explain that these are human souls trapped within the boundaries of elemental forms. 

There was also no need to mention that these creatures were created by elves, since Rose was yet young and innocent, and it was best to shield her from such dark knowledge.

"We should continue."

After Rose was done, examining the elemental, I spoke up, looking around with a cautious gaze. There surely were more of such creatures, at least when I was in the game you had to fight at least 3 of them to reach the final chamber.


The Elven Princess nodded in agreement as we turned our backs to the Elemental\'s remains, continuing to move through the obsidian tunnel.

The dark passage stretched before us, its smooth surface reflecting the soft glow of distant crystals. We walked in silence, our footsteps echoing against the walls, as a sense of anticipation hung in the air.

The path seemed to twist and turn, leading us deeper into the depths of the volcano. Shadows danced along the walls, their elongated forms hinting at hidden alcoves and secret passages.

As we ventured forth, the temperature gradually rose, a subtle reminder of the volcano\'s fiery heart that lay beneath our feet. Sweat glistened on our brows, and our breaths grew heavier, but we pressed on, driven by an unyielding determination.

Occasional gusts of warm air brushed against our faces, carrying with them faint whispers and murmurs. It was as if the volcano itself whispered its secrets, the tales of forgotten civilizations and ancient mysteries.

We continued to navigate through the labyrinthine tunnel, our senses attuned to the slightest sound or movement. The obsidian walls seemed to close in around us at times, casting an eerie sense of confinement. But we persevered, knowing that the answers we sought lay somewhere ahead.

As we walked, the tunnel widened, revealing a grand chamber bathed in a soft, golden light. Our breath caught in our throats as we beheld the sight before us.


The chamber was a breathtaking masterpiece, an underground oasis of wonder. Massive stalagmites rose from the ground, their pointed tips reaching toward the ceiling like nature\'s spires. Crystals of various hues adorned the walls, their shimmering beauty casting a mesmerizing glow.

In the center of the chamber, a radiant pool of liquid light shimmered, its surface rippling with ethereal colors. It was a mesmerizing sight, like staring into a portal to another realm.

We approached the pool cautiously, drawn by its captivating allure. As we gazed into its depths, visions danced before our eyes - images of distant lands, ancient civilizations, and untold treasures.

But amidst the allure, a sense of caution lingered. We had learned from our previous encounters that beauty could hide danger, and that behind every marvel lay a trial waiting to be faced.

With shared determination, we exchanged a glance, silently agreeing to proceed with caution. The pool beckoned, promising answers and revelations, but we knew that we had to remain vigilant.


Taking a deep breath, we stepped closer to the pool, its surface glimmering with otherworldly light. As our hands hovered above the liquid, a tingling sensation coursed through our fingertips, an unspoken invitation to dive into the unknown.

And so, with intertwined hands and hearts brimming with courage, we made a silent pact. We would plunge into the depths of the pool, embracing the trials that awaited us, and unearthing the secrets that lay hidden within the heart of the volcano.

With one final breath, we closed our eyes, feeling the anticipation build within us. Then, hand in hand, we leaped forward.


As we plunged into the depths of the pool, a rush of energy enveloped us, whisking us away from the familiar realm we knew. We felt weightless, suspended in a void of swirling colors and ethereal whispers.

Time seemed to lose its hold as we traversed through the mysterious portal. Strange landscapes and fantastical creatures flickered past us, like fleeting glimpses into otherworldly realms. The sensation was both exhilarating and disorienting as if we were caught in a dream that blended reality and fantasy.

After what felt like an eternity, the kaleidoscope of colors gradually faded, and we found ourselves standing on solid ground once again. But this was no ordinary ground - it was a massive cavern, bathed in the fiery glow of lava waterfalls cascading from towering cliffs.

The air was thick with heat and the scent of sulfur, as if we had stepped into the heart of a volcano itself. The ground beneath our feet rumbled with the raw power of the earth\'s molten core, reminding us of the perilous nature of our surroundings.

Lakes of bubbling lava dotted the cavern, their fiery depths casting an eerie light that danced across the obsidian walls. The heat was intense, yet strangely captivating, drawing our eyes to the mesmerizing flow of liquid fire.

But amidst the inferno, our gaze was inevitably drawn to something else - a throne, positioned on a raised platform, bathed in an aura of both majesty and enigma. A creature sat upon the throne, its form both regal and otherworldly.

The being had an air of ancient wisdom about it, its eyes shimmering with knowledge accumulated over countless ages. Its skin, reminiscent of cooled lava, glowed with an inner light, and its features were a blend of beauty and power. With a crown adorning its head and a staff resting by its side, it excluded an aura of authority.

The creature leaned its head onto its hand, its posture relaxed and leisurely. It seemed unperturbed by our presence as if it had been expecting us all along.

Silence enveloped the cavern, broken only by the distant rumblings of the volcano and the soft hiss of lava meeting water. 


I softly whispered to the Princess, who was staring at the majestic creature with wide-eyed wonder.

"Prepare your weapon."

Upon uttering the barely audible words, I could see the slight surprise in Rose\'s eyes since she could also feel the strength of the being. It was levels above us.

However, during the past trials, I seemed to have gained some of her trust, because slowly an Ice blade started to materialize in her hands.

I also pulled out my authority, sending Mana into its blade and feeling the shadows swirling around it.


A cloud of dark smoke left the Volcanic Giant\'s mouth as it sensed Mana emanating from us. 

Its eyes narrowed, studying us with curiosity and intrigue.


Suddenly, the monster tapped its finger on the throne\'s armrest, a faint smile dancing across its lips.

"Rose, jump back!"

I instantly called out, jumping backward to create distance between us and the creature.


The very next second, the ground where we stood just a second before erupted in a violent explosion.

Flames consumed the air around us, creating a searing heat that threatened to engulf everything in its path.

They looked like volcanic snakes, coiling and writhing through the air, their fiery tongues flickering with malevolent intent.

"Cryokinesis: Ice Wall!"

Rose quickly deployed a wall that momentarily blocked the fire from coming after us, using her hands to tie her jet-black hair into a tight ponytail, ensuring that it wouldn\'t interfere with her movements.

For a second, I even lost my focus.


Another explosion rocked the cavern, shaking the very foundation of our surroundings.

"Aiden, how to defeat that being!"

I could hear Rose\'s voice cutting through the chaos, her eyes locked with mine in search of guidance and a plan.

However, I just gave her a small smile, before pointing to the ceiling. 

"I need to get up there..."

I could see Rose\'s emerald eyes following my gaze, her brows furrowed in confusion and concern before she noticed massive stalactites hanging from the ceiling.

At that moment realization dawned on her face.

"I\'ll buy you some time..."

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