
Chapter 136 Desert Beast


I pushed myself up from the red sand, my head throbbing with a dull ache. Everything was spinning as I struggled to regain my bearings.

Thud... Thud...

I could hear the rhythmic thuds getting louder and closer as I tried to steady my wobbly legs.

The Sand Dweller was closing in fast, its heavy footsteps sending tremors rippling through the desert floor.

I had only a few seconds to react before the creature would reach me.


Summoning my Authority, I quickly channeled my Mana into it, coating the blade with Shadows.


The massive Turtle lunged at me, opening its massive jaws wide to swallow me whole, while I swung my sword with all my might.


The Sharp Teeth clashed against my Shadow-infused blade, sparks flying in every direction as an explosion of Mana erupted from the impact.


I was thrown a good few feet back, landing roughly on the sand and groaning as the bandage on my arm unraveled.

Although the bleeding had already stopped, I didn\'t want to take any chances.


While I was busy with my own problems, I could hear the Sand Dweller roaring in frustration and pain.

Although I was the one who was thrown backward after our clash, it didn\'t mean that the Sand Dweller had emerged unscathed.

Its two massive front teeth were shattered into jagged pieces that jutted out at odd angles, causing the creature to reel back in agony.

The jaw of the Sand Dweller hung open, droplets of blood dripping onto the sand.

It was clear that I\'d angered the beast.


It let out a low growling sound as it slowly used its limbs to dig itself into the sand, disappearing from sight within moments.

A creature the size of a car had vanished just in front of my eyes, leaving behind only a faint trail of disturbed sand.

However, I was more than aware that it didn\'t retreat.


·ƈθm I quickly channeled Mana into my eyes, manually activating \'Mana Perception\' and scanning the ground for any signs of the Sand Dweller\'s presence.


Threads of Mana appeared before me, highlighting every Mana particle in the vicinity.

My gaze instantly locked onto the high concentration of Mana emanating from beneath the sand dune in front of me.


Boom... Thud...

Suddenly, the dune began to tremble and swell, as if something massive was stirring beneath the surface.


Red Sand swirled up in the air as the Sand Dweller emerged from the depths, lunging at me in a renewed and furious attack.

This time, however, it didn\'t use its massive jaws but swung its tail that was abnormally long for a turtle with incredible force and speed.


The swift movement of the Sand Dweller\'s tail caught me off guard, barely giving me enough time to react and dodge out of the way.

I had to bend my body at an awkward angle to avoid the full impact of the tail swipe, feeling a rush of wind as it narrowly missed me.


However, because of my strange dodging position, I could feel some strain on my back.

I swear I could feel a vertebrae crack under the pressure, causing a sharp pain to shoot through my body.

Furthermore, I could feel the sand shifting beneath me, making it difficult to maintain my balance.

However, I managed to quickly pull out a Health Potion from my spatial ring and gulp it down, hoping that its healing properties would alleviate the \'pain\' and stabilize my condition.


Before the Sand Dweller could make another attack, I mustered my strength and used my legs to kick myself into the air, propelling myself above the creature\'s reach and out of harm\'s way.

For a moment, I hovered in the air, gazing down at the angry Sand Dweller that was now thrashing and roaring in frustration below me.

Instinctively, I reached for the Timekeeper\'s Watch that was hidden in my pocket and sent Mana into it.


Just like that, in an instant, more than half of my Mana was spent merely to activate the Timekeeper\'s Watch, but it was worth it.

The World around me started to slow down until the movements of the Turtle were twice as slow as before.

I had around 7 seconds before the effect wore off, and I knew I had to make every second count.


I soared through the air, swiftly descending towards the Sand Dweller with a calculated strike.

[ Shadow Strike ]

Shadows surged through my blade, creating something similar to a vortex of darkness around its edge.


The blade sliced through the air, silencing the sound of the wind as it made contact with the Sand Dweller\'s rough, armored shell.

Although the Turtle\'s shell was very tough, my Weapon Style\'s first Movement, \'Shadow Strike\' could bypass armor, hence leaving a deep gash on the creature\'s back, causing it to roar in agony.


Black blood spewed from the wound, staining the sand beneath the Sand Dweller\'s massive form.

1 Second...

The monster suddenly jerked its head back, trying to pierce my leg with its sharp, dagger-like teeth.

However, I quickly jumped, swinging my leg out of its reach, narrowly avoiding the deadly bite.

While in the middle of the air, I spun and delivered a kick using the other leg force I could muster.


My feet connected with the Sand Dweller\'s head, sending a resounding thud through the air and staggering the creature momentarily.

2 Seconds...

As I landed back on the ground, my mind raced, strategizing my next move. The Sand Dweller was momentarily disoriented, giving me a small window of opportunity to press the attack.

I lunged forward, my blade slashing through the air as I aimed for the weakened spot on the creature\'s back. The Shadows infused within my weapon seemed to hunger for the Sand Dweller\'s flesh, and the blade sank deep into its wound.


Black blood sprayed forth once again, splattering across the sand, and the creature let out a pained roar. Its massive limbs thrashed in anger, but I evaded its wild strikes, dancing around its colossal form.

3 Seconds...

I dodged a powerful swipe of the Sand Dweller\'s tail, feeling the rush of air as it missed me by inches. The force behind its attacks was incredible, but I couldn\'t afford to falter. I had to stay focused and exploit every opportunity.

I rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding a snap of its massive jaws, the sharp teeth clashing dangerously close to my leg. The creature\'s fury was relentless, but so was my determination to kill it.

4 Seconds...

The Sand Dweller lunged forward, its enormous maw snapping shut just inches away from my face. I could feel the heat of its breath and the stench of its putrid saliva as I swiftly twisted my body, narrowly avoiding its deadly bite. The adrenaline surged through my veins, heightening my senses as I maintained my focus.

I retaliated with a series of rapid strikes, each one aimed at weak spots on the creature\'s body. My blade danced through the air, slicing through scales and flesh with precision and finesse. Every clash reverberated through my arms, but I ignored the growing fatigue, fueled by the determination to overcome this formidable fucker.

5 Seconds...

The Sand Dweller thrashed and twisted, its massive tail swinging dangerously close to my legs. I leaped high into the air, performing a somersault to avoid the tail\'s devastating impact. As I descended, I channeled Mana into my feet, enhancing my agility and speed. I landed gracefully, ready to continue the battle with unwavering resolve.

The creature\'s eyes glinted with a mix of fury and pain as it tried to readjust its attack strategy. It lunged forward, attempting to trap me with its powerful jaws once again. But I anticipated its move, sidestepping at the last moment, causing it to clamp its teeth shut on thin air.


I thrusted my blade deep into its eye socket, relishing in the satisfying squelch of flesh and the creature\'s agonized howl.

6 Seconds...

As the Sand Dweller recoiled from the excruciating pain of my blade in its eye, I used the opportunity to quickly climb onto its massive back.

Its massive form writhed in agony, blood pouring from its wounded eye socket and staining its rough, sandy skin.

7 Seconds...

With the time running out, I pressed on, my Authority clasped tightly in my hand. I could feel the Sand Dweller\'s immense power beneath me, its massive body shaking with every convulsion of pain.

Using every ounce of strength, I steadied myself on the creature\'s back, my grip tightening around my shadow-infused blade.

[ Shadow Strike ]

Time seemed to slow as I brought my sword down with all my might, aiming for the vulnerable spot near the Sand Dweller\'s neck. Shadows swirled around my weapon, intensifying its lethal potential.

The clash was thunderous as the blade met scale. The Sand Dweller\'s defenses weakened, but it fought back with a surge of strength, desperate to fend off the impending blow.

However, it was too late.


The blade sliced through the Sand Dweller\'s neck, severing its head from its body in a decisive and final strike.

The victory was mine, as the lifeless body of the Sand Dweller crumpled to the ground.

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